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Conquest- new forum game! A turn based strategy game!


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Wekks of hard work completed, it's finally here! 

Conquest is a turn based strategy game, similar to Halo Wars. At the moment, only UNSC units are available to use but Forerunner, Flood and Covenant will all be playable in the full version.







One turn is defined as one players post. Once the post is submitted, it may not be edited, and any posts made by that player before their next turn are NOT counted.

After every turn, I, BaconShelf, (Gamemaster) will update the scenario. (Resources owned by each person etc)

Anyone requesting a recap of their stats can ask me.

I will calaculate at the end of a turn what dmage is dealt, etc. I ONLY

Skipping a turn is allowed. 100 resources to do this.

All buildings take 3 turns to build.

When it is your turn, you MUST post within 24 hours of last post or 100 resource will be subtracted from your bAank

The conquest is a turn based game, featuring many unique units, abailities etc. The grid method goes up to tiles like E6, A1 etc.

In test, the board will consist of a 100x100 grid, no obstacles etc. Bases can only be built if I say say so

In test mode, buildings do not matter. I am testing the combat system right now. However, the buildings on a base will determine what you can build, supply and reactor count doesn't matter







Unsc- Infantry

Defense is HP, essentially


Infantry run 1 tile/ turn, can see one tile ahead of them

Marines take 1 turn to train, do 10 damage/ squad member and 5 defense/squad member(Grenade does 15 damage, takes one turn for a recharge) 100 resource


New blood- 3 turns, adds 10 damage and 5 defense. 200 resource

RPG- adds RPG ability, does 25 damage each rocket fired, takes 2 turns to recharge. 400 resource

Medic- adds 10 damage, 5 defense. Heals one squad member every turn if combat has not been initiated. 700 resource.

ODST- Each member 15 damage, 10 defense, Dropped anywhere on the battlefield. 1800 resource.



1 turn to train, do 5 damage to vehicles, 15 to infantry. Defense 10/unit (20 max). 100 resource.


Flashbang, stuns infantry(Renders them unusable for one turn) takes two turns to recharge. 200 resource

Napalm adherent- upgrade allows five HP to be removed from any unit hit for one turn after. 400 resource

Oxide tank- better fuel doubles damage done. 700 resource



2 turns to train, do 15 damage/turn, 10 defense/turn, can hijack vehicles(takes one tur, three turn recharge)300 resource

Chaingun- increases damage to 25. 300 resource

Neural implant- hijacks vehicles faster (Recharge two turns, vehicle can be controlled in the turn it is hijacked)600 resource

Spartan laser- 30 damage/turn. 1000 resource


Marksmen- 2 turns to train, equipped with DMR’s, can see two tiles ahead. 150 resource

Longest ranged infantry, does 15 damage to infantry, 10 to vehicles. Has 10 defense/squad member(2 members at start).



AP ammo- upgrades ammunition, + 5 damage dealt. 300 resource

Spotter- adds a squad member, adds ability to see where a tagged unit is anywhere on the map for three turns after. Four turns to recharge AFTER tag runs out. 700 resource

Sniper Rifles- Increases damage by another five, inreases range by 1 tile(Three tiles ahead) 1000 resource






Light/Scout vehicles



Light Vehicle depot

Mongoose- 10 Defense, 0 damage, Moves 4 tiles/ turn. Can see 3 tiles ahead. 50 resource


Splatter- Can splatter infantry or vehicles. Does 10 damage(one turn recharge) 150 resource

Rockets- Adds a marine riding shotgun with a launcher, giving 10 damage and another 5 defense

400 resource


(Note- all ‘Hogs start as chainguns apart from TT)

Warthog- 10 attack, 10 defense, moves 4 tiles/turn. Can see 2 tiles ahead.  150 resource.

Splatter- does an extra 10 attack, but removes 5 defense (Two turn recharge) 250 resource

Upgrade- Shotgun marine adds +5 damage and +5 defense to stats with a grenade launcher500 resource

Upgraded motor- barrels spin faster, doing double chaingun damage (20 attack) 700 resource


Heavy weapons hog- Moves 3 tiles/turn, 10 attack, 10 defense. Can see 2 tiles ahead. 250 resource

Guass turret- Adds a guass turret to the vehicle, increasing attack to 15. 250 resource

Shotgun Marine- Adds a Rocket launcher marine, increasing to 20 damage. 500 resource

Rocket turret- Replaces guass with rockets, increasing dmage by 5 and doing an extra 10 damage to aircraft (20 to ground, 30 to aircraft) 900 resource


Troop transport- moves 3 tiles/turn, 0 attack, 15 defense, can see 3 tiles ahead. 200 resource

Roll cage, adds a roll cage which allows one infantry unit to sit in the back and use their attack and defense with the hog. 400 resource

Shotgun- Adds a marine with a grenade launcher- adds 10 attack and 5 defense. 700 resource

Pistol- When in combat, the driver can fire their pistol, adds 5 attack and 5 defense. 900 resource





Units- Mechs



Mech factory

Cyclops- Moves 1 tile/turn, sees 1 tile ahead, has 15 attack and 10 defense (Can only use melee)125 resource. Two turns to make.

Repair kit- Adds the function to heal friendly vehicles. If used, cannot do anything for that turn

Cannon- adds a cannon for a ranged attack- adds 5 attack and 5 defense, can see two tiles ahead now and attack aircraft

Torque joints- moves two tiles/turn



Moves 2 tiles a turn, sees 3 ahead. Has 10 attack and 15 defense. 3 turns to make

Rocket pods- Adds a rocket pod to supplement the cannon. Adds 10 attack, 5 defense and plus 5 attack to aircraft

Rocket charge- Can fire all five rockets at once, doing 20 damage. Takes three turns to recharge

Shielding- adds an energy shield to double defense to a total of 40. (Shield has 20 defense, can recharge.)



Moves 4 tiles/turn, sees 5 ahead. Has 50 attack and 200 defense. 15 turns to make

It is essentially the uber-mantis on Adrift, therefore has no upgrades




MBT Depot



MBT Depot

Scorpion- MBT. Moves 3 tiles/ turn and sees 3 ahead. Has 20 attack and 30 defense.

Passenger machine gun- adds a marine on the secondary machine gun. Adds five attack and 10 defense

Canister shot- Adds a secondary attck that does 30 attack. Three turns recharge

Ceramic armour- Doubles defense to a total of 80 defense

Grizzly- Doubles attack to a total 50 attack. Adds 10 defense to a 90 total


Cobra. Moves 3 tiles/turn and sees 2 ahead. Sees 6 ahead when locked down. Does 10 attack but 30 attack when locked down.Has 15 defense.

Defensive plating- Adds 15 defense when locked down (30 lockdown defense)

Machine gun- adds an extra 5 attack to both modes (15 and 35 attack) and 10 attack to aircraft

Piercing shot- upgraded shot punches through targets(Damages ALL units on that tile and any on the one behind it) and does 10 more damage (45 attack lockdown)


Wolverine- Moves 3 tiles/turn and sees 4 ahead. Does 10 attack to ground units, and 20 attack to aircraft.

Barrage- Uleashes a payload of missiles on aground target, damaging everything on the tile and in the 3x3 surrounding it. (Does 30 damage, recharges in two turns)

Concussive rounds- Grenade launcher does an EMP and stuns ground units for a turn

Dual batteries- Two missile batteries doubles damage to aircraft. (40 damage)




Special vehicles. These vehicles are not direct offensive but support.



Special vehicles depot

Elephant- Moves two tiles/turn, sees 3 tiles, has attack of 20, defense of 75 and can carry 10 infantry squads who add to the stats of the vehicle. It can carry two vehicles which don’t add to the stats. (TT Hogs can’t be carried). This can be done while locked down only, but still add while moving. Infantry can be trained while locked down.


Dual engine- boosts speed (3 tiles/second)

Defense turret- Adds + 10 defense and 15 attack while locked down.

Ceramic armour- Adds more HP totalling 100 defense.



Moves 3 tiles/turn, does 5 damage to infantry and 15 damage to vehicles

EMP- Stuns vehicles for that turn. Adds 5 damage (10 and 20)

Chain amplifier- Stuns more vehicles in the tiles next to it, for a chain of three away from the one targeted. Incinerates infantry (Does 45 damage, -5 every one in the chain, Takes two turns to recharge)

Aircraft targeting- EMP can target aircraft, knocking them out of the sky and doing damage to them. (15 damage)




Air pad



Air Pad


Moves 5 tiles/turn, can see 4 ahead, Has 15 attack and 15 defense. Can carry a squad of infantry

Gunners- Adds two machine gunners on the sides of the falcon(+10 attack, +5 defense)

Grenade Launchers- Upgrades side turrets to grenade launchers(+20 Attack,+10 defense)



Moves 4 tiles/turn. Sees 5 ahead, Has 20 atack and 10 defense.

Troop bay- allows squads (Up to 5) and vehicles (2) to be carried by the transport

CO-Gunner- Adds scorpion turret on top, +15 attack. +10 defense

Side gunners- Add +15 attack, +20 defense



Moves 5 tiles/turn, sees 4 ahead. 15 attack, 15 defense

Wingman- adds marines with rockets (+10 attack, + 15 defense)

Chaff pods- Dodges rockets(-1/2 attack from missiles) and +10 defense overall

Hawk- Hawk gunship, +15 attack, +15 defense



Moves 2 tiles/turn, 35 atack, 45 defense. Barrage ability does 30 attack, recharge 4 turns

Dual salvo- Doubles amount of rockets. (Rockets do 60 attack)







Air pad- 150 defense

Vehicle depot- 150 defense

Barracks- 150 defense

Launch Pad- 150 defense

BAse/Command Centre- 500 defense

Mech Factory- 150 defense

Light Vheicle Depot- 150 Defense

Support Vehicle Depot- 150 Defense




If you need anything, do not be afraid to PM me!

If a certain stat(Train time, etc) ask me for it!


I need THREE additional players for the test mode. I will update stats for anyone via PM, and can give locations of units etc. Fourty units are allowed. This can be 40 ODST's or 40 Vultures. ODST's can be hot-dropped indefintiyly to make up for this. Once the round begins, I will create a new thread though stats can and will be updated here.


Player list-








To add in more tests-

Launch pad; space combat, bombing runs and larger fighters are made here


Silo- Nukes, Cryo bombs, distruption bombs, healer missiles and MAC Strikes coordinated from here.


Siege Bike (For UNSC Forces)


Forerunner, Flood, Covenant forces. 


A map we can look at. For now, I just have an Excel document with a 100x100 grid on it.


Any specific units or ideas to add? Suggest them below! I'm open to comments!

Edited by BaconShelf
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Your units are designed to have strengths and weaknesses. Choosign weapons may make it OP- THese are chosen for the fact it will be difficult nough for me to do the calculations and keep track of this. This may end up as a test version, but I doubt it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be wiling to do this for you and you have given me an Idea, not as a game but an info thread. Deciding on which Topic to post it on.

Its between these fourTopics


Off Beats

General Discussion


Halo Books-Music-and Member Created Works

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