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It has been revealed that TitanFall will be an Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC exclusive. I was really excited about this news considering I won't be getting a Xbox One at release. I'm hoping this game is as good as it looked at E3, because I'm more excited about this game than any other game right now.


So what are your thoughts on this game and will you be getting it?



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Of all the games shown at the MS press conference, this is the one I am looking forward to the most.  And the fact that it is going to be available on the 360 and PC as well is just fantastic, as I don't think I'll be getting a One.

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I think....


the gameplay itself looks OK. I'm more fascinated with the jetpacking than the Titans or the shooting themselves, since I already play things like Halo, BF3 and Cod.



What this makes me think of, is that we actually DO need a mecha-based game, and not just these types of techy mecha, similar to a Mantis, but a mecha you may find from anime, with arms, legs, and customization.


In any case, I'll happily buy it when the Xbox One reaches asia, as it'll hopefully have had glitches fixed as well.

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