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Help With Halo 3: Last Resort Weapons and Spawns

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Hello everyone, I need help revolving around the map Last Resort on Halo 3. I have Halo 3 ODST with the Halo 3 multiplayer, but the multiplayer broke and I have no access to the map.

I want to make a remake in Halo 4, and I want to put the weapons, vehicles, and spawns the same, but there is no way to find out. I want a birds-eye-view map like some other maps that shows where each weapon is and such like this:



Except I need one for Last Resort and not Ghost Town. Could anyone help me?

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Last Resort weapon, equipment, and vehicle placement (no detailed spawns):




It's extremely hard to get precise placement with the overhead shot. If I happen to get a chance, I will go into H3 Forge and try to get some detailed images or perhaps a short YouTube video that you could get a clearer view of the desired object placement.


I started a Guardian remake as a side project but haven't had time to finish. Very limited to available forge objects and canvas of H4. I'll get back to it one day, lol. :)

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Last Resort weapon, equipment, and vehicle placement (no detailed spawns):




It's extremely hard to get precise placement with the overhead shot. If I happen to get a chance, I will go into H3 Forge and try to get some detailed images or perhaps a short YouTube video that you could get a clearer view of the desired object placement.


I started a Guardian remake as a side project but haven't had time to finish. Very limited to available forge objects and canvas of H4. I'll get back to it one day, lol. :)

Isn't there a sniper at Camp Froman, all the way on the right?

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