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War for The Stars RP V2! Back and better than ever!


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After last time, I have updated the rules slightly but it's basically the same. 


Quite simply, this is a roleplay i thought of after reading Sykos fanfic. So here is the setting;

It is the year 2578, and humanity has made great advances in they years following the Wars that nearly caused their extinction and is now much more powerful than ever! Recently though, remnants of the Insurrectionidts that plagued the UNSC over fifty years ago have resurfaced, with new technology of their own. Recent Fighting has caused many colonies to break away, and begin their own ideals.

This is where you come in- you must create a faction(using the faction sheet below) and join the battle between hindreds of worlds in an attempt to gain control of one of the largest empires since the Forrunners.

-The flagship of a fleet can be no bigger than the Infinity or similar size.
-Slipspace travelling can take a few weeks for nearby planets, and months for further away planets.
-Humans cannot jump accurately and must exit millions of kilometres away from a planet
-covenant can arrive next to a planet
-No OP faction
-No forerunner factions unless done EXTREMELY WELL. No Precursors.

-Same with Flood and Ancient human factions
-it would take weeks, if not months to conquer a planet. GLASSING IS PROHIBITED AND MUST BE AGRREED UPON!
-invading an occupied planet/system must be agreed upon
-there should be two-three people operating a faction- one as a higher up person and two normal people/soldiers
- remember the powers if weapons. A CCS battlecruiser can not take a MAC round from an ODP and survive.

-will add more as time goes on

Now the fun part-

FACTION SHEET, if you do not use this, you will be denied instantly though you can reapply

World of origin:
Primary Species:
Other member species and their roles:
Fleet sizes:
Other information:

Only use this if you want to create a character 
Name(try to keep it similar to existing names for a species):
Physical appearance:
Preferred weapon and vehicle(if any):
Other information;

I will post mine in the thread for everyone to see.
If you are stuck for planets/systems-
Installation 1,2,3,5,6,7
Eradinus system
Jovian moons
Jericho system
Covenant home worlds
The asteroid belt where the Rebel base (was)
Again I will add more and remove the taken ones. You can make up your own planet as well though.

See you on the battlefield! I will begin the RP at five accepted factions.


Remember, existing factions can be played!

Faction name: Talons of Sanghelios
Origin: Sanghelio
Primary Species: Sangheili
Other species: Huragok, Jiraelhanae, Yan'me, Unggoy, kig-yar, human, Lekgolo
Flag: Crossed swords above a forerunner glyph
Fleet sizes: approx 34 fleets of varying sizes, ships from all species make up the fleets 
Population: approx 140,000
Information: this group, led by Sangheili, welcomes all species to join them. They are dedicated to researching and protecting Forerunner artefacts while destroying those who threaten them.

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Name: United Colonial Republic.

World of origin: Citadel V (Formerly Beta gamma 0045 V.)

Primary Species: Humans

Other member species and their roles: None

Flag: White backround with a black shield and two swords crossed.

Fleet sizes: 3 Carrier Battlegroups consiting of 1 Carrier, 3 Battle ships and 9 Destroyer escorts each.

Population: 3,230,900 Civilan, 2,502,500 Enlisted.

Other information: During the covenant war, a large group of colonists saw the state the UNSC was in and feared the worst for humanity.
Being led by a group of disgruntaled ODSTs, they set out to get as far away from the UNSC as possible, hoping to avoid extinction.
This was 2 years after the war started.
After 10 months of hardship, they found the planet they had been waiting for. A small garden world, perfect for habitaion and rich in mineral resources.
These people were determined to resist the covenant at any cost and the entire system was based around the military.

A number of measures were taken to increase the population quickly
An exterme example of Quality vs Quantity, there ground forces are better equppied, trained and motivatied then nearly anything currently known.
They fight using guerilla tactics and almost every citizen owns and is trained in the use of weapons.
Their one weakness however is their fleet which is underdevolped whose training is only based on theroy.
To compensate for this, the planet is protected by several massive anti-orbital guns and many smaller ones, requiring an opposing force to establish ground control before gaining space control, which is exactly what the U.C.R wants.

A Terraforming effort is underway on Citadel VI and a mining operation is being conducted on the asteriod belt surrounding the solar system.


After years of silence, long range probes are pinging.. They're now waiting for someone to make the first move, be it agression or peace.


Military Hardware and programs:




Infantry Weapons:

U.C.R has a very standardised armed force with little variation in weapons and equipment used.

Many of their 8mm weapons are modular.

Exceptions are the .45 pistol caliber weapons and the high caliber .50 AM Sniper and the 15mm AT rifle.

Special forces units employ prototype weapons not seen in use by the regular armed forces.


The primary ground Vehicles:

The Warthog and Scorpion were deemed grossly ineffective and were immeadiatly phased out.

The Guardian and Crusader were brought in to replace them.

The design of the Guardian was very popular with it's crews. It was fully enclosed and more spacious then the warthog, with the Gunner having an armoured bubble around him. This limits vison but the trade off is worth it to protect the crews. However, anything classed as AM will have no problem going through the Guardian, still making speed the best protection.

The Crusader was designed to off-set the massive weaknesses of the Scorpion. It reverted to the more traditonal design of tanks by employing the Dual-thread and Central turret.

It's threads were made extra wide to increase traction with the ground and prevent flipping in case of a tactical nuclear strike.

It's hull mounted and co-ax 20mm cannons provide effective anti infantry and light armour capabilites.

It has a top mounted 2x Missile launcer and a 40mm AA weapon.

It's 250mm Thick frontal hull armour and 320mm frontal turret armour is sloped at a 40 degree angle, giving it supreme protection and a menacing appearence.

The focus of the Crusader is it's massive 150mm cannon.

Many engineers were stumped on how to create a reliable weapon to destroy covenant armour. Many Scorpions facing Wraiths were often defeated by shielding employed on some of them. This reduced the HEAT round of the Scorpion to little more then an annoyance.

Increasing the weapon caliber from 90mm to 150mm was thought to help, but there was no way to guarantee.

The answere came in the form of a revolutionary 3-stage shell.

The shell is tipped with a minor EMP warhead, creating a small gap for the rest of the round to pass through.

After the EMP is gone, the jet assisted HEAT shell is realesed from it's casing, allowing easy penetration.

An exotic explosive is then trigger after the round is inside, ensuring the crew is killed or wounded.

However, the lower Glasis plate is still a weakness. The Commanders and drivers viewport are also prime targets for enemy AT weapons, though the chance's of hitting are slim.



The Crusader chassis has been retrofitted to TD's, Field guns, mine clearence and various other uses.








Providing the second line of defense in case of Covenant invasion, nothing was spared in designing the most advanced aircraft possible to defend the skies.


The need for a deadicated atmospheric fighter was first acted upon. The shortsword used by the UNSC was outclassed in atmospheric combat by Covenant banshee.


The Talon fighter was the solution.


It's unique design and advanced technology allows it to dominate the skies.

A single pilot craft, it uses advanced technology to monitor the vital signs of it's occupant. If the pilot is killed, it will attempt an auto-pilot landing at the nearest airbase.


It's advanced swept-wing design gives it an very smooth airflow. Thrust vectoring nozzles allow for sharp turns, while pilot suits regulate vital signs, preventing blackouts from high G forces.


It's Internal compartments can carry 8 Lighting AA missiles, which can destroy even heavy craft such as Shortswords and Seraphs.


It's cannon is a light-rail weapon, allowing pilots to strike at targets instantly without leading. This also allows for greater ammo capacity.


It should have no problems against enemy aircraft save ammo.



The Wyvern CAS is a descendent of aircraft such as the A-10 and A-20. It's role was largely phased out and replaced by space-fighter/bombers like the shortsword. However these were never as effective as their dedicaed predacessors in these roles. They were inagile and easy targets for AA weapons.


The aircraft is heavier and slower then the Talon, though it carries a greater payload and is much more armoured.


It's chief and most feared gun is the "Destroyer", a six barrel 40mm gatling weapon with a ROF of 8000 RPM. The Wyvern carries over 4000 rounds which future versions having greater capacity.

It's DPU slugs shred any armour and vaporise any organic target that is unlucky enough to be caught in it's sights.


It's 4 Cluster bombs make short work of enemy formations, while it's two "Hammer" heavy AT missiles bring down the toughest of enemy ground armour.




Battle Walker Mechinization program:

This is a response to the ever growig concern that the current vehicles employed by the UCR would be woefully out-classed by the Covenant walkers on the open terrain.


While many commanders are sure the Crusader would be able to damage such vehicles, they were adamant that they should prepare for a worst case scearnio. The BWM program was the result.


The two models produced by the Program are the Behomoth and the Apocolypse.


The Behemoth serves as the U.C.R.s heavy tank and has proven time and again to dominate the open terrain with it's massive 170mm gun.


Standing at over 25ft tall, it has numerous advantages over tread-based vehicles in open ground.


It's legs allow it to carrier a much heavier payload and armour.

It's clearence is raised, allowing it to take advantage of terrain and providing a favourable angle of attack.

It's range is increased.

It can crush smaller vehicles beneath it.


Production of these weapons are on the rise and becoming more common within the U.C.R.


The "Apocolypse" walker is the largest Land vehicle ever constructed in known Human histroy.

It has no offical designation, the Apocolypse was simply the name given by the soldiers who had the fortune of testing it, saying it looked like it could end the world.


This 4-legged walker is designed to control and hold any location it's deployed to.


It's highly advanced armour is nigh invunerable to any known weapons the U.C.R. has in it's inventory.


This is also due to it's Adaptive armour system, which is so far the only known ground vehicle to use Shielding tech.


It's weaponary consit of a Dual-laser turret mounted on the chin, 4 massive railguns, two on each side of the hull, a top mounted dual Railgun AA turret and many small point defense MGs.


There space in the hull to house a small squad and a modified Guardian. It carries enough supplies to be able to equip the squad for months by it's self. One General joked that you had space to set up a tiny farm if needed.


This capability makes the Apocolypse a threat that must be dealt with by the enemy. Weighing in at over 1650 tonnes means that it's going to be a tough battle for opposing forces.


The only reliable way to defeat it would be to bring in a ship at least as large as a cruiser.


Some soldiers reckon it could take down smaller space vessals.


However, there has many concerns about the speed and agility lost and the walkers trouble with urban enviroments.





Project Cerberus: The aim of this project was to create a unit that attacked with such overwhelming force, the enemy would crumple under the sheer assualt alone. It was concived after the U.C.R ran a war game in which Blue team was unable to breach Red team's defensive line. The gurellia doctrine was altered shortly after, but many generals realised the need for dedicated assualt force.
The result was the Cerberus unit, called such because the black armour and red visors made them appear as something from hell itself.
Having a budget of over 300 million credits per soldier, this is the best equppied unit in the U.C.R's armed forces.
Only the best are put through a brutal screening process and then given extensive cybernetic and genetic enhancements.
It currently has over 1200 soldiers.

Armour Specs:
2cm thick composite adaptive plating.
Thermal and Chemical insulation, allowing for use in NBC enviroments.
Enhanced strentgh and physical performance.
Onboard computer that provides a constant stream of intel and communicates with other units in the battlefield.
Sensor package that alerts the wearer to the direction of incoming fire.
Self destruct system.
HUD that allows user to view status of his weapon.

X-1 Assualt weapon:
.50 Cal(Rifle).
Built in IR laser.
Built in Underslug railgun.
Built in dual optic that allows either a CCO or 4x Magnifaction sight.
100 round box magazine.
Experimental coolent system.
Max range of 1.2 miles




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Name: Haskell Private Contractor's Bureau
World of origin:Ozguiliath (Similar to Harvest in Climate. Mostly Sub-Arctic, with forested regions)
Primary Species: Human
Other member species and their roles: Sangheli, some Unggoy
Flag: Black back ground with a green/white abstract shape in the center. (Symbolizes Hope and Profit in dispair... yeah, I went into the meaning)
Fleet sizes: 1 Garuda Class Capital Ship 8 Molenari Class Frigates 5000 Berkut Fighters
Population: 10000 Military, 5000 civilian
Other information: H. P. C. B. is an Intergalactic Private Military Company, based on a planet that has not yet been revealed to the rest of the Universe. They have a set frequency to contact them, and take almost all jobs, except ones that lead to direct conflict with the U.N.S.C. It is generally accepted that They hold no grudges, and every kill is only business. They respect all opponents, and even though war is their main export, Restoring old weapons, and working as security forces can make them enough to live. 


I'll add more later.

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Name: The Sons of the Seraphs
World of origin: Sanghelios

Primary Species: Sangheili
Other member species and their roles: Unggoy(Cannon Fodder, and Security), Kig-Yar(Scouts and Agents), Huragok(Engineers and Shipmasters)
Flag: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1003025_515185251886298_753542476_n.jpg
Fleet sizes: 12 Frigates, Two central flagships to command the fleet
Population: 2,000,000- 3,500,000
Other information: The Sons of the Seraphs was formed by Tal' Alpha when he claimed to see the Covenant's false ways, his charismatic speaking skills and informants led to a grow in the religion, Talism, formed in his name, as the war came to a stop, Tal' recruited any elites, grunts, jackals, or rogue huragok looking to advance in the religion, Talism, the belief of two mystical brothers, Seraph and Solar, who fought to control the cycle of life, Legend has it Seraph wanted to let all beings have free will, while's Solar's heart grew dark, and he recruited an army of the dead to silence Seraph and have full control over life, in the end, Seraph gave his life to protect the few species on his side, shielding any of the species who followed him, while Solar was banished into the Last Star, when the last star dies, Solar will return to recruit more demons, while any who believe and trust in Seraph and follow his laws, will be shielded, Tal' is believed to be the Son of Seraph, brought unto the universe to start a mass extinction, killing off Humans, Brutes, Drones, and Hunters, who were said to have sided with Solar in the war. Any who are a member of the species who fought with Seraph, the Elites, Huragok, Unggoy, and Kig-Yar, will be spared so long as they prove their loyalty, by passing a blood ritual, the killing of the person's partner with a Curveblade, and cutting off a single tooth, wearing it around as a sign of loyalty and commitment to Seraph. After Tal' found out about a snitch in the organization, discussing plans to human leaders, Tal's trust dissipated into a thin, white line, killing any and all who get in his way.

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Name: Luna Alliance


World of origin: Not a world rather a flag ship by the name of Perilous Journey


Primary Species: Human, Huragok, Jiraelhanae, kig-yar, Lekgolo, Sangheili, Unggoy, Yan'me,


Other member species and their roles: Human(Ship Engineer, Guards, Heavy Trooper, Infantry, Warriors, Scout, and Sniper), Huragok(Ship Engineer), Jiraelhanae(Guards and Warriors, Heavy Trooper), kig-yar(Scout and Sniper), Lekgolo(Heavy trooper, Sangheili(Guards, Warriors, Heavy Trooper, Scout), Unggoy(Infantry), Yan'me(Scout and Infantry)


Flag: A link to a flag similar to what the faction's looks like: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Systems-Alliance-Flag-198454806


Fleet sizes: there are three fleets of the Luna alliance. One being civilian and also being the largest fleet.


Population: 4,000,000: 1,589,864 warriors, 2,410,136 civilians


Other information: Really a mercenary faction rather than an alliance. Still all races are very friendly towards each other. Near the end of the war is when this faction was created originally for humans but very soon allowed all races to join the faction.

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Name: Luna Alliance


World of origin: Not a world rather a flag ship by the name of Perilous Journey


Primary Species: Human, Huragok, Jiraelhanae, kig-yar, Lekgolo, Sangheili, Unggoy, Yan'me,


Other member species and their roles:


Flag: A link to a flag similar to what the faction's looks like: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Systems-Alliance-Flag-198454806


Fleet sizes: 2 flagships, 2 fortresses, 3 corvets of varying sizes, 4 human and covenant heavy frigates, 5 covenant and human Frigates. The rest were

made into civilian transports. Although they still have weaponry in case of another war.


Population: 8,000,000: 2,000,000 warriors, 6,000,000 civilians


Other information: Really a mercenary faction rather than an alliance. Still all races are very friendly towards each other. Near the end of the war is when this faction was created originally for humans but very soon allowed all races to join the faction.

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Name: Jase Smith

Age: 38


Species: Human


Faction: Luna Alliance


Physical appearance: Average height, Long brown Hair, Ocean Blue eyes that entices women


Personality: Very kind man towards his friends and allies


Height: 5'7"


Preferred weapon and vehicle(if any): any CQC to long range weaponry


Backstory: Was born on Arcadia. He went into the military a year before War ended and rose to the rank of Sargent 2nd class. When the war ended he held no grudge against the covenant and made an alliance in which to bring all the races close together.


Other information: Skilled in Close Quarters Combat and short to long range combat as well. Year after his father joined the military so did Jase but to find out his father had already died in the midst of battle. So he sought not revenge but a way to make peace with the covenant. So every chance he got he would speak to the elites who would be captured in order to have them see the wrong in what they are doing. He failed every time until the end of the war in which he made a faction in which all races may get along with one another.

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Name: Luna Alliance


World of origin: Not a world rather a flag ship by the name of Perilous Journey


Primary Species: Human, Huragok, Jiraelhanae, kig-yar, Lekgolo, Sangheili, Unggoy, Yan'me,


Other member species and their roles: Human(Guards, Heavy Trooper, Infantry, Warriors, Scout), Huragok(Ship Engineer), Jiraelhanae(Guards and Warriors, Heavy Trooper), kig-yar(Scout), Lekgolo(Heavy trooper, Sangheili(Guards, Warriors, Heavy Trooper, Scout), Unggoy(Infantry), Yan'me(Scout and Infantry)


Flag: A link to a flag similar to what the faction's looks like: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Systems-Alliance-Flag-198454806


Fleet sizes: 2 flagships, 2 fortresses, 3 corvets of varying sizes, 4 human and covenant heavy frigates, 5 covenant and human Frigates. The rest were made into civilian transports. Although they still have weaponry in case of another war.


Population: 4,000,000: 1,589,864 warriors, 2,410,136 civilians


Other information: Really a mercenary faction rather than an alliance. Still all races are very friendly towards each other. Near the end of the war is when this faction was created originally for humans but very soon allowed all races to join the faction.


Now there's TWO mercenary factions? O_o


Dis gonna be confusing... <_<

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Yea i have been wanting to make one since last night then fell asleep while typing and you beat me to it.


I am still updating every once in a while because there are some things im not happy with I will keep editing until the official thread is posted later on.

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Yea i have been wanting to make one since last night then fell asleep while typing and you beat me to it.


I am still updating every once in a while because there are some things im not happy with I will keep editing until the official thread is posted later on.


I ran the same thing last time, and in a few other RPG's.


Either way, this presents some interesting opportunities.


And the future potential for a merger.... Maybe... maybe not.


Either way, it'll give me a legitimate enemy should I so choose.

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I listed my fleet;


CAS- Class Assault Carrier x2

CCS- Class Battlecruiser x4

CRV- Class Light Cruiser x3

UNSC Destroyer x1

ONI Prowler x2

Paris- Class Heavy Frigate x4


There it is, thats the kind of tonnage you're facing.

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Alright so it shall begin by my fleet opening fire.


One of the paris-class firgates is destroyed by the opening barrage.


Your fleet pounds the destroyers, forcing an early retreat from one of them. Exploiting the gap, a battlecruiser leads several smaller ships through to attack the Battleships, but are subject to massive return fire and swarms of bombers. Another paris firgate is destroyed.


The assualt carriers cripple a Destroyer and blow it up. They proceed to finish another one, forcing a Destroyer to repoisition to protect the survivours.


The majority of your fleet exploits the breakthrough and proceeds towards the Carrier, but are under suistained fire from the Battleships, two light cruisers and a battle cruiser are destroyed, while the UNSC destroyer is crippiled and must retreat.


The Assualt carriers open fire on the lead battleship, rendering it out of action, the other battleships are out of postion trying to ward off attacks and rescue survivours. An Assualt carrier moves close to the Carrier. It opens fire and takes out the engines leaving the carrier un able to move to a safer loacation. The Assualt carrier opens fire again and at the center of the ship, but has trouble with the armour.


It prepares to fire a thrid attack when it's struck by two of the Anti-orbital weapons. The Assualt carrier begins to drift and then is ruptured by a massive explosion.


This is what causes a temporary retreat.


Much of the battlegroup is out of action for several months, leaving a single battleship the only ship in service.


Sound good to you?

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Remember, my strategy is to let you guys surround the Carriers before deploying my fleet. I'd say send boarding parties into the AC my character isn't on and force it to deploy early. Then do what you do. 

My forces 'win' but you have more in reserve but you then offer peace

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Name: Burning Wolves
World of origin: (unknown rebel planet)
Primary Species: Human (alliances made at times with some elites)
Other member species and their roles: Temporary members of elites when causes alligned to a common goal
Flag: Black with blue flames encircling a black wolf with more blue flames errupting from its eyes
Fleet sizes: 1 Cruiser (the Hellhound II also commonly reffered to as the HH)
Population: several hundred UNSC deserters (lots of ship crew, a few hundred marines, a few dozen ODST, several spartan IV's, and a few spartan III's)
Other information: Drivin at first by the common goal of money, the Burning Wolves lost most of its number destroying an entire planet-full of Covenant poised to invade Earth. They now work on information from remnants of ONI to destroy threats to humanity as they find them, Covenant AND human alike...

Name: Kaatisu Soroutto
Age: Unknown
Species: Human (spartan II)
Faction: Burning Wolves
Physical appearance: Red hair, cut down the right side of his face, right arm replaced with prostetic after it was removed via plasma sword, several scars on chest from being shot and cut up several times throughout the course of the war
Personality: Battlehardened, being one of the longest surviving spartans besides S-117, Kaatisu has outlived MANY allies. Having watched their deaths has mentally effected him greatly.
Height: 8 ft
Preferred weapon and vehicle(if any): Katana and personally modified assault rifle he has kept with him through most of the fight
Backstory: Kidnapped as a child, S-081 was told that he was going to save humanity and trained into a soldier. He was then injected with various chemicals, one of which had not been planned and temporarily stopped his heart. He and five other spartans were disposed of directly into rebel hands, where they were used to gather weapons and ammo for a period of time. The untimely deah of General Graves freed them, and they began to go on missions of their own, slowly building support until their forces became big enough to be noticed by ONI. Who either assisted them with information or attempted to get them killed in different respective incidents. Their last battle occurred on a classified planet. The logs from all personel onboard the ship were found, but the record states that "no survivors were recovered" and that the Covenant threat on the planet had been successfully nullified.

The re-emergance of this force is one that should not be taken lightly...

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Faction Sheet

Name: Project Delta

World of origin: Kanu (3q47n

Primary Species: Human
Other member species and their roles: Huragok-in charge of building and repairing ships and weapons

Flag: Purple Background fused with the Ocean's of Planet Kanu (3q47n)
Fleet sizes: 1 Flag Ship-half the size of Infinity, 14 Destroyers,16 frigates, 12 Prowlers, 9 Heavy Artilary Cruisers, 6 wreckage retrievers

Population: 71,050.5 (there is one brave fella that was cut in half by an elite while he was inlisted in the UNSC but somehow survived, he now has a robotic lower half) enlisted, 72,401 civilians, 678 Huragok
Other Information: Project Delta is an organization based on stealth and if war is forced upon them you'd rather Burn in HELL instead!


Name: Aisha (last name is unkown)
Species: Human
Faction: The Great of Many
Phyical Appearance: Longe Black Hair, Big Brown Eye's, Caucation, Big Breast's
Personality: Happy, Dangerous look that would scare even the bravest Elite.
Height: 5"9
Preferred weapon and vehicle: two katana's and a shotgun, Mongoose

Backstory: After the UNSC gave way Bond became Captain of the Flag Ship No Where To Be Seen, Ever since she was awarded with many honorable medals.
Other Information: Unkown

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You need to have some semblance of realism, edit these and sure;


Population, there weren't six billion humans alive by the end of the war

I'm not too keen on an Infinity class ship but if you insist on it.

Flood is a no. The rules said no Forerunner, Ancient Human Flood or Prevursor factions.




Wolfy, you already know the issues I said.

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I'll be watching this RP, and Moderating it when needed. BaconShelf, you can question me about this but I have my reasons.


I know BaconShelf well, and if he says no Forerunner, Human Flood, or Precursor, he MEANS it. So don't try any loopholes.


Also, I will be creating a contest. This is a writing contest. This roleplay will be the contest grounds. Here are the specifics:



(You get no reward, this is just a test of creativity and skill)

A post with interesting word setup and an hook to keep me reading

A post with 630-700+ words MINIMUM. 950 maximum (Not impossible. I have done it.)

A post with lots of detail and very little filler. 

A post that will be done in the RP thread, and contributes to the story.



A post that is purely intellectual and doesn't have any fighting(combat filler)

Character development


If you want to participate, say BACONSHELF ROCKS GO YORKSHIRE in the OC thread, and then start your post.

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