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the elites


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So i was really hoping for the elites to look better than they did in halo reach. having them thin and matching armor sets was really visually interesting, more os htan the ones in reach in my opinion. I love the spikey helmets and such and the loss of all that in halo 3 and the beefed up muscle structure to their body took away from the "alien" characteristics they had.


if you see a tall guy who is jacked up pick up an entire car your mind tends to expect that, but if you see a skinny guy do it its somewhat unatureal to the mind. Making the elites "bigger" made them more human then alien. They are not monsters who apply to the gravity of our planet like the locust in Gears, they come from a bigger planet with a bigger and stronger gravity well, they would appear to be tall and thin but can benchpress a pickup truck. Scientifific theory prooves that being born on a stonger gravity well will keep physical characteristics the same look wise, but everything would be denser.


Their armor should be sleek instead of bulky, it seems more characterisitic to an alien spiecies. overall making the elites like they were in halo 1 and 2.


It would also be cool to unlock them for play in the multiplayer.

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