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MatchMaking Needs to change!


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I'll tell you what i have to say,


I start matchmaking by myself, it loads up and always puts me in a losing game! Always, for example, I went for a game of dominion this evening and i got put into a hopeless game. Enemy team was owning out team when i got thrown into it. What the heck guys?!? Same with slayer. I'm quite disgusted. I'd rather wait some extra time to start a new game! FIX IT.

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I understand your frustration. I have been out into many losing games, however, more times I am put into a new game or a game where the team I am on is winning, or it is a close game.


However, your frustrations are aimed at the wrong location. Thins is a community fan-made forum. If you want 343i to witness your frustration, post on halowaypoint.com, 343i's site.

Edited by Sikslik7
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I have felt this way too. But, I think that the reason you get on the losing team is because, at the beginning of the game the other team starts winning badly and some players on the team you get on are too scared to play the game, they quit. But, usually if I get on a losing team, I figure out that actually they weren't that hard. and We win yay! But, sometimes I will be put into a game that's just starting, both teams are tied or I just get to pick the map and start like all of the other players. :awesome:

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  On 6/22/2013 at 1:28 AM, thestonewolf said:

I'll tell you what i have to say,


I start matchmaking by myself, it loads up and always puts me in a losing game! Always, for example, I went for a game of dominion this evening and i got put into a hopeless game. Enemy team was owning out team when i got thrown into it. What the heck guys?!? Same with slayer. I'm quite disgusted. I'd rather wait some extra time to start a new game! FIX IT.

when i used to play months ago  half the games we searched we always seemed to get into a match down 25+ of course we'd bring it back to atleast 4-5 or win But it was a useless feature in this game that hopfully shall be fixed in halo 5.

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at least every 1-3 games i search for always join midgame, its halfway over, and the team im on is either tied with the enemy's point or is losing badly. if i have 3 bad games in a row, i will either find another playlist or do something else. most likely, it wont change

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