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Halo: Radioactive (RP Thread)


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Look at the yellow here-

"F*CK, I can't even see him on my radar. I'll go searching through the wreckage a bit more, hopefully I'll find him." Joseph said continuing onward. There wasn't much to be found in the wreckage. 'Screech', that was the sound of metal scraping on metal. Running over to see what it was, Joseph relaxed a little to see four marines lifting up a large piece of metal off of one of there comrades, going over to help them they look at him in surprisement and new found vigor. After getting the last marine out, who's name was Elise, Joseph asked "What happened here, this does not look like the work of a Covenant Cruiser, more like bugs dug into the hull." Sargent Graze answered "That's exactly what happened, Drones boarded the ship along with there Queen who came along when they had the vehicle, Dorms, and most of the engine room under they're control." then Private Ringo continue " And that's when the captain ordered the ship to be crashed and burned in hopes of killing the Queen. Sadly that didn't work. The Queen is still alive and most likely in the engine room. Its the warmest place on the ship and also its the only place on the ship that has power." Confused Joseph asked "OK, how exactly do you know all of this." Then Corporal Main answered "That would be because of the scout who had went in there and relayed us all of this information. He's dead now, told him not to do it.""MMhmm, well this is a **** fest isn't it. Ok, Who is the captain of this group." Now it was Elise's turn to talk "That would be me sir. What do you need?" In response Joseph answer's "Go around looking for survivor's, DO NOT go inside what so ever. When you have combed through the area let me know, I'll be on this com channel, Good luck and tey not to die."


Going inside of the ship Joseph finds dead bodies all over the place. Going over them he makes sure they are still alive. Some were but could have been in better shape. Waking those who are still alive he sends them out toward the team he had meat earlier. Heading towards the Command room in order to see if there really was power only in the Engine room.


When he had made it to the Command room he was stopped by a small group of Drones Three as far as he could tell. 'It looks as if they are trying to get in.' he thought to himself. Taking pot shots at there heads with his temporary DMR they instantly exploded. After that ordeal Joseph trys to gain entrance. But even he can't and he has been on a few Frigate's himself. Some need name's in order to get in but that's only major ships like the Pillar of Autumn, but only when they have crashed and a rescue party is known to be coming. As a safety precaution that's what he does stating his rank name and the branch of the UNSC. Nothing. "Well it seems like a good time to use that plasma cell." Joseph mumbled and set it to a ten second timer, enough time to get out of blast radius. BOOM, the door is gone.


Entering the room half is totaled the other perfectly just fine and so was the AI stand. Jogging over to the comm station that was in the front middle were only half worked the other didn't. The long ranged comm were trashed and the short ranged comms would only work if there were other UNSC ships in the vacinity of the planet and he also doubted that there were any, and to also include on that he didn't even know the name of the ship. But what did work was also the ships inner comms so that means he could contact every room on the hunk metal. But if he does this that means every Drone on the ship will come buzzing down every corridor to get to him. Well at least its a distraction from the other's, hopefully if Taylor is the smarter marine he would do what he is about to do. Run to a room and wait till they have left. "Here we go." Joseph said and presses the button to transmit to the other rooms. "This is ODST Corporal Joseph Connor. If you are alive and well hide in a closet and wait for a storm to pass."


Bolting for his life to one of the nearest room available to him with a closet. Making it to the room just in time he hide in a closet and waited for the worst to pass and just as he closed the closet door he could hear the buzzing of a few hundred two to three hundred maybe but not for long. He rigged the comand room to blow rerouting all power in the room to make it a giant bomb the biggest he has ever made. "Here we go" first came the explosion then came the shock wave of the explosion which made the closet fly and rock back and forth. When it was all done he tried getting out but he couldn't the door was blocked. So he did what most would do curse and blow a fuse. Then calm down and take inventory. Knife, DMR, a dismantled SMG for later use, a magnum, one incendiary grenade(I love these), and a Flash bang. He'll use his flash bang to carve an entrance in the back.


Hour later he is out and perfectly fine but the deck not so much. "Lets head for the hangar Taylor and Jacob might be there." then he continues onward through the ship with a merry trot.


(Still tried to do my best on makeing this past tense it took me twelve hours to post this with the corrections and what not. *sigh* Im getting to old for this. lol :awesome: )


Now look at the yellow here-

(By the way, I forgot to mention. NPCs ARE allowed, this was directed toward SEED, and BaconShelf, whenever you are ready, you can post as Tex's character, carry on.)


Taylor explored the inner workings of the ship, officer's quarters, armories, anything to get some decent supplies, first, he needed to find a Falcon, or a Pelican, whichever was found first. He had stumbled upon it, the hanger, it didn't look well, most vehicles were impaled into each other, but something was strange, no bodies, not a single body in the hanger. Like they all... Vanished. The ships emergency power channels were on, but calling for help was a no-go. The signal is short ranged, meaning only ships near Reach would receive the signal. Then, after searching through most of the hanger, Taylor found one, a pelican, still in working condition, but their was a problem, it was hung up by webbing, a strange type of webbing. None he had ever seen, he knew he would have to get it down without damaging it, and for that, he needed Jacob's Flamethrower, he put his hand to his comm, and yelled out,


"Jacob! Jacob, I need you here ASAP!"


As he continued this he heard a squeal, much like an insect's, but louder, as he turned around, his shotgun pointed at the area where the Pelican sat, blood started to drop, first, it was a single drop. Then two, then four, until it started pouring like rain from the ceiling, Taylor looked up, it was too dark for him to see though, something came into vision, it looked like a human head, as it suddenly dropped to the floor, it was a dismembered Marine head, with holes riddled along it, Taylor once again heard the squeal, he turned on his VISR mode, and the ceiling lit up with multiple drone Larvae, outlined in red, they were blind, and looked like maggots, all they could do though, was feast, the Drone adults bring the bodies, dead or alive, the Larvae eat it, grow into adult drones, who serve the queen and repeat the cycle, Taylor knew one more thing though, that Larvae only exist around the Yanm'e queen, Taylor took a potshot at one Larvae, but it did almost nothing, what looks like a soft shell is actually a hard exoskeleton, blood poured from everywhere on the ceiling, as Taylor heard a buzzing sound, he quickly turned, and a squad of Drones was fast apporaching, Taylor fired his Shotgun at one Minor, knocking it back into another minor, but the Major was tougher, the Shotgun seemed to just reflect off of his hard skin as he grappled on to Taylor, they were locked in a wrestling hold, as Taylor pulled out his Magnum, shooting the Drone at least six times in the left eye, he writhed backward in pain.


The Major seemed to be pulled back, like a retreat order, except, he just immediately thrust-ed backward with his group, maybe from the queen. Taylor looked behind him, and saw a shadow, it creep-ed out from the back of a damaged Falcon, it was a girl, a Marine for sure, she was incredibly injured, Taylor rushed over to her, and crouched down, asking, "What happened here?" She spoke, looking into Taylor's eyes,


"We, (cough), we were fighting a Cruiser in orbit, it started boarding us, it was too strong, they got in, and once they cleared most of the ship, they send aboard the Drone queen, to breed an extermination force, what they didn't count on was the Captain sending the ship crashing to Reach, the queen survived though... I am sorry, (breaking down), I am sorry..."


As the girl's head shifted down and her eyes closed, Taylor noticed a Dog-Tag in her hand, he slowly opened her hand, and picked it up, he stared at it, blankly. Just, waiting, for what? Even he didn't know that.





A.The marine in my post said, and I outlined it for you, "They cleared most of the ship." You listed about a dozen marines. Their may have only been a few survivors left, and they certainly wouldn't be out in the open, with Drone adults scouring the ship for survivors.


B. You instantly took down multiple drones, and I outlined it in red, one ODST would not be able to take down high ranking drones in a split second. This post needs to be fixed.

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(Attention IMPORTANT POST, D-38 Boss is letting me play the role of his character for a SINGLE Post. With his approval, I will be his character for this single post, just a Note to everyone)


D-38 Boss's Character-


Ty'd really had enough of Quezon, rain battered down on him like hail, and he didn't have much cover to stop it either, and a ship had just crashed in the outskirts, Ty had figured,


"Maybe someone survived that crash. I am running out of time."


As Ty sprinted across the place, holding his breath because of radiation, as he ran, it became hard to hold it in. As Tylar ran, he saw what looked like the figure of a house, or a cabin.


He rushed towards it, hoping that person had a Gas Mask, when he walked in, the place looked looted, and the looting looked recent. But, Tyler had found what he was looking for, a gas mask, and a couple of old filters, they would do until he got to the ship. As he walked, his handgun loaded, he noticed something on the floor.


He crouched down and felt the floor beneath him, and he immediately realized, the carvings in the dirt were tire tracks, from a military grade jeep, and they go on, Tyler followed them to a ridge, where he saw it, the Hog, crashed on the other side, it was too far for him to reach, but his target, the ship, was close.


Tyler bum rushed towards the burning debris, the scent of dead bodies filled the air, but even through the filter, Ty could see the fumes, it disgusted him, as he continued forward, he reached a small hole leading into the Hanger deck, Ty followed the endless destruction of Pelicans, Falcons, and Hornets, to a specific one, the one hanging on the wall, it was intact, but their was also dead drone bodies littering the floor, who, or what, did this?


Tyler could hear something, he turned, his gun aimed at a damaged Pelican, as he moved closer, he found an ODST, and a dead female body, Tyler was ecstatic at the sight of a human.

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After a few hours of walking, Ike had come upon what looked like the ruins of a free fighter zone. Ike had took out binoculars and looked through them to get a better view of the area, And as he was looking he had noticed some figures in the distance. Ike got filled with lots of joy, and then he started sprinting to the figures. HEY!! Ike ran faster than he can usually run, Being hyper with joy knowing he wasnt left behind. When Ike finally found them he instantly saw the dead female, Along with two other men. He instantly asked "What happened here?" Ike hoped no one saw him jumping from excitement.

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(Just as a correction, Ty doesn't have his shotgun. only an M6C Magnum)


"Jesus..." Ty said, seeing the blood puddling around the body. "What happened here?"


He kept a tight grip on his handgun.


"Everyone alright?"

(Whoops, sorry, I will fix every error later, sorry again)

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Look at the yellow here-


Now look at the yellow here-





A.The marine in my post said, and I outlined it for you, "They cleared most of the ship." You listed about a dozen marines. Their may have only been a few survivors left, and they certainly wouldn't be out in the open, with Drone adults scouring the ship for survivors.


B. You instantly took down multiple drones, and I outlined it in red, one ODST would not be able to take down high ranking drones in a split second. This post needs to be fixed.

Well they all did not explode just the one he shot in the head. And The marines I gave names to were the ones he met outside of the ship. I do agree with you still I'll make it to were he only finds those four marines and and he spends the next half hour trying to kill those Drones.


I fixed all of the ones that needed to be fixed

You may have noticed I am a very childish person no matter what. So I am saying this if I upset you sorry its not intentional.

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Well they all did not explode just the one he shot in the head. And The marines I gave names to were the ones he met outside of the ship. I do agree with you still I'll make it to were he only finds those four marines and and he spends the next half hour trying to kill those Drones.


I fixed all of the ones that needed to be fixed

You may have noticed I am a very childish person no matter what. So I am saying this if I upset you sorry its not intentional.

(When I said NPCs, I didn't say use them now, when the ship is up in flames, and 95% of the marines are dead. 1 Marine, :/ Not four, because most are dead)


Taylor heard the voice on the loudspeaker, and became irritated, the Rook just alerted the entire ship, when Jacob could have gotten the Pelican out without alerting the horde of drones, Taylor turned to the new ODST joining the crew, "Hey, you look like a James. Well, James, we are heading to the armory, it is only a floor up, Jacob should get here soon," then turning to the Civilian, saying,


"Hey, civvie. You know seem to know how to use your pistol, but that ain't gonna do much good against Drone Majors, here!"


Tossing the Civilian an MA5C Assault Rifle, Taylor rushes forward, holding his Shotgun forward, and sprinting. A Drone Minor popped out of a ventilation shaft, Taylor quickly pulled out his Magnum and fired twice in his head, knocking him backward, as more Drones popped up from above, Taylor quickly turned left, towards an Elevator, more Drones broke free, as one Drone lunged at Jacob, a Leader class, his gold armor shone in the light as he grabbed Taylor's shoulders, attempting to fly, but Taylor, kept him and the drone on the ground, and Taylor pulled out his Combat Knife, plunging it into the Drone's abdomen, as the Drone knocked back unto the floor, squealing in pain, as Taylor shot it in the chest, sending it once again knocked back, as it flew up a vent again, the knife still impaled in his chest. As Taylor continued sprinting, he rushed into the room, sliding left and hitting the console, slowly closing the doors, calling over to the Civilian and ODST as the door closed, and started up, and stopped, all of a sudden, a chalky, jagged, slashing sound could be heard, as the top of the elevator started to spark, someone was cutting their way in, Taylor primed his Shotgun, as the the slow, cutting, made a circle, and as it stood there, then, the piece slammed down, opening an entrance, as Taylor stood, waiting, his weapon primed, it could be any alien creature, then, the lights on the elevator stopped, Taylor knocked on the side of his helmet, trying to get VISR mode started, then, after several seconds, the room lit up, it seemed fine, Taylor looked back at the two men with him, and then turned again, as an Elite Minor stood there, Beam Rifle in hand, as Taylor silently muttered to his squad, "Elite, two o'clock. On my mark, let er' rip. It is going to take all of us to take him down." as Taylor primed his sights on the Elite, and counted down, still silent,


"Three, "

"Two, "

"One, "



He unloaded six shells quickly into the Elite's head, knocking him backwards, with the concentrated fire, as the Elite Groaned, he fell to the floor, Taylor walked towards him, slowly, as he felt the elite's pulse. He was alive, but unconscious and injured, Taylor had an Idea, he picked up the elite's helmet, it was about 20 pounds, at least. He turned on the Communications System, and ramblings in elite Language were all he heard, but he couldn't understand any of it. He tossed it aside, and kept moving as the door opened, and a walk later, there was the door, Taylor shot the lock with his magnum, holstering it, and kicking the door down, there was a good supply of items there, most Rifles and other standard arms were gone, but heavy artillery was there, Taylor picked up the Rocket Launcher, a tad bit heavy, but he could handle it. He put it on his back, holstering the Magnum, and loading his Shotgun with fresh rounds. He called over to the ODST, saying, "Hey, James? Or whatever your name is, here!" as he tossed him a SAW, freshly loaded, and ready, he talked to the Civilian and the ODST, saying, 


"Hey, boys. Take your time, not like a Insect army is rushing to our position to use our heads as coat-hangers."


As he turned to the civilian, tossing him his Shotgun, and picking up the flamethrower, it was Heavy, but Jacob wasn't responding. He turned his head back to the civilian, saying, "Don't get attached to her." as he gestured to the shotgun he just tossed the civilian.

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Joseph had a deep gash on his leg from when the explosion happened while he was in the closet, apparently a piece of metal had pierced the enclosed space.  Had not put biofoam on then he would have died from bleeding out. He had been saving the biofoam for a special occasion, and this was not that occasion. Continuing on with a limp, Joseph found a few SMG mags scattered through out the ship but his main target was the Armory he needed to resupply his grenade stash before he goes towards the engine room. Running into only a few Drones Joseph made it to the Armory, but there was a dead elite on the floor guessing it died on impact Joseph heads towards the crates . Going through the supplies which was not much he finds what he was looking for DMR ammo and a SMG mag. Taking inventory of what he had Joseph had four DMR clips, five SMG clips, and ninety percent on his energy sword. "Not much, barely enough to kill an elite." Heading for the door he hears a shuffling sound coming from the dark end of the room. Putting up his DMR and  whiping out his sword he said" who's there"

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Ike, Being called James said "Actually the names Ike! Ike Autumn!... Yeah, Ive seen a lot but yeah, This is crazy! A whole planet glassed! And we survived!" Ike thought to himself "Keep it chill Ike, You look like a sugar spiked circus clown..." Ike shut his mouth and stood there to watch what was going on. "So, What do I need a SAW for anyway? You think Im gonna go that easy? Ha ha!!!..... Haaa.... Good times... So! Where do  we start!"

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Ike, Being called James said "Actually the names Ike! Ike Autumn!... Yeah, Ive seen a lot but yeah, This is crazy! A whole planet glassed! And we survived!" Ike thought to himself "Keep it chill Ike, You look like a sugar spiked circus clown..." Ike shut his mouth and stood there to watch what was going on. "So, What do I need a SAW for anyway? You think Im gonna go that easy?" Taylor gave him a look like he was irritated... Ike saw that look before when a women tried to slap him right in the helmet when he was telling her to collect her s***  and evacuate her facility, But this was worse. Ike said to Taylor, "Woah man, Just joking around!".

(You character controlled here, I am going to let it off with no strikes, but you must fix it.)

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Before Ty was even aware what had happened, he found himself firing a shotgun at strange, bug-like aliens.


"What did you call these? Drones?" He asked, blowing another of the creatures to oblivion. He pumped the gun and wheeled around, leveling the barrel at another alien.




Out of shells, and the soldier who tossed it at him hadn't given him any extras.


Ducking as the Bug screamed past his head, Ty flipped the shotgun, holding the Barrel, and swung it like a bat. caving in the hard shell of the insect and knocking it to the ground.


He raised the gun above his head, and brought it back down hard for good measure.


Dropping the gun, he reached into his coat, bringing out his M6C Magnum from its concealed holster.


"Do you guys do this all the time?!" He asked no one in particular, as he began to empty his magazine into a passing drone.

Edited by D-38 Boss
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When a Drone Flew out from the vent close to the ground Joseph sliced it in half with his sword. Going over to the dead drone he inspects it, finding an imbedded knife in its chest Joseph yanked it out and looked to see who it belonged too. The name was worn off of it so he didn't know who it was. Joseph tryed his mike comm one last time hoping to get an answer "Taylor come in, Taylor do you read, Taylor hello?"

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[My baby, i missed you, :( ]


Taylor turned around, aiming at a nearby Fusion Coil, standard issue on most ships. He let loose a shot, as the pulsating green turned red, and Taylor could hear a distinctive hiss, and air escaped the fusion coil, soon, it became loud enough to where the whole room could hear. The battle stopped abruptly as a Major zoomed down from the pipeline, as he investigated, running his fingers on the coil, his eyes seemed to widen, as he turned, yelling in some alien language as the coil exploded in full force, sending the major flying in bits and pieces, along with injuring and knocking out most drones, Taylor walked backwards hastily, as he fired off shots unto burning Drones. One, still burning, flew into Taylor's face, holding a Plasma grenade in one hand, as he rushed, Taylor heard what seemed like a confirmation that he wasn't getting out of here,


Click, Click


He was fresh out, Taylor dodged the charging drone, as he tripped on a loose shard, knocking him to the floor, his eyes were blurry, but the shadow of a Stick Detonator could be seen, Taylor grabbed it, aiming it at the Drone, still running, the Drone turned as another Coil exploded near the wall, killing more Drones, Taylor took this opportunity, and fired on the Drone's back, it turned, struggling to get the detonator off, as Taylor could hear the screech of more Drones, and an unfamiliar sound, it sounded, mechanical, yet, living in some way, it was footsteps, they repeated, getting closer with each step,


Chhck, Chhck, Chhck,


Then, he remembered what it was, he picked up an Designated Marksman Rifle, low on ammo, but he only needed four shots, as he aimed the rifle at the Drone, who was still trying to pry the grenade off of his back, he aimed at the wings, and four distinct shots, and the Drone was on the floor, now disabled, Taylor grabbed the incredibly heavy drone, pulling him by the antenna, as he dragged him to the corridor, Taylor could hear the whirring of the grenade, and the footsteps, both grew faster and louder, as he finally saw it, a Locust, giant is size, walking down the corridor, guarded by more Drones, mostly Majors, all turned and opened fire on Taylor, as his health flared, he tossed the weak drone he had been carrying at the Locust, as Taylor ran, the Grenade made a popping sound as it exploded, destroying everything in the corridor. Taylor's helmet popped off as he held his hands to his ears. Then, it was silent, they were dead. He removed his hands, picking up his DMR again, and refilling it with a fresh magazine, he looked at the two he just met, as he looked on his chestpiece, a drone wing fragment clipped on there, as he ran his hand through it and plucked it off his chest, looking at it, he tossed it, and turned to face the men again, something ran through his mind, where were Ash and Jacob, where was their pilot? Taylor needed a pilot if he wanted to get his men to safety. Then, he saw a familiar face, the Rook's. Taylor's expression did not change, he just stared at the Rook. He ran his hand through his pistol holster, feeling a magnum in there, as he pulled it out, he looked at Rook, then, he his expression changed from a neutral face, to an enraged look, like he was ready to kill, he aimed the Magnum at Rook's head, and screamed,




He stopped, his hands shook, as he regained control, he stared at Rook. He walked up to him and put the magnum to his head, saying, "Do something like that again, Rook. I won't have you court martial-ed, or trialed, I will leave you to rot in this hell-hole, got me?"


As he picked his helmet up off the floor, putting it on, and turning on his comms, yelling, "Jacob... Jacob respond!"

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After that awkward yet, harsh experience. Joseph told Taylor "I am sorry ok, yes I had a choice but I chose one in which would allow Ash and Jacob enough time to get to us. You know the pilot which could get us off this hell-whole that was once a paradise before the f*cking covenant found it. Plus he is the only one of us who even knows how to pilot a pelican. Now I have found the location of the queen, which wont have very many drones for a reason I very much don't want to talk about. So would you like to kill the b*tch that has a wide gap in her forces or would you like to wait for the baby drones to become adult and we have to kill of more than what I killed earlier? With or with out your help I am going to kill that b*tch even if it kills me."


Hoping Taylor would choose to help him rather than not, Joseph begins getting ready for a fight with something hat will undoubtedly kill him.

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Coughing, Jacob responded into the mic "Yeah, I can hear you. Been pinned down, plasma pistol charge short circuited my speakers. IT's fine now. Something you need?" He responded, letting loose a wall of flame, incinerating the Drones in front of him.

Ash took cover behind Jacob's heavy armour, letting loose a few pistol rounds. There was no cover per se, so the very bulky armour worn by the Hellbringer was her best chance of not being melted. Another plasma round struck the trooper, knocking him back before he fried the Grunts in front of him.

"When is this going to end?" She muttered to herself.

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Taylor smiled at the sound of Jacob's voice, which seemed like a distant memory, he repeated into the comm, "Jacob... (chuckle) Good to have you back, the Rook decided to f**k up, so we are basically screwed up here."


As Taylor put his mouth away from the TAC/PAD and mashed on a Console, opening the doors to the hanger as he entered it, still dark and dreary, as he primed the Rocket Launcher that had been on his back, as he fired unto the wall, behind this wall, was some yellow blips on his radar, as the wall exploded with debris, but opened up to the light of the outside world, it was becoming daylight yet again, as he rushed outside, firing on enemies with his DMR, he rushed behind a broken wing from a Pelican, reloading his gun and turning to Jacob, saying, "So, how's the missus?" jokingly, as a Jackal rushed over towards them, screeching in Taylor's face as he emptied a round into the Jackal's belly, killing it, the hail of bullets from the onslaught of covenant dropping in burnt through cover, as a large Hail of blue flew over their heads and landed behind them, exploding into ash and dust, Taylor pulled out a Frag Grenade from his side, as he bounced it once in his hand and primed it, throwing it at the massive wraith, the grenade landed directly under it and exploded, as the wraith caught smoke, one grenade wouldn't take it down though, Taylor once again readied his Rocket, and locked on to the already damaged wraith, as an Elite Minor pulled off a Needler shot, the shard came flying and hit Taylor's stomach right as he fired the rocket, it spun in the air as it hit the bottom of a landing Phantom, doing close to nothing, Taylor fell back, blood dripping from his mouth, as he put his hand where the shard went, it narrowly missed his heart, as he plucked it out in a wave of pain, he tossed the shard aside. Taylor, still bleeding, crawled over to Ashley, as he tossed the heavy rocket in her hands, he crawled back over to Jacob, as he prepared for the end, they were surrounded, it would take a miracle to save them... And a miracle, is what they got. As the Wraith primed it's gun, it was challenged with a hail of fire as a Pelican opened fire with it's machine gun on the wraith, blowing it to pieces with a hail of fire, as the remaining forces were mostly gunned down, small pockets of drones or minor elites remained as the pelican turned around, an ODST gunning a Turret as he let loose the chain gun, suppressing most enemies, a squad of ODSTs rushed out of the pelican, most armed with rifles, as the carefully walked around, spraying fire, two walked over to Taylor, one, looked like a Medical ODST, the other, an old friend of Taylor's as he took his helmet off, it revealed the face of an old, gruff man, with white hair, and a blind eye, he crouched next to Taylor, and talked to him, "Taylor... You got his by a Needler. Rhodes here will stop the bleeding, and you should be good to go."


As he stood up, calling the soldiers in the area, "Everybody on, we are bugging out to the Ridgeline, let's go!" as Taylor got up, holding his stomach as he climbed aboard the pelican, and sat down, looking out on the now destroyed city.

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Ike stood there looking excited being able to fight, He was ready for anything! Ike watched though, He was learning something... New fighting techniques... Ike couldnt wait to try out his fighting moves.

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Taylor limped his way over to the front of the Pelican, grabbing on to the side handlebars on the wall, as he watched the mountains through the glass, he tilted his head up to the pilot and shakily said in a low voice, "Where... Where are we going?" as the marine spoke in a calm voice, slightly tilting his head, "We are heading to Quezon international airport, sir. There are ships waiting there." as Taylor nodded his head and limped backwards, the looked out, as a new man armed the turret, Taylor stood next to the man, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter, as he lit his cigarette, asking, "So, got a name?" as he continued looking out into the endless waves of forest.

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"The names Murphy sir."


John looked around, still not sure how he got there. He was trained to clear out enemy strong points, but he found himself manning the turret. It was nothing short of desperation, a repeated situation as another planet fell to the Covenant. He hated it. But he was a soldier and he had a job to do.


Only then had the thought struck, where was he going? Everything just seemed to be a haze.


"Sir, what's our destination?"

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(ATTENTION: Two important updates, One, Trae Houstan is going to be away from the site very often, due to this, I am going to likely kill off his character, and the second, after a Shoutbox poll, an important change will occur, in this post, thank you for your time)


The clouds seemed to be pouring ash, and it looked like snow, something everyone knows too well, the similarities are remarkable, as the ash fell on to the pelican, coating it with dust, the sky seemed to pour with debris and bodies, as metal shards and limbs and blood soaked the skies over the mountains, as shards bombarded the pelican, soon, a metal pelican wing smashed into the pelican, severing the left side and disabling the engines, as the pelican tilted downward, they were going to crash, as the sound of bones and metal hitting the ashy floor could be heard, As explosions riddled the ground below, with bodies crashing into them and burning, limbs, bodies, metal, even some covenant bodies could be seen, as what was left of the ship revealed itself, the hulking, burning mass, with bodies flying around it at high velocity, the ship crashed into the mountainside in a ball of fire, as the crew of the pelican held on for dear life.


Taylor knew something was wrong, he rushed to the cockpit, still slightly limping, as he yelled, "What the hell is going on?" as the pilot turned and screamed, "I lost her left wing, prep the crew for a crash land-" he was cut off as a metal shard collided at full force with his face, slicing most of it off in a splatter of blood, Taylor ran to the back, picking a Shotgun, Magnum, and a Type 14 Magnetic/Anti-Tank Mine, unprimed, as he stashed it into his backpack, grabbing a Battle Rifle, and a SAW off the wall, tossing it to Ashley and Ike respectively, as he grabbed on to a handlebar, yelling to the crew, "Everybody, hold on, this is gonna be a bumpy landing!" as the Pelican shakes and suddenly,




Taylor vision was incredibly blurred as he slowly tilted his head in each direction, moaning in a low tone in the process, as his vision became near crystal clear, he looked around, as a heavy shard was on top of him, he struggled to push it off, but held it up slightly and rolled out, as he let it fall again, making a clattering sound, as he looked around in the calm storm of ash, he called out, "Ash? Ike? Rook? Jacob? Anybody?" as he was met with silence, he said in a lower, sadder voice, "Please..." as he stood in the cold environment, he pulled the shotgun off of his side, walking with it facing forward, as he waited to find a sign of life, soon, he found the pelican, it was mangled, and badly damaged, as Taylor grabbed the door to the back, struggling to open it as he gave up, as he continued walking around, he found Ash, he picked Ash's rifle up off the floor, attaching it to his back, he crouched next to her, saying, "Let's go find the others." in a quiet voice as he attempted to wake her up, but he eventually gave up, leaving the Battle Rifle next to her arm, and moving on to find the rest, he eventually stumbled on Ike, as he checked Ike's pulse, he woke Ike up, and told the ODST to look for the rest of the team in the wasteland, as he looked for the Rook.

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Ashley woke up not long after taylor had left, wondering where she was she got up. She realised she hurt her leg and decided to look for others. she limped for a few minutes and saw the crashed pelican, and saw that they were scattered from the crash. she said to herself, "great, find the ship to find no one's here, what next? an ammo crate with no ammo?" she kicked the pelican when she got close enough, being semi mad at the ship. she decided she'd wait there for about an hour, see if anyone else finds it.

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When Ike was woken up, He was startled and didnt know where he was until he looked around. "Geez Taylor, Looks like you werent very much trained to be a pilot. Man, I really should`ve held on to something when you said  to... So, Where is everyone else? Dead? Alive? Mutated?" Ike knew he was a chatterbox, But he didnt care, As long as he could feel like an entertaining person, He was okay.

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"Heads up display... Online, external cameras... Online, External Speakers... Offline, Visor functionality... Offline, VISR... Offline, maintenance requested. Power levels critical, fusion pack running at 25% capacity. Please wait for the HELLBRING//UNSCORD//NAVYOS system to restore power... Power online."

Jacob woke up with what felt like a concussion. He opened his eyes to see black. Listening to the computer in his hermetically sealed helmet, he realised his armour was damaged. Very badly damaged. "... Please wait for Auto-Repair systems to make an accurate diagnosis of damage..."

"Hey, Computer, do a medi-scan, I think my leg is broken."

"Scanning... Medi-scan has detected multiple fractures along the left leg, a dislocation of the right arm and a concussion. There is numerous internal bleeding detected and external on the left knee. Recommendation; apply bio-foam to the left leg and receive medical attention as soon as possible." Oh.

"Well, Im blind, dead and can't move. Computer, initiate auto-repairs on the speaker system. If I can at least gear what's happening, I can respond, time to play the waiting game."

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