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Halo 4 missing Variety


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When the weapon update arrived for halo I thought I would start enjoying the game more.  Ill admit the weapons are more balanced then they were before, but the game still does not interest me enough to play consistently.  Every match is too predictable knowing that you will be shot in the face more times than in any other game.  Every match is a riot of semi auto fire with everyone popping each others heads.  Basically in halo 4 if you are good with the br you can dominate the game.  weapons like the shotgun are used very scarcely now because nobody wants to get in close when they can just keep their distance and score 4 shots to the head.  Halo 2 was the best halo in my opinion.  Every match was different depending on the map.  Now in 4, no matter the map, each game is won by who can shoot the other team in the head more.  WHY CANT 343 MAKE A CLASSIC GAMEMODE???????  to me, a big part of the problem in halo 4 is everyone starting out with precision weapon and the ordinance drops.  This takes out soo many elements of the game, your pushing the game to be a long range game.  When the ar or smg were starting weapons with pick up weapons on the map, it made the game more dynamic.  Previous halos were about map control power weapons and teamwork, now its about camping and getting a rocket launcher delivered to you.  i started playing halo ce when i was in 4th grade and have played every halo since.  I really want the game to be good, maybe im just growing tired of it, but halo 4 is far less enjoyable to me than any other halo.  Imma go play battlefield now...


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I agree, my issue with new Halo is it's lack of innovation. I know alot of people are saying this about fps games but i just feel like I am getting more of the same which isn't really enough to keep me consistently interested in a game. I personally wish they would at least toss in a few new game modes or vehicles with each game. I would have loved a mode in which you could play as the flood in multiplayer or something that involved the scarab as a vehicle would be kickass too.

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