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map: ultra chess


game type: ultra chess


players: 8 vs 8






ultra chess is highly chaotic game based off of the chess concept. each team will consist of 8 players each with 2 lives as if they are serving two chess pieces. as well there are 8 pawns which consist of 4 mongooses and 4 ghosts. rooks are the turret tower in each corner, banshees are the knights and warthogs with gause are bishops, the queens are mantises. the kings how ever are different white being the wraith and black the scorpion. you have no shields and start with rockets infinite ammo, thruster pack infinite. 0% in melee and only 25% in weapon damage.


Having no shields is to urge you to get in a vehicle as it will protect you longer. as you play the different pieces and try and eliminate the other team you will notice because of the damage decrease each vehicle will represent its proper ranking.. as the pawns do protect you and move around fast they are far easily destroyed then say your king. so protect your king, as losing that could turn the battle. VEHICLES DO NOT RE SPAWN! once a piece is destroyed its gone until the game is over. first team to eliminate both lives of each enemy wins


would love to see videos of this being fully played, any feedback welcomed ENJOY!



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I've got a few concerns with the balancing for this gametype. At an initial glance, the side with the Scorpion appears to have a significant advantage. Secondly, based on all the heavy vehichles and weaponry, it would seem the Mongooses and Ghosts would be at a significant disadvantage.


I do think you've got a good idea going though. It needs to be heavily refined. 


If you're going to make it vehichle centric, you should make it a KOTH gametype. Both King Vehichles are hills, and both teams go about trying to capture each other's kings and hold them long enough to gain the lead. 


Secondly, the play space needs to be much bigger. Have the loose feeling of it being a Chess Board, but make exceptions to balance out the vehichles. As to not create unfair defeats, give the players extra health, and make it so they can only deal damage once outside of the spawn. The Rooks should either be mobile Rocket Hogs, or Rocket Launchers themselves. Keep Banshees as Knights, but make it so that the higher up they go, the less damage they deal and more health they have, that way, players have to risk themselves to dish out massive damage as a Knight.

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