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How to land a job at 343 industries?

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Halo is my life and has been since I could walk!! I love you guys/girls and would love to work for you, hell I would go as far as cleaning toilets and polishing Frank O'conners head if it meant I got to work on Halo! I still have a few years of school left but how would I go about getting a job at 343 and what does everyone else think, would you love to work on Halo? I know I would!

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Well to get a job at 343 (or any gaming developer) you need to know where you want to go into, game developement, story creation, programing, Graphics and design, ect... i personally am going into programing, but i have a little bit of 3D graphics under my belt aswell as some creative ideas from when i used to want to be a writer I even wrote some small Halo fanfics (they were not the greatest lol). So where you should begin as deciding what part of video game developement you enjoy the most, and from there go to college for it, and then possibly get a job at 343 no gaurantees though not everyone will get the job they desire.

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Halo is my life and has been since I could walk!! I love you guys/girls and would love to work for you, hell I would go as far as cleaning toilets and polishing Frank O'conners head if it meant I got to work on Halo! I still have a few years of school left but how would I go about getting a job at 343 and what does everyone else think, would you love to work on Halo? I know I would!


well, just so you know, this is not the official 343 industries site. Their official site is at  halo.xbox.com


anyways, you need to put something on the plate that 343i will take. What i am trying to say is, you need some experience and talent if you want to land a job with 343i. As Leonanders said, you should know what area(s) of production  you would  be able to work in. Developing a game requires numerous talents working in unison to achieve a common goal, and each part is extremely important

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Having looked into this before (My passion is to go into concept art) most major debs require you to have worked on at least two successful game titles previously. Can be indie etc but at least two. Google 343 industries jobs or something for details.

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