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Weapon Upgrades and Earned Support.


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Hello people. Today my idea is Weapon Upgrades and Earned Support. Heres how it would would work:


Weapon Upgrades

​You would start out like any other halo game with a regular loadout but as you rank up you get buyable stuff like Suppressors, Grips, and Scopes. Now I bet your thinking this is just like call of duty. WRONG, CoD has you get those things as you level up on halo you would have achievements and challenges unlock them. Wether UNSC, Covenant, Brute, or Promethean all have attachments.

Earned Support

This would be alot like ordnance. When you get different medals and commendations in the game you unlock earned support like airstrikes, Drop pods, allies, and albatross dropped vehicles.

heres a list of earned support

Drop Pod

Satelite Image

Drop Pods

Target designator

ODST drop

Satelite EMP

Albatross Vehicle drop

Pelican/Phantom Escort

Longsword strike

Shortsword carpet bomb

Frigate support

ODP Super mac/Cleansing beam

what do you think?

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WRONG, CoD has you get those things as you level up on halo you would have achievements and challenges unlock them. Wether UNSC, Covenant, Brute, or Promethean all have attachments.

That still sounds like Call of Duty. 



Earned Support

No. While I do think Ordnance is here to stay, the thing that makes it better than CoD's Killstreaks is that if you are not the best shot, you will most likely die. The ideas you propose allow you to gain points and experience with no skill involved.

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I do not like the idea of attachments. Whilst it does sound like those Modern-Military-FPSs that is not why I don't like the idea. Every possible combination of attachments on each weapon acts like a completely unique weapon when it comes to weapon balance. The poor thing about it is that people will eventually find "the best gun combo" and just roll with that. It'd be like the M16A3+Hvy Barrel+Grip+Red Dot in BF3. I enjoy the variety Halo has to offer. Less weapons = easier to balance = most likely a better balanced game. It also means that people will be less inclined to drop "their gun" and scavenge weapons from fallen players. I already dislike how quickly weapons disappear in the game and this seems like a reason to let 343 keep it the same.


I would not want "earned support" to be anywhere near multiplayer at all. I don't like ordinance anyways because it makes map control (an idea that was always extremely important in Halo) less of a factor. In some cases it makes map control completely worthless. Ordinance gametypes, depending on the map, are "which team got the most launchers or snipers." Map control is what made Halo "HALO" for me. It made it different from other FPSs that allow you to sit right where you spawn and still be effective. In my opinion belittling map control it was a step in the wrong direction.


I do like the idea of support in Firefight modes though. If 343 should be so kind as to bring firefight back, I cannot think of a terribly compelling reason why we shouldn't be able to call in 3rd party support. An ODST squad deployed VIA Drop Pods, air cover from Pelicans, Falcons or Hornets, or a simple vehicle or heavy weapon drop.

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While I always lived ODSTs M7/S SMG and M9 SOCOM and would love to see them return in the campaign, absolutely not in multiplayer.


Each gun is tuned to have SPECIFIC STRENGTHS SND WEAKNESSES. Assault Rifles/Automatics in general are short range inaccurate weapons that deal a lot if damage close to the target. Marksman rifles (BR, DMR, NR, LR etc) are designed as medium range weapons, too precise for close range.


Remind me, what good does a silencer do when your motion tracker sees it anyway?

A red dot sight on a close range weapon?


Absolutely no point.



I also love the idea of being able to get a target locator and call down a MAC blast but these would completely OP everything on open maps like Ragnarok and be pointless on maps like Adrift with no outside space. Again, a terrible idea.


We have Banshees, we create our own air support

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