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Halo 2 PC - Vyrant Studios


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Ok guys, bout time someone brought the love to Halo 2 PC in the form of tag assets, maps and general workarounds for the game. I am said person. I plan on making releases for the PC version here as well as my other map teams website. I figured a few of you out there would appriciate it and I am looking for a semi-perm home until my home server and website is back up and running 100%.


So what can you expect? Anything! You have a question or request for a particular model, asset, bitmap, whatever..... Ask away! I can help and wnat to keep the little remnants of us H2 gamers alive. Now I know H2PC was a letdown, and the Live service for it is buggy as hell. But that doesn't mean we can't have some solo or server fun once in a while when it does work.


Also, as the topic implies, my modding group is called Vyrant Studios, and i am always looking for new people to help me and the community out. If you have skills at modding or map creation, hit me up! Peace out girl scouts!

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