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Map: Repression


Gametype: Hivemind


Gamertag: Auxi Klutch


Youtube Channel: Mk25 Forgers




This map was made for Free Roam Flood. The map was also contributed by Shadow Kryptiic & DUN3Z.


The map is multi-leveled as well as it is completely indoors. The map consists of initial ordnance drops as well as random ordnance drops for consistent gameplay.


The map was also submitted for flood matchmaking, and is 1 of the 4 maps that were accepted. I hope that you guys like this flood map. We put many hours with the map design, playtests, and fixes.


I also want to thank all the people that helped playtest this map. Also for the ones that didnt make it to matchmaking, they were all good maps.






















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My friend and I are "map breakers" and so far we can "get out of the map" on Temple and Payload whilst in matchmaking and be undetectable by flood, however I must hand it to you, your map (along with Drillsite) is (as far as we know) unbreakable. You've done a really good job with the kill boundaries and really making it fair for both the humans and flood.


However I'm still ignorant to the theme of the map and I was just wandering what the "storyline" of the map is?

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