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Shall We Start Another...

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hello, community. I was hoping to have a few minutes of time so you could read this. I want to help make this section of the forums a more organized place, but it will require participation and compliance from all of you to help accomplish what i am going to discuss. please keep in mind, i am no staff member, so i can do nothing "official" here when it comes to making a policy 



in recent times, i have frequently come to check out the halo 5 section of topics. As i scroll through the list of topics, i see numerous new threads every day, and many of these threads have a reply count between 2 and 6. The next day, i see these same threads being pushed further down on the list of topics, by topics of their same nature. And the cycle seems to continue, again and again.


This is completely natural for some topics to "die down" and make their way to the back of the line, but the situation here has gone out of hand. What i am referring to, is the dreaded "wish list" for future halo games. I am not directing this at anyone specific, but these topics have become a "group effort" that i am even guilty of myself. Both creating these extremely similar threads and replying in them has added to the cycle of disorganization. 


These wish lists often consist of extremely similar content to everyone other one made. They tend to revolve around, the arbiter, driveable pelicans, playable elites, flood firefight, and many other things. It has become painful for me to read these threads, day after day, only to see the same thing said by a different person each time. There is a difference between a creative new idea for halo 5, and cliche idea that has been posted a hundred times over. If you have a clever idea, Share it!! things like new weapon designs, or a unique plot speculation are always good. But, be sure that your idea has not been shared by another person already. Having the arbiter in campaign is not your own creative idea. If someone has already started a thread about your interests, just add a reply to it rather than making another "wish list"


At a certain point, these wish lists become ignorant and selfish. Rather than searching for thread about some new ideas for halo, you feel that you should make your own. You have deemed yourself "too good" to reply to someone else's thread, and you feel that you should go on to put your ideas into the spotlight. You should realize that it will only waste other people's time, and it will add more mess to clean up around the forums. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion or an idea, do not get me wrong. But when you feel that your opinion or idea is more important than someone else's, that is when you cross the line. If an idea has been shared before, why should you have to repeat it again, in your own words??


For a little comic relief (i hope), i will attempt to make a metaphor for this situation. 


there is a table, full of donuts, bacon, or whatever food you happen to be craving. This table is completely covered with the food.  You are organizing a party, and this table will provide food for the party. You know that your guests will bring food along with them to offer to everyone as well. 


Now, when the guests come, do you throw their food on the table that is already overflowing with tasty goodness? Or do you tell them to eat the food that is already on the table, so more room can be made for the other food later? Yes, you need to eat the food that is already there before you can put more out


I hope that was understandable. The table representing this section of the forums, and the food representing the topics




I hope that you can at least see where all of this is coming from. I just want to do what i can to benefit the community as a whole, and i do have good intentions. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please leave a reply so we can discuss this like normal humans



So, before you decide that you want to make a new thread, consider if a similar one is already out there. We have seen enough wish lists with the same content on each one



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This is especially annoying since there is already an "Arbiter for halo 5?" thread. I have noticed this also with forging Firefight, campaign and Spartan Ops to the point of not even looking at the thread.


It's things like the Flood one that Backdemeon did that we need more of, not crap.^.^

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