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Submitting a Map: Important Guidelines

Guest Psychoduck

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Guest Psychoduck

Hey guys, I am Psychoduck, the competitive feature host at THFE.  I will be the one looking at maps submitted in this section.  I will give detailed, constructive feedback to as many submissions as possible.  By submitting a map in this section, you are effectively submitting it to ME.  That's not to say that you have to take my feedback into account, it is simply feedback.  However, please keep in mind that any feedback I give is designed to help you.  Please understand that I give up a great deal of my time to provide this service to you, and do not disrespect me by actively disregarding my feedback.  If you disagree with the feedback, ignore it.  Don't go out of your way to complain about it, as it is designed to help you.  Giving feedback to you is no guarantee that I will be featuring the map if the changes suggested are made.  I have high expectations for featured maps, don't take it personally if your map does not meet expectations.


What is a "competitive" map?

The "competitive" label is, in some ways, a misnomer. It does not mean that maps must be hyper-competitive MLG style maps, for instance.  The "competitive" label is essentially given to standard style Halo maps.  If you play standard Slayer and objective variants on a map, it fits into this category.  Dominion maps also fall into this category.  However, given that we have separate Dominion features, it is asked that you submit your Dominion maps in the Dominion submissions forum.  


Aside from being played with standard Slayer and objective variants, a map must meet several other criteria to earn a competitive map feature.  Maps must be balanced, with no unfair advantages given to specific players or teams.  A map must be playable, with no major framerate drops or broken dynamic lighting.  A map must allow players to cooperate as teams to win the game.  Maps should encourage player movement and have principles of risk vs reward built in.  For examples of the quality I expect from competitive maps, the threads of featured maps are pinned in this forum.  


What must I have in my submission thread?

You must have a direct link to your map on your HaloWaypoint file share.  Submission threads also must have a minimum of three screenshots provided.  You must also list details like player count and supported game types in your thread.  At least some amount of description must be given as well.  The more detail you give me, both in text and in screenshots and video, the more likely I will be to take the time to look at your map.  I receive a lot of submissions, so try to make your maps and threads stand out.  


Will anyone else be looking at my submission?

In an effort to provide feedback for as many maps as possible, I have assembled a team of experienced forgers to help me sift through submissions.  The word of these forgers carries as much weight as my own, although I will be the one making the final call on what maps are featured.  The forgers in this group are listed below.

  • Dax (itsdaxx)
  • Flying Shoe ILR 
  • MockKnizzle008
  • Squally daBeanz
  • Warh0lic


  • To submit a map, start a thread in this forum
  • The thread title should be the name of your map, and the name of your map only
  • You must provide a direct link to your map on your HaloWaypoint file share
  • You must provide a minimum of three screenshots, the more the better.  Videos are also encouraged, but not in place of the minimum number of screenshots
  • You must provide at least a brief text description.  The longer, the better
  • You must list the player count and game types your map supports
  • Please be respectful of any and all feedback given

Thanks for submitting your maps!  I look forward to continuing to provide feedback and to feature the best maps.



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