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Which Campaign Mission is your favorite?

Ghost Recon

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It's hard to pin this one... I have multiple levels that are favs for me, but I think the one that stands out the most is * The Covenant * from Halo 3.


For those prepared to read this... I warn you... I've been really crappy at spelling and typing lately, and I might come off as some 3 year old given access to highly unstable fission material, So bear with me here.


Lets just say alot happens in the mission, which for me is what a Mission in ANY Halo should have. The whole level is an epic. They could've chopped that level in half and sold them as two different Missions, and No one would have even noticed cause it's that large. Idk it felt like a huge friggin' level to me.


1. First off you go around some Towers disabling crap. After kicking the sh1t out of the first tower, you pile up in some Hornets, and unload on some Covenant Air support. (Another big plus in ANY Halo is a level where you fly around blowing sh1t up.).


2. Then after storming the 2nd tower The Flood barge in and somewhat ruin the party. After escaping said tower you pile up in some Scorpions (I'm not sure if there's more than 1 Scorpion in the mission. Well just a disclosure, I'm always that jerk guy grabbing the Scorpion in the first place so it's hard for me to notice   :troll: )

Anyway you drive off down the yellow brick road to even MORE Hornets. Then at that moment 2 Scarabs fly in and pretty much ask to be blown up. After epicly jumping around on the pre-detonating Scarab, and then flying 2000 feet into the air after detonation, we all get to the Final Tower.


3... I'm too lazy and too tired to continue this. Lets just leave this at, "The Mission is a gold nugget fest of Flying ass Monkeys and confetti" and call it a day.

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  • 2 months later...

In Halo 2, I absolutely adore Quarantine Zone and Gravemind.

In Halo 3, Halo and the Covenant are really fun.

In ODST, the Coastal Highway is #1.

In Reach, New Alexandria has a lot of fun stuff to do.

In Halo 4, they all kinda... stink. I don't know, there isn't a particularly memorable level in Halo 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Halo CE/: Anniversary: The Maw

Halo 2: Quarantine Zone and High Charity (There's none I hate, just the ones I don't love as much. ^_^)

Halo 3: Halo and The Ark

Halo: Reach: Pillar of Autumn 

Halo 4: Dawn and Midnight.


Loved the Halo 2 campaign. SO much fun. :heart:


But the Halo 4 campaign was incredible nontheless, though missions like the composer were so annoying.... Banshees!

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  On 10/20/2013 at 12:03 PM, Zandril said:

The mission called "Halo" from Halo 3. I believe it was the last mission.


It's my favorite because you get to kill Guilty Spark....who murdered Sergeant Johnson.


I miss him. He knew what the ladies liked.


I agree. It is definitely one of my favourite missions...and yes, he did know what the ladies like. ;)

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in halo CE/anniversery: assault on control room, silent cartographer, and pillar of autumn

halo2: the third to last level and the last level.

halo 3: covenant, ark, halo

halo wars: haven't played

halo 3 ODST: havent played

halo reach: nightfall, tip of the spear, lone wolf

halo 4: havent played much of the levels except the first 3 so those are my favorite halo 4 levels


(Notice i put mine in release date order)

Edited by haloman 2
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