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Halo: On the Blood Of Our Fathers- First chapter+ Preview of what's to come


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Chapter One



14:23 HOURS// NOVEMBER 23RD 2541//


Plasma fire filled the air. Blue bolts of energy streaking through the air and melting the targets they hit. New Orseni was in ruins; what sections of ground that weren’t rubble were few and far between. Almost all the skyscrapers in the city were levelled; smoke and fire filled the air. Vehicles and bodies, Human and Covenant, Military and Civilian, filled the streets. Death hung in the air. Amidst the rubble, fighting still occurred. Eight black-armoured figures stalked the shadows of the streets.

“Why are we still fighting for this place?” Moaned the second in the squad. “It’s not like there’s anything left to defend here anyway!” He continued, much as he had done for the past hour. Another slugged him on the shoulder.

“Because every colony we save is one less win for the Covvies, got it Marshall?” he replied as three grunts rounded a corner. Eight weapons opened fire on the aliens, clad in orange armour. Luminescent blue blood sprayed out of the small pitiful aliens, accompanied by shrill screams of terror as their bodies were ripped apart from the impact of dozens of armour piercing rounds.

“Doesn’t explain what we can do with a planet made of lava and rubble. We’re just wasting our resources here, defending a defunct planet with no resources le-“

“Shut it” Ordered the squad commander as he let loose a volley of automatic weapons fire down the barren street. Pulling back, he looked at Warren. His body language said it all; That includes you, too. Before the recruit could argue, the radio crackled into life. “Sergeant, it’s for you.’ Reported Davis, the Comm Officer.

“UNSC Minutes to Midnight to Griffin Squad, there are multiple Phantoms headed your way. Suggest taking cover in the Corpus building until evac arrives, no use fighting now. Glassing's begun, Cole Protocol's in effect." The squad fell silent. 

"We're pulling out, Anton out.”

“We can’t pull out now! We’ve not finished evacuating yet!” Cried Mal as he noticed three small dots in the sky.

“Doesn’t matter, orders are orders. Doesn’t mean they’re good ones, but we’re soldiers. We follow orders, got it?” Answered Marshall as they ran down the street.

A neon-green explosion impacted the ground in front of them, melting the framework of several cars near by. The purple silhouettes of several Banshees screeched overhead.

“Banshees, 7 O’clock. Rockets away!” shouted Greeson, as he launched two 102mm HEAT shaped Anti-Tank missiles at the group. Reloading, he watched as two Banshees turned into mini-supernovas. The shrapnel then embedded itself in the third, sending it tumbling into a nearby building.

“Good shot!”


They reached the building. The two-story factory was badly damaged. Sandbags littered the stairs leading up to the main building. There was a lone machine gun turret guarding the top where the barricades had fallen. A fallen marine lay behind the gun, face down on the floor with plasma burns up and down his body.

“Griffin to Command, we have arrived at the designated location, I don’t see much of any transport here. Are we supposed to jetpack there or something?”

“If you’re volunteering, that would be appreciated. Pelicans are unloading last flights of Civvies. ETA five minutes, I’d suggest bunkering down and making a defence in the Corpus Building.” Replied the AI. “Phantoms touching down two-hundred metres north of your position. Clear the lane, we can take out the air.” He continued.

“Roger that, Griffin, we have about thirty seconds to rebuild these sandbag barricades. Get to work.” Ordered Mal as the dropships began to unload their payload of troops. 

Edited by Minutes To Midnight
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