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Miky 137

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Okay this is a question for 343 employees only and maybe anyone with a great knowledge of this subject why did they remove elites and don't say its because of the war games story because that is just an excuse we havent had elites in multiplayer since halo 3 (besides invasion in halo reach) I would just like to know the real reason.

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Okay this is a question for 343 employees only and maybe anyone with a great knowledge of this subject why did they remove elites and don't say its because of the war games story because that is just an excuse we havent had elites in multiplayer since halo 3 (besides invasion in halo reach) I would just like to know the real reason.


This is only a Community site. Waypoint is where they will answer you're questions.


And yes the only reason why Elites weren't in Multiplayer was that they couldn't come up with reasons for Spartans to have an excuse to Use Elites in the War Games. I'm sure it's because of the Truce with the Separatist Elites, that include the Arbiter, and they don't want to get in hot water with them or something.


Cause how could UNSC justify using and Killing Simulation Elites to Separatists, should they ever find out about it?

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Ya well that is no excuse for custom games or forge and thank you ledgend1221 see people agree with me and if 343 really listened to the community we would have another 3 third of the community on halo 4 right now see its stupid stuff like this that ruins their reputation

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  • 3 months later...

Gameplay-wise; it's likely because 343i were trying to keep the game perfectly balanced, and struggling to do so with playable Sangheili.

In-universe, it's likely because the UNSC and the Separatists are fighting the Storm Covenant separately at this point, therefore the Spartan-IVs presumably don't fight alongside Sangheili too often. 

But I agree that they need to be made playable again. If 343i insists on a canonical MP, then they should at the very least have the Separatists and the UNSC integrate their units and put Elites in the War Games simulator as well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that they will bring the Elites to multiplayer when they bring the Arbiter to the campaign, if they ever do. The Arbiter was Master Chief's Ally in Halo 3, you could also play as elites in Halo 3's multiplayer. If they bring The Arbiter back in Halo 5, there's a possibility the Elites will return to multiplayer. If they don't, then either 343i aren't bothered or there is a fair enough explanation to why they can't. I hope they are trying.

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