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I think I got this in the right spot.. Well anyways I thought it would be cool if we could show off to each other. What I mean by that is share to the community a talent your good at doing. So basically like a creation. So drawings, sculptures, pictures, Minecraft creations, something cool you made on Halo Forge etc. Anything that is considered a creation. I made my own creation on Minecraft. I decided I would take the time and build Bender and Link. My friend kind of helped. It took me a while though, so I hope you like it. I kind of looked at other people's Bender's  to see how they made them and kind of copied but not by much. I already knew how to build Link from previous projects. It would helpful if you guys told me how you felt about this project out of /10.



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i cant see any of the images. im sad now, also i cant paste an image i want to show you guys how do i post an image


here are some of my creations i made out of clay i hope you like them i made them the best i could last year. one is from last year the other is from 2 years ago. one is a normal pokeball the other is a master ball



Edited by haloman 2
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