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343 Please read! I beg you

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I post here today an idea, a turn of events.. What if this happened..

....what if the Halo Universe took a turn... What if all the spartans AI's malfunctioned and created rogue spartans. Those going against the UNSC.. The only one who has the key solution to actually "fix" or "kill" the remaining spartans is Dr.Halsey..but UNSC doesn't trust her any longer.
Think about it. The UNSC thinks the Spartans could be a great danger to mankind. What if it actually happened? Not because they chose to, but their AI's malfunction to corrupt them and turn them against UNSC. Like a virus... What if it was caused by the Forerunners? 343 Studios, do it. Please do it. When Dr.Halsey's interrogated, the person interrogating her makes it seem like the spartans are a threat, but because of the spartans is the reason why Earth is still alive against all the attacks it has suffered. Think about it??? The Forerunners corrupt the spartans and create rogue AI's that leave the Spartan affected unable to have control of themselves. Master Chief is then sent out by Halsey to figure out why it's happening. UNSC is now after Chief beacause what if it happens to him? Cortana can return corrupted but cannot corrupt chief. Halsey can fix cortana and cortana then tells them what she knows. No one is going to believe cortana that they are corrupt. She doesn't know the reason either. so with her new firmware and unable to be corrupted again. Her and Chief are sent out to uncover the truth behind the rogue spartans so they can free Halsey from UNSC capture. 
Chief finds out the truth and can be something about having to purge the human race using their own weapons against them. Revenge from the forerunners to continue Reclamation.. :) You guys are the master minds, sure you can figure something out. If you do use this idea. I just want to know you did. I want nothing from it. Simple email saying "we love your idea" and I will be happy for the rest of my life. 


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How would the Forerunners make new AIs when they're are all dead or hiding, and how would they get to spartans? Do you mean that a Forerunner left a geas in humans so all human AIs would eventually try to destroy humanity, and that's what causes rampancy (which would go against established lore)? Most Forerunners at the end of the Forerunner-Flood war liked humans, and wanted us to reclaim what they left behind, the Ur-Didact was an exception, and even he was temporarely captured by Gravemind before he was locked up on Requiem. How would he leave a geas without Lifeworkers noticing? Since when have all spartans had their own AIs?


I could see S-IIs defend Halsey or S-IVs join the Insurrection and go against the UNSC that way, but I don't get the AI thing.

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