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Halo 2 anniversary reconsideration from 343

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So from what I have read and seen it looks like 343 are (considering) the remake of halo 2. This is very good news to people who have played halo ever since then such as me. But a lot of people have been also saying that this is a bad idea.


One of the major concerns is that if they make halo 2 anniversary then people will want a halo 3 anniversary swell. My standpoint on that is that, there wouldn't really be a need for a halo 3 anniversary because its already on the Xbox 360 and the servers are still running.


But like I was saying, someone from 343 has stated that they do not care about the money the game will make if they do this rather what's best for the franchise.(I'm also quoting halo5follower here from YouTube)


But what do you guys think about all this I'm all for a halo 2 anniversary but is it really needed and if so what's the best way that they should do it, like how they did with halo CE anniversary or a little different.


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it is all blurred about halo 2 annivery and I guess next years E3 may hold the answer as frank o Conner has said no but Phil spencer hints it  so who knows :thumbsup:


Learn yo gramma right.


Anyway yeah I highly doubt it would be in 2014. They said that Halo usually has 2 E3s so we might see it in 2014's E3 and then it'll be released in 2015 but I don' know.

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Dunno. H2A would be a 'mini' installmen similar to CEA and ODST. My guess next year, it doesn't take as much to do fancy textures on an existing game, and 200-2014 is ten years. What is the point of doing 11 years?

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The PC versions of both Halo and Halo 2 still look great even today, just starting with that.

Is a Halo 2 Anniversary necessary? No. Would I buy it? You bet your sweet mumas balls I would.
But I probably wouldn't expect it soon. They made Halo CEA during one of their hiatus. With the TV show and the Halo 5s and the Halo Spartan Assault and the supposed other Halo game leaked in Korea and the other thing that I feel like I am forgeting they would appear to have a lot on their plate and wouldn't really have time to make a good Halo 2 Anniv-.

And I would want some new features for Halo 2 Anniv- , esspecially if it is released on the One (all that extra disc space to do lots with).

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Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.

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Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.


That's the thing, we don't need it, if you just love H2 that much, then play H2... I know the MM was shut down on both PC and Console, but if they did a remake, it would just be some new maps for H4 and game variants...and that brings us back to square one, we don't need it, 343i could make some good maps for H4 regardless.

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If 343 remakes Halo 2, as an anniversary edition I hope that they don't add Reach multiplayer the way they did in Halo;Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition. But make the original online multiplayer, instead of Halo 4 multiplayer. If they do that, I will definitely be buying it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.

What's this need crap? No video game is needed per se, makes no sense to say a game is or isn't needed, remake or no. 


There's no such thing as migration within the Halo titles, you play one game for a while and then you play the others. If H2 MM is brought back, that is where the migration would come into play...players migrating from other platforms and then there are the players that no longer play live who used to play H2, they would come back and in doing so, would also play the newest titles out there as well as all the Halos from time to time, that could actually be a plus for the newer games, not a negative.


This migration from other platforms is a big one and by itself would justify a remake. For online Halo gaming, a new game does not spark a migration (unless it has H2 stature) from other platforms so MS does not make tons of new money as far as subscriptions are concerned, the Halo players are already on live...however, if H2 causes a significant migration from other platforms, that is new profits coming in. There is a war on between console makers, and H2 could help MS immensely in that war.


A majority of gamers that play only consoles do it for a reason, they want their PC's for everything else but gaming, that is why consoles do well. I do not want my PC tied up while my grandson plays H2 when he comes to visit, I want him to play the console while I sit in the same room working on my comp. If he plays console (other games) for a while...maybe then he wants to play H2,,,what, I have to go offline so he can switch to the PC to play only H2 and I just sit around pounding my pud? Not acceptable, very few people can just go out and purchase another PC or 2 just to cover that scenario so that is not a logical option


Put the damned game back on console like the rest of the Halos, that is logic in it's highest form. You are too hung up on the pretty graphics of PC.


Whoever said that 343 does not care about the money is full of it, it is always about the money and frankly, because of my first paragraph, all the Halos would profit from a full H2 MP remake, imo.

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Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.


Well, this is the same thought a friend of mine made on CEA. You see the problem is not that "it is useless" on console because it's better on PC, I know that, I know that every single game is better on PC, but if you've played every single game on console and you're used to FPS on console, you just can't switch to PC just to buy a 9 years old game that you already have on console and is playable on 360. I still have my CE disk, my Halo 2 disk, and they work, but they are ruined and old, and I'd like to keep on playing these games in the future; now, they made it for CE, now there's only one game that is not yet on 360, and if they managed to complete Anniversary while working on Halo 4, I just can't see why they shouldn't work on H2A while being occupied with H5.

I know, I know, it's a hard work, I'm not putting it easy; but we had 15 chapters in that game, and I think those chapters deserve to be reconsidered.

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Halo 2 Anniversary is not needed or warranted.  Sure halo 2 was a great game and had the best MM of the franchise.  But let's look back at CEA.  There were many reasons why CEA used the Reach engine and became the game we got.  Halo 2 would be no exception.  Microsoft would not dare release a Halo 2 remake of any kind with a pure straight Halo 2 MM.  Doing so would fundamentally ruin any future Halo title, as many players would never migrate back to newer ones.


Second, why do we need one?  Can someone really list a well thought out explanation with detail, about how deserving and what features make Halo 2 sooooo great a title to remake?  We have a perfectly good PC version that almost looks 100% better than the console version.  It allows players to play custom content and you can host servers with it.  If anything, the PC version should be receiving updates and attention.  Nothing you put on a console can compare to the potential that was left with Halo2 PC.  Seriously, name 3 things about the console version that is better than the PC version.  And don't try to go the route of the Vista lock thing...it's a dead horse, and the same can be said for the console version....console only.

Reply to paragraph 1: Because as a previous poster said they would migrate to newer titles no matter what. According to your logic, almost nobody would have migrated from halo 2 to halo 3. Or Halo 3 to halo: REACH, if you argue because H3 and H2 are similiar.


Second. Because not everyone has a Windows Vista specifically for Halo 2. Especially since Vista is crap compared Windows 7.

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  • 2 months later...

Halo 2 Vista works perfectly fine on windows 7 and above. I've tried it on 8 and it works fine too. We should be giving Halo 2V our full attention not some graphical remake.
Also the MM of Halo 2 was very broken and glitchy and um ya not as great as you would think at times

Another cool thing they could have done is include a free copy of H2A with the legendary edition of Halo 5(if they had one) I mean its just a graphical remake? Redoing the multiplayer is not in anyway a very good idea. 

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So from what I have read and seen it looks like 343 are (considering) the remake of halo 2. This is very good news to people who have played halo ever since then such as me. But a lot of people have been also saying that this is a bad idea.


One of the major concerns is that if they make halo 2 anniversary then people will want a halo 3 anniversary swell. My standpoint on that is that, there wouldn't really be a need for a halo 3 anniversary because its already on the Xbox 360 and the servers are still running.


But like I was saying, someone from 343 has stated that they do not care about the money the game will make if they do this rather what's best for the franchise.(I'm also quoting halo5follower here from YouTube)


But what do you guys think about all this I'm all for a halo 2 anniversary but is it really needed and if so what's the best way that they should do it, like how they did with halo CE anniversary or a little different.


I think it would be a great redemption for 343. They massively butchered Halo, so bringing back on of the most amazing games of the franchise with amazing graphics would be best for them as well. On the other hand those updated graphics and audio will give the die hard gamers that Halo 2 feeling again, because the gameplay will remain the same. I feel that if 343 gives us Halo 2A, then not everybody is going to hate them as much. Then we wait for Halo 5.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know if a Halo 2 HD remake would even make any sense at all, but if it somehow happens, keeping things as they were is the best solution for a remake like this. I don't know if Microsoft will eventually go for it, but whoever makes it should aim for the original design and soundtrack appeal. CE Anniversary wasn't the same on that level, the music and some characters, weapon or vehicle designs just felt out of place. I think that a 1:1 remake (just a graphic overhaul and getting the multiplayer online again) would be enough. In fact, I liked CEA's technical approach by leaving the original engine running in the background. That was such a clever idea to help the remake feel exactly like the original.


That said, I wouldn't mind if they included some specific "easter egg". I've always dreamt about playing the original New Mombasa idea that Joe Staten played live on stage at E3 2003. That was groundbreaking and the main reason I was so hyped for Halo 2. I know it sounds like an imposible thing to do, but it would be awesome if they remade in HD for the XOne that level as well, and include it as an "unlockable" extra to play. Closing some future E3 with THAT again would be awesome.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It would be cool to play Halo2 in all the new HD crap they have now, maybe change it up a bit put some new things in there. But dont go to crazy, it be cool to see them do it but its not gonna be something i look foward to hearing about, i personally was suprised when they were going to redo halo1 so noone knows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, a Halo 2 Anniversary would make 343 Industries more popular than it is right now. All they should do to make this is to improve the graphics, and leave the guns, the gun sounds, etc alone. They should also bring back the Halo 2 multiplayer. Adding forge to a Halo 2 Anniversary would surely help with making profits from it. The platforms that it should be released on are Xbox: One and Xbox: 360 and maybe PC. It would definitely help out 343 as Halo 2 was originally awarded best graphics of it's time. With improved graphics, Halo 2 Anniversary would be incredibly amazing! So, just import whatever was in Halo 2 to Halo 2 Anniversary and keep the guns, gun sounds, other sounds, and especially the ragdoll/ body effects. Also, keep the original Halo 2 multiplayer, campaign, maybe add forge, and improve graphics. 343 Industries, if you would consider this recommendation, you would make a lot of profit and make a lot more satisfied Halo fans, and gain a lot more fans, so please do this for

yourselves, but most importantly, for the community.

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I think 343i will do it just not on the annivery due to Halo 5 coming out so maybe 2015 may hold Halo 2 annivery it would really help 343i rep and would have good sales because lots of people want it and frank o Connor and Phil spencer have hinted it so I say go for it. :)

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