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Halo 5 should be like Halo 3.

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Just get rid of the DMR, and make matchmaking more balanced. For example, get rid, or nerf load outs to the point where you can't spawn with sticky grenades, and maybe get rid of the boltshot. I have had countless numbers of times where my enemy had a shotgun and even though he had the better weapon, i still killed him with something that you can spawn with..... honestly, why not just put shotguns in the load outs if you are going to put the boltshot in? With, the sticky grenades, all you have to do, to destroy a warthog is spam both of the sticky grenades. I rarely see anybody getting into a vehicle and getting a lot of kills due to this. Also, whenever i try and pummel (and kill), you know what the first thing the enemy does? He turns around and throws a sticky. Therefore, without any skill, killed me even though he barely did anything. With the hole symmetrical map part, i completely agree with this. In most maps i see in halo 4, there is always an advantage to one of the sides. Now even though i definitely haven't played much of halo 3 (multiplayer). I can pick that game up and have an amazing time with it, because there were preset load outs, you had to actually go to where the sticky grenades spawned to get them, and if you had a power weapon, the only thing the enemy could do was barely damage your shields. 343, if you don't make the way halo used to be, then you have just lost another loyal fan.... and $60

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change is good but for video games its very bad...


Cod is a prime exsample so is halo resident evil heck even turok perfect dark.. *i haven't used my xbox in awhile so i've forgotten all the games that changed and failed or did poorly.


I disagree. Change is a good thing. It can be good for video games too if executed properly. Those games you mentioned are an example of poor execution of change by the developers.


If they didn't change anything about Halo since Halo CE, do you think people would be happy? Of course not. They'd be crying about it and begging for new stuff.


The problem with Halo 4 is 343 added so many new stuff to it that weren't really necessary (Default sprint, and ordnance are examples) that the game didn't feel like Halo anymore. It felt like COD.


So I guess what I'm trying to say is if 343 makes the right changes to Halo 5 like bringing into it what people loved in Halo 3 and previous Halo games, then Halo 5 could be good.


They just need to listen to what the community wants so as to avoid another disaster like Halo 4.

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I think they should take the good things from both to make the perfect Halo game. I don't think the DMR should be taken out, because it's no longer overpowered in Halo 4. Just keep all the weapons the way they are in Halo 4 and It'll work well. Because some people really like the DMR and getting rid of it might make people lose interest. I think they should take gametypes from Halo 4 (Dominion, Extraction ad Regicide and maybe Infinity just because some people like it) include Classic gametypes and Trueskill Ranking system (For Halo 3 fans) and take the Custom Games features and Firefight from Halo Reach, as well as maybe Invasion. Invasion maps were a LOT of fun to build in Forge.


Also, the Forge map should be like this; Lands with terrain and lots of detail, e.g. Waterfalls and caves (Like Forge World) and separate flat lands (Like Forge Island) and maybe they could have other terrains as well, like maybe deserts, and snowy lands. New Forge features could include new pieces, placeable terrain (Could be used on the flat islands) and decorative terrain (Like waterfalls) and maybe a Time of Day setting.


My vision of a perfect Halo game :)

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I disagree. Change is a good thing. It can be good for video games too if executed properly. Those games you mentioned are an example of poor execution of change by the developers.


If they didn't change anything about Halo since Halo CE, do you think people would be happy? Of course not. They'd be crying about it and begging for new stuff.


The problem with Halo 4 is 343 added so many new stuff to it that weren't really necessary (Default sprint, and ordnance are examples) that the game didn't feel like Halo anymore. It felt like COD.


So I guess what I'm trying to say is if 343 makes the right changes to Halo 5 like bringing into it what people loved in Halo 3 and previous Halo games, then Halo 5 could be good.


They just need to listen to what the community wants so as to avoid another disaster like Halo 4.

what company makes the right changes? of course if your changing it to be better then yeah but look at all my examples They all did what halo 4 did. dumbed down the game made it stupidly easy with no skill gap and mimic'd features from others titles. I can barely name games that were successfull changing alot of the core. People don't like change If they do it has to be little enough where the core remains.

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what company makes the right changes? of course if your changing it to be better then yeah but look at all my examples They all did what halo 4 did. dumbed down the game made it stupidly easy with no skill gap and mimic'd features from others titles. I can barely name games that were successfull changing alot of the core. People don't like change If they do it has to be little enough where the core remains.


They made the right changes. You look at the development over the years from Halo: CE to Halo: Reach. They're the same game, and feel like the same game, but Bungie crammed enough change in there to drive the development of the series along.

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They made the right changes. You look at the development over the years from Halo: CE to Halo: Reach. They're the same game, and feel like the same game, but Bungie crammed enough change in there to drive the development of the series along.

bungie never really changing the core of halo they sorta did a cod but slowly added features that kept us coming back. i still think reach was a total failure but microsoft forced reach out so i can't complain.

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bungie never really changing the core of halo they sorta did a cod but slowly added features that kept us coming back. i still think reach was a total failure but microsoft forced reach out so i can't complain.


I thought Reach was Great. To me it was the best Halo in terms of Multiplayer. Believe it or not Halo Reach was what Halo Combat Evolved was supposed to be (At least in terms of Multiplayer gameplay). But you are free to choose your favorite halo game. It's your choice to pick one of the many Halo games to be your #1.


I understand though... You look with your eyes. And I look with mine. The Halo Reach I see is one filled with, fun, entertainment and Possibility. You see Halo Reach as just a game with things you do not find appealing. 


There is nothing wrong with that, but please don't try to make those who do enjoy it feel bad by cutting it down.


I enjoyed every Halo game thus far! There are all great in there own way, but don't overlook the good in Reach because all you see is the bad... But that's just my suggestion, I can't tell you what to do and I wouldn't want to. I am just simply trying to ask you to try and give Halo Reach another chance. Try to look at it in a new light. Pretend to see it from my eyes! Maybe you will enjoy it then, as much as I do! Remember Reach for the good things it did/had. (Come on my friend, you know there was at least One thing you liked about it...)


Anyways Namaste my friend, I hope you find the happiness and serenity that I do in Reach... Maybe then, someday, we can play it together... See you starside.



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I thought Reach was Great. To me it was the best Halo in terms of Multiplayer. Believe it or not Halo Reach was what Halo Combat Evolved was supposed to be (At least in terms of Multiplayer gameplay). But you are free to choose your favorite halo game. It's your choice to pick one of the many Halo games to be your #1.


I understand though... You look with your eyes. And I look with mine. The Halo Reach I see is one filled with, fun, entertainment and Possibility. You see Halo Reach as just a game with things you do not find appealing. 


There is nothing wrong with that, but please don't try to make those who do enjoy it feel bad by cutting it down.


I enjoyed every Halo game thus far! There are all great in there own way, but don't overlook the good in Reach because all you see is the bad... But that's just my suggestion, I can't tell you what to do and I wouldn't want to. I am just simply trying to ask you to try and give Halo Reach another chance. Try to look at it in a new light. Pretend to see it from my eyes! Maybe you will enjoy it then, as much as I do! Remember Reach for the good things it did/had. (Come on my friend, you know there was at least One thing you liked about it...)


Anyways Namaste my friend, I hope you find the happiness and serenity that I do in Reach... Maybe then, someday, we can play it together... See you starside.



reach was the most uncompetetive game i've played aside from halo 4. to me the dmr with bloom ruined the game aa's and such was just not haloish to me. no battle rifle hurt, needle rifle really was awful, ranking system broken it supported greedy game play instead of teamwork, i got the top of the division just by running around on every map with a hammer getting 15+ kills with sprint hammer....  I loved  everyone starting out on even terms not someone can run faster while the other guy can fly across the map. i was simply giving my opion on the game. but after halo 4 was a failure i went and played reach and it was ok since bloom was removed but it just didn't feel right.

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Exactly. These are bad people and should feel bad.

Or at least give us back our competitive playlists and stop hiding the good ones weekly!


Can't tell if joking or real Internet stupidity. >_>

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I keep seeing this everywhere. I really don't see how the game was ruined by the Weapon Update. If anything it brought back the Carbine, and other Precision weapons into the limelight that was hogged by the DMR for the past months. The update did absolutely NOTHING wrong with the guns. If anything it made the weapons better.


Just wanted to get that out.

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Ask yourself:

If Halo 5 were like Halo 3, what would be the point in Halo 5?

Change is what the series is known for, and why the months leading up to the release of the next game are always so exciting: You have no idea about what it's like.

Change is good, but that's also what 343 said when they decided to infest Halo 4 with every single type of randomness they could to decrease the skillgap and invite Cod players to join.


GOOD Change is what the series is known for, and Halo 3 was without a doubt the most balanced of all the Halo games.

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Not everyone plays for competitive. Some just play to have fun.

thats pretty obvious? but when a game caters to both casual and competetive for long and then just shifts to one its kinda dumb i'm not sure why we are still having this issue about halo 4 considering the game is dead and nothing else will happen to it. i hope halo 5 caters heavely to ranked and such so all the casuals can understand how we felt in halo 4.... really. xD

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Halo 5 needs a REAL Action Sack, not like a "oh, let's make a bunch of slayer variants" No I want messed up creative out of this world content, that shows barely any resemblance to slayer I want to get rained on by thousands of ordnance I want miniature people running away from a giant flood like in a slasher flick, I want Gravity hammers flinging people over walls like Frogger I Want maps that flip gravity I want Giant UFOs fighting armies of tanks and jeeps I want Invasion I want every weapon to make explosions on impact I want to get ran over by a giant bobble head doll I want a pseudo forge environment for role-playing I wa... *gasps* *suffocates from lack of air*

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  • 11 months later...

I agree with Xbox fan . " a game that plays well competitively will play well casually but it will not work the other way around." Dont put sprint in halo 5 .because if you guys pay attention to the population in halo 4 and reach , it wasn't impressive at all .But if you look at the numbers of halo 2 and halo 3 we could all agree that it was most impressive. Those were the days when Xbox meant multiplayer and multiplayer meant Halo . But after reach and 4 came out the numbers went down drastically. Now what most players have are memories of what a halo game was . If 343 wants to compete with games such as cod and battlefield , I believe that the best way to compete with them is classic halo 1-3 I believe that the best way to compete with someone is not to copy what they do "Sprint" "ordinance""armor abilities" but to be your self because if you notice in other multiplayer games such as cod and battlefield people are beginning to get frustrated and tired of the game .but if halo remained the way halo was 1-3 im sure halo will prevail on top . Ps remember when the PlayStation 2 was dominating Xbox ? What saved Xbox? Halo and halo 2 . What happened with last gen . Halo 3 dominated multiplayer period . That was until reach and 4 came out then everything went down hill. I truly believe that halo will be where you want to be if you wanted to play multiplayer. But this can only be done if you revert halo to what it used to be .

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