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Halo 5: Plot thesis.


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So this is what me, Victory Element and TheZeresec were talking about whilst owning and grenade spamming on Settler this very evening.


Now, this goes waaaay back to Halo 2&3.


Mendicant Bias, a Forerunner AI defected to the flood in the war,and through terminals and some sings from various OSTs, we learn that Bias was these things;


Took vaguely the shape of a bird

Was buried in a desert

Would return with knowledge of how to defeat the Flood, when it was needed



Now, what can we learn from this? Well, look at the Halo Xbox One trailer, the setting is clearly a desert, and the structure rising out of the sand does look like a pretty birdy. And, there iis rubble around and some mountains looking suspiciously like The Ark. ( As seen on AdamJs thread.)


Another note, is that a large red sphere can be seen in the distance, again, looking like the core of the Ark, giving evidence to this theory.


What can we learn from this now?


The Flood will return, this coincides with 343's promise of 5 being the 'Darkest' of the trilogies.

The Ark is at least, partially intact. Enough to hold gravity and a Forerunber AI bird.If the Ark is intact(Maybe repaired? It took two months to nearly complete a Ring) and remember, theFlood was on the Ark, wether it be Gracemind (must have been at Citadel for the cuts end at end of The Covenant) and undoubted research labs etc.


Another point is that through Kilo-5(?) and Forerunner Trilogies, we learn that 343GS is indeed, alive. And states that he will search for the Librarian. Could this mean she survived Requiem?


And finally, the Didact. He fell into a portal, I have no doubts that he means he won't show up again, I refuse to believe an antagonist is killed in his first appearance.




Unrelated note, Microsodt registered ip's 'Halo 7,8 and 9' a few minths back, and 343 stated the Reclaimer Trology isn't a trilogy anymore, it's the Reckaimer Saga.



Edit#1, Reach was beginning to be colonised again as of 2582(Reach epilogue) and Sone sryicgures on Strachey also look like the Ark/HXBONE.



What does everyone d think? Sorry for lack of evidence, I'm too lazy :P

Edited by BaconShelf
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Back in Halo 3 the Chief never actually went along with Cortana's alternate plan, instead the Halo was used as the majority of the flood was on the Ark.


Mendicant Bias is somehow connected to the Librarians Plan B to destroy the flood, which Cortana "forgot" when she was saved. In the game she will probably need top be revived or they will need to find the Librarian to see what it is.

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Halo 5 Prologue

The Master Chief is at ONI HQ in Sydney, Australia attending a public inquiry into the New Phoenix Incident. During the conference, he reunites with his comrades Kelly and Fred, who reveal that they have been commissioned to train Spartan IV soldiers aboard the Infinity. The Chief also meets Admiral Lord Hood, who was summoned to testify on behalf of the Home Fleet that was responsible for protecting earth when the Didact destroyed New Phoenix. Although Hood defends himself by claiming that the Didact was too powerful for him to intervene, the panel nonetheless denounces him for incompetence. Later, Hood privately confides to the Chief that Prime Minister Dr. Ruth Charet intends to appoint Vice Admiral Ysionris Jeromi to his position, forcing him to consider resignation. The report following the public inquiry recommends immediate action against the Covenant Remnant and the traitor Dr. Halsey in order to recover the complete Janus Key. The scientist is believed to be hiding on Sanghelios with the Remnant leader, Jul ‘Mdama. Admiral Serin Osman orders the Chief and Blue Team to execute Jul ‘Mdama. She then orders Majestic to execute Halsey, and not to tell anyone about their mission. She then issues her artificial intelligence Black Box to the Chief as a replacement for Cortana, having secretly ordered it act as a homing beacon for local UNSC forces in the event that John defects. Osman also grants the Chief access to classified ONI files detailing the Spartan IV soldiers and their career resumes, knowing that his former childhood companion Parisa is among them. When the Chief asks why she gave him access to encrypted files, Osman replies that it would be appropriate for him to know the men and women he is serving with. However, Osman secretly intends to use Parisa as leverage to compel the Chief to kill Halsey, since failing to do so would result in her division being sent into combat to complete his mission, putting her in serious danger.

The Prisoner – Chief

The Infinity arrives at Sanghelios in the midst of the Sangheili Civil War and helps the fleet under Thel ‘Vadam repel the Covenant Remnant ships. While the majority of the Remnant fleet retreats through slipspace destined for the former human colony world of New Llanelli, they leave a significant ground force on Installation 02, alternatively designated Beta Halo, which is in orbit around Sanghelios. The Sangheili Remnant on Beta Halo converge on the city of Ramos, which was built by the Sangheili when they first set foot on the inactive ring three millennia ago. Meanwhile, the Infinity lands on Sanghelios in the state of Vadam, which has since been ravaged by the Sangheili Civil War. There, the Chief meets Thel ‘Vadam, Kaidon of the state of Vadam and Arbiter of the New Covenant. Thel says that his clan is growing weaker due to the Covenant Remnant gaining support, and asks Captain Lasky to hunt down and execute Avu Med ‘Telcam, leader of the Servants of Abiding Truth. Since the Covenant loyalists do not know where he is currently hiding, Thel leads the Chief to question a Sangheili prisoner in a deep pit. His name is Raas ‘Jaramee, an old accomplice of ‘Telcam who aided in the initial rebellion against Thel. He appears blind and badly burned, which Thel says was his punishment for treason. ‘Jaramee says that ‘Telcam is hiding on New Llanelli, while his associate ‘Mdama is still leading Remnant forces in Ramos.

Beta Halo – Chief

Hours after leaving Vadam, the Chief and Spartan Blue Team ride an Albatross into the atmosphere of Beta Halo, landing in the jungle outside Ramos. After encountering resistance from the Covenant Remnant, the Chief leads Blue Team into battle outside Ramos, executing several Sangheili rebels, including former Shipmaster Buran ‘Yatul, one of ‘Telcam’s close conspirators. After pressing through a series of Forerunner ruins in the jungle, Blue Team encounters ‘Mdama seeking shelter in a Sangheili temple. Despite Thel’s warnings that attacking the sacred ground would cause resentment throughout the Sangheili leadership caste, Osman orders Captain Adam Del Rio to bombard the Temple with the Infinity’s MAC.




Vadam – Chief

‘Mdama is confirmed dead when Blue Team inspects the wreckage of the Temple and finds his body. However, Dr. Halsey is nowhere to be found. Due to the potential political ramifications of allowing humans to desecrate sacred ground, Thel requests that the Infinity leave the system at once, offering to blame the attack on the Jiralhanae cell in Ontom, a neighboring state with no ruling Kaidon. Before the Chief boards the Infinity, he holds a final conference with Thel, informing him that ‘Mdama holds a piece of the Janus Key, which could reveal all hidden Forerunner artifacts in the galaxy. Thel, knowing that ‘Telcam would use the key to usurp him, agrees to travel with the Infinity to New Llanelli to retrieve the other piece of it. He appoints his ally and countryman Rtas ‘Vadum to the temporary position of Kaidon while he takes a small fleet of ships and prepares to leave with the Infinity. However, before they can do so, the Jiralhanae cell in Ontom attacks the state of Vadam, forcing the allied fleet to liberate the city and eliminate the Brute invaders. While confronting a dying Brute Chieftain, the chief learns that his Jiralhanae cell made a deal with an unnamed human faction to invade Vadam in exchange for Forerunner technology. Before the Chief can learn the name of the human faction, the Chieftain dies. With the state of Vadam secure, and the rebellion on Sanghelios eliminated along with the Jiralhanae threat, the allied fleet transitions to slipspace and sets course for New Llanelli.

Repel Borders – Chief

En route to New Llanelli, the allied fleet is attacked by a Promethean vessel that attempts to board the Infinity. The Chief repels the invaders and destroys the vessel by detonating a HAVOC nuclear device inside its core, causing the slipspace channel to fail and stranding the fleet in an unknown star system with seven suns. Entering the atmosphere of an ocean planet rotating around the nearest star, the Infinity comes across a Forerunner structure emanating an aurora-like light on a small island. The Chief inspects the island and the tower itself, encountering several benign Sentinels and hostile Promethean Knights, who appear to be guarding a piece of Cortana, the AI having been composed after the destruction of the Didact’s ship. Activating a cartographer, the Chief views a starmap, which shows that the other fragments of Cortana are scattered throughout New Llanelli, the planet having originally been a Forerunner colony world before humans settled it thousands of years later. Because of the damage caused by the rapid slipspace exit, many of the UNSC ships that lacked shielding are repaired in orbit, delaying the mission for two days. After the Chief is extracted back to the Infinity, he uses BB to view the encrypted files given to him by Osman, discovering that Parisa is serving in the battalion of Spartan IV soldiers aboard the Infinity. He remembers meeting her five years ago during the Covenant invasion of New Mombasa, even recalling the time they spent together as children. However, he forces himself to forget her, knowing that Spartan II soldiers are prohibited from revealing their identities to anyone outside ONI Section III.

New Llanelli – Chief

After the repairs are finished, the allied fleet enters slipspace again and arrives in the Brunel System, only to find three abandoned Covenant rebel cruisers orbiting New Llanelli. Landing in the ruined human city of New Wales, the Chief and Blue Team are shocked to discover that most of the Remnant composed themselves, believing the Prometheans to be gods. After entering the ruins of a human skyscraper, the Spartans encounter human members of Kilo Five, a division of ONI. They appear to be hiding from the composed Sangheili whilst secretly supplying living Sangheili with modified weapons for the purpose of supplanting ‘Telcam. The Chief and Blue Team confront the leader of the human personnel, who reveals herself to be Naomi-010, a Spartan II employed under Kilo Five who was tasked by ONI with spying on ‘Telcam and undermining his efforts on New Llanelli. Osman apparently gave her this order after she learned that the Remnant had discovered a composer on the former human colony and were using the device on themselves, thus rendering the pact made on Sanghelios between ONI and the Remnant obsolete. Both human groups agree that ‘Telcam must be dealt with, but refrain from discussing the fate of Dr. Halsey, whom unbeknownst to them is being held with freedom of movement aboard ‘Telcam’s flagship, Path of the Righteous. While the crew of the Infinity, including Captain Laksy, argue for an immediate assault against the Remnant to execute ‘Telcam and retrieve the other piece of the Janus Key, Naomio-010 believes this will compromise her group’s covert mission and lose them potential Sangheili allies behaving as moles within the Remnant. However, she eventually complies after she receives an order from Osman telling her to let the assault begin but also to execute Blue Team once they locate the Janus Key, thereby eliminating any evidence of ONI involvement in the supplying of enemy forces. Despite Majestic also being present in New Llanelli to witness ONI supplying enemy troops, Osman decides to spare them, believing that they can be kept quiet about her organization’s activities while also being used to tie loose ends. She tells Commander Palmer to pair Majestic with Blue Team on their mission to infiltrate Path of the Righteous, while ordering DeMarco to execute the Spartan II soldiers if they are seen colluding with Halsey, reasoning to him that years of service have weakened their mental faculties and made them more susceptible to defection. Osman knows that the Chief will inevitably find out that Halsey is being held by ‘Telcam and betray the mission to rescue her, forcing Majestic to kill him.

Janus Key – Chief

The Infinity begins its assault on New Llanelli by commandeering the Remnant cruisers left in orbit and landing them in New Wales. They then broadcast that they are Sangheili reinforcements from the Remnant cell on Hesduros as a distraction, while they deploy UNSC soldiers through the ships’ gravity lifts into the city. Moments before the commencement of the attack, Blue Team and Majestic infiltrate the grounded Path of the Righteous and place improvised explosives throughout vital areas of the ship whilst evading Prometheans and Remnant Sangheili. Just before the team prepares to leave the ship and detonate the explosives, the Chief uses a computer terminal to view the control room in order to confirm that ‘Telcam is indeed onboard, and observes the Sangheili conversing with an unrestrained Halsey. Abandoning Majestic, Blue Team, and his mission, the Chief enters the control room, mortally wounding ‘Telcam and leaving him for dead whilst evacuating Halsey with the Key of Janus. BB broadcasts a signal to Majestic and Crimson, telling them what transpired and the Chief went rogue. When Majestic informs Palmer that the Chief failed to execute Halsey by detonating the explosives as planned, she reports it to Osman, who orders the team to kill both the doctor and Blue Team. Meanwhile Halsey, who has yet to tell the Chief that ONI is trying to kill her, secretly hacks into the explosives Majestic planted throughout the ship in order to eliminate the Spartan IV team pursuing them. She sets them to explode in two minutes, giving the Chief enough time to evacuate the ship but not enough for the pursuing Majestic. As the Chief reaches the hangar bay, he reunites with Blue Team and together they search for transport.

Three Betrayals – Chief

As Blue Team prepares to commandeer a Phantom from the ship’s launch bay, Majestic arrives and engages them, forcing them to flee in the aircraft. DeMarco then learns that Halsey hacked into the explosives and set them to detonate within seconds, and orders Majestic to jump from the hovering cruiser fifty feet to the ground. They do so, barely escaping the ship as it explodes above them, the wreckage nearly crushing them. As Majestic recovers on the ground and Blue Team flies into unmarked airspace with Halsey, the UNSC troops hidden throughout New Wales and the surrounding area engage the Remnant and Prometheans, driving them back within minutes of intense combat. With Majestic hunting Blue Team, and ONI eliminating the Sangheili it formerly supplied with weapons, the third betrayal comes when the Didact reveals himself to the UNSC ground forces. He had apparently survived the fall into the slipspace conduit, later transitioning back into normal space with the aid of his advanced Forerunner combat skin, before entering the orbit of New Llanelli. It was there that he found the Remnant, along with ‘Telcam, and chose to spare them as his followers. He then used them to construct a second composer from his stored knowledge of the first, before convincing them to use it on themselves in order to achieve salvation and become gods in the afterlife. With the Didact’s leadership, the Prometheans rally the fleeing Remnant and put up heavy resistance against the UNSC, using the composer to digitize several human soldiers. The UNSC begins a second retreat back to the commandeered cruisers, taking heavy losses from the pursuing Prometheans and their Remnant allies.

Didact – Thorne

As the UNSC beats a hasty retreat back to their commandeered cruisers, the Infinity makes landfall and unleashes its MAC cannons against the Promethean forces, devastating them and allowing the human ground forces to launch a counterattack. Fireteam Majestic, led by Thorne, destroys a group of Scarab walkers guarding an armored Harvester mining vehicle, which later turns out to be a Yanme’e hive. Seeing that the Didact has surrounded the composer behind a makeshift plasma shield, Majestic commandeers the Harvester and uses its laser on the barrier, disabling it. The composer is then destroyed when Majestic sets improvised explosives throughout the Harvester and drives it into the composer, escaping just as they detonate the devices remotely. Realizing that his composer was destroyed, and that his forces are helpless without it, the Didact retreats to a solitary Forerunner structure atop a snowcapped mountain neighboring New Wales. There, he activates a device that will supposedly reawaken a dormant Forerunner population hidden beneath the surface of the planet, but instead unleashes the flood. Despite the best efforts of the Prometheans to beat back the infection, they are overwhelmed nonetheless and destroyed. Seeing his forces fall to the flood, the Didact resolves to at least destroy the humans on New Llanelli, and releases several thousand hidden cultures of dormant flood spores spread across the planet. The UNSC, discovering that Didact has released the flood, hastens the retreat to their ships. Del Rio reports the incident to Osman, who orders him to extract the Key of Janus before withdrawing his forces from New Llanelli and bombarding the planet from orbit. Meanwhile, down beneath the planet’s surface, the reawakened flood cultures begin forming a proto-gravemind from the assembled corpses of humans and Remnant warriors. The Didact seals himself within the Forerunner mountain facility, choosing to wait until the infection destroys the humans before it starves to death.

Reckoning – Chief

After entering unmarked airspace, the Chief lands his phantom near a Forerunner pillar on a desert plain. There he confronts Dr. Halsey about her aiding the Remnant, forcing her to reveal that Osman had her execution ordered. When he asks why, Halsey says Osman resents her for abducting her as a child for the Spartan II program; she also frequently voiced her discontent against the immoral actions of the doctor during her work in ONI. The Chief vows to protect her long enough to defeat the Didact and possibly clear both of their names. In orbit, Thel has received word that UNSC forces are in full retreat, and that a “parasite” has been released from Forerunner holding facilities beneath the planet’s surface. He takes a squad of Sangheili Honor Guard and flies to the surface of New Llanelli to assist the UNSC, fighting off the flood as the humans flee to the cruiser’s gravity lifts.

Damned – Thel

After assisting the evacuation of the human ground forces, Thel falls into a crevice where he finds the roots of the gravemind growing. Abandoning his Honor Guard, Thel follows the roots underground to a large chamber housing the gravemind. It tells Thel that there are still Forerunners alive on other planets, “neither dead nor alive, but in eternal slumber.” He then goes on to say that the Didact is seeking to resurrect the hibernating Forerunners by assembling the pieces of the Janus Key. The Gravemind offers its help in aiding Thel against the Didact, but the Sangheili warrior rejects the offer before attempting to battle the creature. However, he is nearly overwhelmed by the flood and instead returns above ground. On the surface he finds a crashed banshee and flies it to the Chief’s last known location, the Path of the Righteous. Reaching the wreckage of the ship, Thel witnesses the Chief arrive in his commandeered phantom with Dr. Halsey and the rest of Blue Team. He asks them why they haven’t withdrawn to the human-controlled ships, since his Sangheili fleet is preparing to glass the city of New Wales in order to contain the Flood. The Chief says that he needs to destroy the Didact, and Thel agrees to go with him. Dr. Halsey then decides to flee the planet in a human frigate they found grounded near the wreckage of Path of Righteous, and Chief orders the rest of Blue Team to escort her. When he asks Halsey where she is going, she says she intends to visit the hidden insurrectionist cell on the moon Titan. She also says that the only way the Key of Janus can be used is by inserting it into the Absolute Library, which she does not know the location of. Leaving it in the hands of the Chief is, in her opinion, safer than bringing it with her to a human outpost, where it could draw the Didact’s forces. As she leaves in the frigate with Blue Team and evades the allied ships in orbit, the Chief and Thel board the phantom and leave the wreckage of the Path of the Righteous.

Kilo-Five – Chief

As the Chief flies the phantom towards the Forerunner mountain structure, the aircraft is pursued and shot down by members of Kilo Five, severely injuring Thel. Although the Sangheili warrior sadly admits that he would prefer to die in battle than return to his ruined homeworld, the Chief tries to carry him. This, however, worsens Thel’s wounds and forces the Chief to leave him under a tree near the shoulder of the mountain, as he cannot move without assistance. While conducting reconnaissance of the surrounding valley below, the Chief catches sight of Naomi-010 and her ONI escort, who appear to be headed for the mountain. He engages them from the high ground, holding them off until three hundred Spartan IVs enter the area from space using HEV pods, ordered by Osman to execute the Chief and any of his accomplices while securing the Forerunner mountain structure as a fallback point from the flood. Retreating up the mountain pursued by Naomi-010, the Chief evades and then ambushes the Spartan II, triggering a flashback from his training in the forests of Reach. It was there that he fought against members of Tango Company in a competition of Capture the Flag, and also where he helped free Naomi from a barracks held by the Marines. Returning to reality, the Chief spares the injured Naomi and asks her how many Spartan IIs are left, to which she replies there are thirty. She also reveals all of Kilo Five’s activities on Sanghelios and New Llanelli, and how they had tried to provoke a Sangheili civil war to help humanity recover and gain supremacy. Naomi then dies from her wounds in John’s arms. The Chief then throws her into a deep glacial chasm to prevent her from being consumed by the Flood. Returning to the tree where he left the Arbiter down near the valley, the Chief discovers that his body is missing, and that a trail of blood was left leading towards the Forerunner structure.

Showdown – Chief

After following the blood to the summit of the mountain above the clouds, the Chief reaches the frontal façade of the Forerunner spire, which appears similar to those he encountered on Requiem. Before he can approach it any further, one of Thel’s cruisers infected by the Flood crashes in his path, allowing thousands of Combat Forms to swarm the summit. Several Remnant Orbital Insertion Pods arrive to reinforce the Didact’s position, battling the Flood and the Chief. The remaining Promethean Knights guarding the Didact exit the spire to assist the Remnant. Battling his way through the carnage of the three armies, the Chief finally enters the structure and confronts the Didact. The Forerunner reveals that other members of his race are still alive in stasis on various installations. After the activation of the Halo Array, many of his supporters, including his Prometheans, chose to enter a “millennial slumber” in order to outlive the forces of the Librarian, who had apparently also survived the ring activation. He then claims that he released the parasite to cleanse the galaxy of humans, himself and his Promethean Knights being immune to the infection. When the Chief says the Flood will consume all sentient life including the humans, the Didact counters that the genetic information used in the first reseeding of the galaxy can be used a second time to repopulate it after he activates the Halo Array. Battling the Didact and his remaining guards, the Chief manages to beat back the Forerunner long enough for the Flood to breach the facility and distract the Prometheans. Fleeing from the Chief, the Didact triggers a slipspace portal with his suit and enters it, leaving the remaining Prometheans and his human adversary to their fates. He exits the portal back on Beta Halo, walking alone towards an immense flat Forerunner artifact that appears to be an ark portal.

Absolute Record – Chief

The Flood reaches the room housing the Prometheans and proceeds to overwhelm them as the Chief escapes in a lift to the top of the spire. Overhead, he sees several Covenant loyalist ships fire upon the land below, glassing the already ruined city of New Wales to prevent the infection from spreading. Reaching the top of the spire, the Chief discovers a Forerunner device similar to a cartographer, which emits a map of the galaxy showing millions of yet undiscovered Forerunner installations after he inserts the Key of Janus into it. The Chief deduces that the machine is the Absolute Record, mentioned earlier by Halsey before she left the planet. When he presses his hand, covered in the Didact’s blood following their struggle in the lower spire, across the machine’s interface, the symbol for Forerunner appears on the galactic map. Thousands of stars glow bright orange, showing the locations of the dormant Forerunner populations. The Chief then realizes that the Didact, having known of these populations prior to entering the Cryptum, did not need the Key of Janus to discover them, and had instead been seeking a way to reawaken them. Before he leaves, the Librarian appears in a vision to him, telling him that the Didact is headed for Beta Halo to activate the dormant Forerunners, and gives him a significant portion of the pieces of Cortana that were scattered throughout New Llanelli, manifested in a small handheld Forerunner information storage device. She says that prior to transferring ancillas into Monitors, their ‘souls’ were stored in pieces of technology such as these. She says that the pieces of Cortana are still unassembled, missing other integral parts of their original programming, but assures him that they can be refit together if the Chief finds the “organic source of the ancilla,” in this case Halsey. Regretting having let the scientist flee the planet too early, the Chief decides to find her after defeating the Didact once and for all in order to revive Cortana. Before he leaves the vision, he asks the Librarian is she is still indeed alive as the Didact claimed, to which she replies yes, but not in the world inhabited by the Chief. She was one of the few Forerunners who left the galaxy after taking shelter in the lesser Ark during the firing of the Halo Array, her semblance in the vision being an ancilla cloned from her brain that she left in the systems of several installations as a lasting legacy, the purpose of which was to help the descendants of humankind. Leaving the vision, the Chief finds the Flood have reached his position, and is nearly killed before the Arbiter arrives in a Hawk and evacuates him from the roof of the spire.

Escape From Hell – Chief

Flying the Hawk over the burning planet, the Chief asks Thel how he managed to commandeer the aerodyne, to which he replies that it was among the equipment left in the camp abandoned by Kilo Five at the base of the mountain. After descending the cliff, he had managed to use his suit’s stealth abilities to evade the Flood and reach the vehicle before flying it to rescue the Chief. The two lands the Hawk on a hill overlooking the grounded Infinity, intending to infiltrate the ship before it takes off, since it is the only means they have of leaving the planet. As they prepare to leave for it, Spartan IV soldiers arrive and prepare to battle them. Among them is Parisa, whom the Chief recognizes immediately. Knowing that she is unaware of his identity and would readily kill him as a traitor, the Chief allows himself to be arrested by her squad. When the Chief is brought aboard the Infinity and met by Lasky, he reveals that ONI had conducted black ops to subvert Sangheili peace and had committed treasonous crimes against the UNSC. Lasky reluctantly agrees to release the Chief on those terms. When Palmer finds out, she doesn’t argue but warns that due to ONI’s influence in the UNSC War Council, he could be court martialed for subordination, to which he replies that it no longer matters in the scheme of defending the galaxy. Majestic and Crimson, along with most of the Spartan IVs, object to letting the Chief onboard due to the losses they suffered by him, and threaten to mutiny against their officers. The Chief is able to pacify them by relating to their collective sufferings and saying that he lost most of his unit throughout the course of the Human Covenant War, along with his AI companion Cortana, effectively losing his entire “family.” Understanding John’s grief and realizing that selfless heroism helped save humankind and the universe several times over, the audience of Marines and Spartan IV’s feels a strong solidarity towards him and agrees not to mutiny. As the Infinity leaves the planet, now burning and surrounded by the Sangheili fleet, John tells Del Rio that the Didact is headed for Beta Halo to reawaken Forerunner stasis capsules hidden throughout the galaxy. The Captain, however, refuses to comply and blames the Chief for the deaths of the Spartan IV soldiers and various members of the UNSC Infinity, forcing the Chief to restrain him in the ship’s brig. While much of the crew still supports John, including Majestic, others are still angry towards him for killing their comrades and incarcerating Del Rio, including Crimson. Conspiring amongst themselves against the Chief and his supporters, Crimson vows to follow the execution order authorized by ONI that Majestic had failed to carry out, deciding to kill the Spartan in the heat of battle when he is distracted. Before the Infinity transitions to slipspace, Thel gives orders to his ships to glass the entire planet three times over to ensure that the parasite is contained, telling his commanders that he is heading to defend their homeworld with the humans.

Millennial Awakening – Chief

Arriving in the Sanghelios system, the Infinity and several Sangheili ships under Rtas make landfall on Beta Halo, this time on the side of the ring opposite the city of Ramos, where the Didact has taken control of local Sentinel and Promethean defenses to secure a large Forerunner artifact ten miles in diameter. A fleet of Remnant ships has also joined his cause, led by the former Sangheili prisoner ‘Jaramee, who escaped incarceration amidst the confusion caused by a second Jiralhanae incursion into Vadam. Rtas has already gathered a fleet to engage the Remnant over Beta Halo, and forms a plan with the humans to provide a distraction while the Infinity attacks the Remnant from the side. The warship lands on the surface of the ring and deploys a large tank and mammoth column from its ventral loading bay, followed by several Marine battalions. As the column pushes towards the artifact with the Infinity following overhead, the human ships engage the Remnant fleet hovering above the artifact, causing several of its ships to crash around the tank column. The artifact is revealed to be flat, similar to the portal leading to the lesser ark near Voi in Kenya. As the tanks cross it, lead by the Chief at the vanguard, they cause the Prometheans and Remnant guarding the edges to route towards the center. In the chaos of the battle, the tank column becomes scattered amidst the debris strewn across the battlefield, allowing Crimson to attack the Chief from afar using two hornets. They nearly succeed in exploding his tank until he abandons it and hides behind the remains of a Banshee. It turns out that BB had been broadcasting a signal from the Chief’s helmet to Crimson. The Chief then promptly eliminates them and destroys the data chip containing BB. After reporting the incident to Lasky, the Chief reunites with the rest of the UNSC forces. Reaching the center of the artifact, the tank column finds the Didact surrounded by a Forerunner shield. He activates the portal, causing the center of the artifact, which is two miles in diameter, to descend below ground. A blinding light emerges from the opening in the ground, causing many of the soldiers to turn away. Soon after the Didact disappears, the shield surrounding the shaft fails, allowing the UNSC forces to advance towards its edge. The Chief jumps from his tank into the opening and falls several hundred feet to the floor, where a slipspace portal has been activated. Entering it, he receives a vision of the Forerunners after the firing of the Halo array, depicting them as they fought amongst themselves about whether to kill the prehistoric humans rescued on the lesser ark, or to let them prosper. Eventually, a war broke out, and the warrior-servants who had supported the Didact were forced to retreat to secret slipspace capsules to escape the life-workers commanded by the Librarian. The life-workers then proceeded to reseed the galaxy and finally disappear, as described by the Librarian. Exiting the vision, the Chief finds himself in a habitable dyson sphere housed within a slipspace bubble. He confronts the Didact, whose suit was damaged during the battle with the humans, preventing him from using his telekinesis to restrain the human soldier. The Chief fights and kills the Didact in a fierce duel, before taking fire from an unseen adversary and being forced to retreat through the slipspace portal back to the ringworld. As the Chief readies his rifle along with his countless comrades surrounding the portal, a powerful wind is emitted, causing several of the vehicles to be thrown backwards along with their occupants. Humanoid figures emerge from the portal, Forerunner warrior-servants reawakened from their ancient sleep. They then proceed to nearly annihilate the human ground forces, causing a widespread retreat from the ringworld. The Chief watches from the bridge of the Infinity as Forerunner ships reactivate throughout the ring, piloted by their Forerunner makers. The Chief tells Lasky that although the Didact is dead, his warrior-servants and Prometheans are continuing his legacy of annihilating humanity.


In the epilogue, the ruins of the Sangheili fleet around New Llanelli are shown, suggesting that the flood escaped the system.

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Not bad at all. Definitely a wild spin using Crimson and Majestic on Chief himself. I don't think they'd be so willing to execute him.

Yeah, I always thought that the idea of humans fighting humans was never really touched on gameplay-wise in the halo universe. We do fight spartans in multiplayer, but thats only in a simulator aboard the infinity and not real life. I think that Halo 5 will be darker because the chief is actually required to kill some of the people he is serving with. He's already fought rebels, but not a single one of his own comrades...and thats where Crimson and Majestic come along. 

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Yeah, I always thought that the idea of humans fighting humans was never really touched on gameplay-wise in the halo universe. We do fight spartans in multiplayer, but thats only in a simulator aboard the infinity and not real life. I think that Halo 5 will be darker because the chief is actually required to kill some of the people he is serving with. He's already fought rebels, but not a single one of his own comrades...and thats where Crimson and Majestic come along. 


I definitely pick up what you're saying, but I don't think 343i would want that to happen in the game.


Every Halo player is made to believe that Chief is always right in his beliefs, and having him wipe out 2 platoons of SPARTANS seems a bit reciprocated. Imagine playing Call Of Duty, and you, as an individual, have to massacre your own side's troops just because you think something different (don't flame me for the CoD, just needed a reference).


I definitely think that maybe MC could kill 1 or 2, as if they go Rogue and try to kill Chief on their own accord (almost with what you said about the 2 Hornets coming in to wipe him out whilst he's distracted in the firefight). But I couldn't see Chief just gunning down people he's known, interacted with, and especially felt emotions of.




ALSO, something else you're majorly forgetting is how the Primordial and Mendicant Bias are most likely going to play a huge role in Halo 5 due to the return of the Flood. The Primordial, also known as the Timeless One, is in actuality a Precursor, just not completely reformed yet (I think). Since Mendicant Bias defected to his orders, I believe they are going to be huge contenders in H5. Also 343GS will probably make a reappearance to aid Chief as the Reclaimer he is.

Edited by Hᴜᴍᴘsᴛʏʟᴇs
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Well, what spartan123 said is not very probable, but......


If 343i decided to create a spin-off alternate universe story diverging from the end of Halo 4, I will very happily accept spartan123's version as it is both conclusive, satisfying and very interesting. Even though it was just summaries of a campaign, I found myself wanting to know more and more of the story as it brought in not just tiny, near un-noticeable references to stories from older and other forms of media, but direct references such as Parisa and Kilo-5, while also pushing onward the main story.


Good read!

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