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Asymetrical, 8-12 Players, Plays all slayer-based & objective gametypes well and even plays dominion, but it runs like territories, Plus has a bit of a Headlong/The Pit Feel!

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Thanks to all who download, test, and give comments and feedback

If you would like to be apart of any play throughs leave a comment with your GT, Thanks!

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Wow, that an impressive map you've got going there.


I've never heard of you before, so its great to see some new gamertags around here. For unknown forger, you look like you have some brilliant maps to share with the community. This map in particular definitely has a Headlong feel, with the aesthetics resembling a city-like landscape. Since I'm not a competitive forger, I can't exactly give you feedback in terms of gameplay.


For aesthetics however, if you have the budget left, may I suggest adding streetlights to add to the atmosphere? All it takes is a simple 'antenna, small' poking out of the ground, then adding a horizontal 'light' piece (forgot the name) at the top, found in the 'Dominion' section. A couple 'Jersey Barriers' for added cover, really give a human-touch to the map aswell.


I hope I was of assistance to you.

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Nice overview image and title pic. :)


But back to the map, I noticed that you haven't colored your map. I highly suggest doing so. Just don't overdo it.


I think some areas of the map could use a little more cover but I can't say for sure until I can play on it. So I'll give it a DL and take a look in Forge.

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The layout looks great by the screen caps , I TRY not to critique maps until I play them so I will download, and return to this thread!

And I do agree to Zandril, I look forward to the coloring!

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I played this map today and  I noticed very small things (not map braking) at all!  But a couple places were there were junctions of pieces that didnt meet the same elevation only by one coordinate of height, and gave the players a slight bump in movement! A lower 4x4 platform could perhaps use a little  bit more cover!


This could be just my preference and just a thought but, if budget allowed, I would knock out some of the coliseum walls and let the light in, and dig a little deeper to assist the dynamic lighting! Perhaps some Coliseum windows, or visual guides that tell a player this is not a playable area! The lighting wasnt broken, but not happening either!


  Honestly I really enjoy the layout, of all the different elevations! I utilized all biomes of the map, in which none felt like dominating, nor vulnerable! Very balanced at that! I would not touch the layout, this is what makes this map unique! I love all the structural molding, and aesthetic overhead touches you did!


This map will be just fine in my hard drive and add to my custom rotation (I am gonna download the colored render though)! I myself am not new to Forge, but new to submission, and look forward to more of your builds!

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I took a look around the map and I plan to run a 4 v 4 game or two as soon as I get the chance, but I noticed a few non-gameplay elements that could be changed:


• Your weapon organization was rather confusing. Some power weapons are on drops and some aren't, leading to situations where you think you know where they are but then you are surprised with a weapon you didn't know was on the map. The random grenade drops also seemed a little unbalanced, with one side getting frags and the other getting plasma and pulse. I would put 1 plasma/ pulse on each side along with 1 frag drop. Finally, you occasionally had power weapons on the little plinths that held loadout weapons, which got confusing when you went up to one expecting a loadout weapon or avoided it because you thought it was a loadout weapon. To simplify things, you might want to make all of your power weapons be on initial drops and have the plinths for loadout weapons only.


• Some spawns faced confusing or disorienting locations, like the blue respawn points on the upper level facing the struts. You should generally spawn facing towards the middle of the map so that you can get back into the flow of moving around the map quickly and so that you can orient yourself quickly. 


• There were a few very long lines of sight around the map, stretching all the way across. This generally leads to a lot of cross map fights where the player who shoots first wins, but I need to play a game to get a better feel for if it will be an issue on this map. There is also a choke-point by the DMR where you have to go down one of these lines of sight with no way to get out of it for a few seconds. 


I'll get back to you after I've played a game with more feedback. I like a lot of the map though and I'd love to see it become even better. 

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I took a look around the map and I plan to run a 4 v 4 game or two as soon as I get the chance, but I noticed a few non-gameplay elements that could be changed:


• Some spawns faced confusing or disorienting locations, like the blue respawn points on the upper level facing the struts. You should generally spawn facing towards the middle of the map so that you can get back into the flow of moving around the map quickly and so that you can orient yourself .


Wow! Thanks for playing a game on the map, I'm assuming that you played the non updated version, I've been really busy lately and haven't had time to forge, but I did get an updated version in my file share for the most common issues that the community and I both found, I've updated the link in the post to the new version, highly suggest playing some objective games, thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a look at the new version, here are my thoughts:


+ The bulged area with the yellow light is much better, looks very nice and breaks up the LOS well. Should create a few safe spawn points as well. I'd like to see a lot more things like this. 


+ Red base is more developed, though I'd like to see a little more work in front of the base. The big open area doesn't really serve a great purpose except to make the base difficult to approach from the front. 


- I got a lot of frame rate lag in forge. Not sure how bad it will be in game, but looking out of red base dropped the fps quite low. 


- Blue hallway still had some very long LOS, as did other parts of the map. A lot of areas seem to have "lazy" cover in them, crates and boxes in an otherwise square, flat hallway. I'd like to see a lot more of what you did with the yellow hall, but not exactly the same. Take the concept of a turn in the path or a change in height and apply it differently and in a way that makes sense for the area. The map has some good in it but every area could be looked over and possibly changed to fit this design philosophy. 

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