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A message to 343 from a loyal fan of halo

Christopher Frenchman

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The battle rifle ruined swat for me because not only does it appear to have the same accuracy as the single shot DMR but more damage. It causes most people to use the the battle rifle instead causing the DMR to only see use for long range in which everyone prefers the covenant or promethean weapons thus making the DMR almost useless and you hate the people who use it during swat or ect because its been an OP gun that should not realy since its a basic enough weapon.There is no swat game type for only DMRS as well which annoys many of my friends and I who find it to be overpowerd in swat and would prefer to have classic only DMR only games but theres no game type,The same with flood the new game types fine for some I suppose and fresh and a nice idea but many of us prefer hivemind as its closer to the flood were used to and would also like a game type for that as well so were not forced to be in games that we don't enjoy waiting till it ends and voting hoping we will get the one we want and thus causing many people to quit and give everyone a black screen.The main reason I enjoy halo 4 is doing custom games and Spartan ops with friends and the roosterteeh easter eggs those are very fun and I enjoy them a lot and thank you for them(A side note but why add oceanic armor and not let us get lower than knee deep water when were standing?in halo reach and 3 you could forge to almost be completely immersed in the water and get fairly deep into it but theres no such maps in 4 and no air vehicles for humans and its very annoying so please new maps or dlc?).Halo 4 almost feels like a version of halo one but different,yes its continuing the story but instead of adding very much they almost mostly replaced most things and took away all the human air vehicles which many of us are very intensly annoyed and agrivated by.A simple side note is that in reach you were six in halo 1-4 your maste chief but in Spartan ops your thorne or crimson and it just annoys me because I cant get immersed in the story six is a nickname we can all adopt we can all pretend to be masterchief in story but crimson or thorne,and being called different things in different episodes,it made me feel very far from the story and I was almost never immersed and only ignored it laughing from the roosterteeth easter eggs.

I understand your attempting to tell your story of the future of master chiefs story and that but it seems a bit too forcefull almost and that your too willing to lose fans along the way sure of yourselfs you will gain more than you lose so that makes it ok.I enjoy the story and want to see more of what your doing with it and trust you but hope this does not become or already is just a money gig for you.

You have my trust and my loyalty and my awaiting of what your going to do with the story and I hope you have heard my feelings opinions and advice.


A loyal fan

(gamertag) DiabolicMadDOG

(name) Chris


If anyone else has any ideas or for dlc or updates or things theyd like to say id enjoy to read about them and hope I did not offend anyone by simply stating how I felt because I did it to simply help and make sure it was known.

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  On 8/17/2013 at 1:52 PM, Christopher Frenchman said:

The battle rifle ruined swat for me because not only does it appear to have the same accuracy as the single shot DMR but more damage. It causes most people to use the the battle rifle instead causing the DMR to only see use for long range in which everyone prefers the covenant or promethean weapons thus making the DMR almost useless and you hate the people who use it during swat or ect because its been an OP gun that should not realy since its a basic enough weapon.There is no swat game type for only DMRS as well which annoys many of my friends and I who find it to be overpowerd in swat and would prefer to have classic only DMR only games but theres no game type,The same with flood the new game types fine for some I suppose and fresh and a nice idea but many of us prefer hivemind as its closer to the flood were used to and would also like a game type for that as well so were not forced to be in games that we don't enjoy waiting till it ends and voting hoping we will get the one we want and thus causing many people to quit and give everyone a black screen.The main reason I enjoy halo 4 is doing custom games and Spartan ops with friends and the roosterteeh easter eggs those are very fun and I enjoy them a lot and thank you for them(A side note but why add oceanic armor and not let us get lower than knee deep water when were standing?in halo reach and 3 you could forge to almost be completely immersed in the water and get fairly deep into it but theres no such maps in 4 and no air vehicles for humans and its very annoying so please new maps or dlc?).Halo 4 almost feels like a version of halo one but different,yes its continuing the story but instead of adding very much they almost mostly replaced most things and took away all the human air vehicles which many of us are very intensly annoyed and agrivated by.A simple side note is that in reach you were six in halo 1-4 your maste chief but in Spartan ops your thorne or crimson and it just annoys me because I cant get immersed in the story six is a nickname we can all adopt we can all pretend to be masterchief in story but crimson or thorne,and being called different things in different episodes,it made me feel very far from the story and I was almost never immersed and only ignored it laughing from the roosterteeth easter eggs.

I understand your attempting to tell your story of the future of master chiefs story and that but it seems a bit too forcefull almost and that your too willing to lose fans along the way sure of yourselfs you will gain more than you lose so that makes it ok.I enjoy the story and want to see more of what your doing with it and trust you but hope this does not become or already is just a money gig for you.

You have my trust and my loyalty and my awaiting of what your going to do with the story and I hope you have heard my feelings opinions and advice.


A loyal fan

(gamertag) DiabolicMadDOG

(name) Chris


If anyone else has any ideas or for dlc or updates or things theyd like to say id enjoy to read about them and hope I did not offend anyone by simply stating how I felt because I did it to simply help and make sure it was known.



Alright, here goes my response:


First, try to use paragraphs to separate your ideas. It also prevents "blocking" which just leads to people skipping what you wrote.


DMR controversy:

The DMR isn't classic, it was introduced in Reach, while the BR and carbine have been in Halo since Halo 2. In SWAT, the DMR and BR do the same damage, however they act differently. Both take one headshot to kill, or three chest shots. The DMR fires one round, which has a higher magnetism, but doesn't spread at all. The BR fires three rounds in a spread with less magnetism. With the DMR you have to almost be on their head to kill them, but with the BR, you can be farther  off. However, since the BR does spread, it is not as effective at longer ranges. The DMR also has a higher rate of fire than the BR. The game is balanced, but when Halo 4 first came out, the DMR was much more powerful.


Flood Games: 

I agree that the selection of flood gametypes in minimal, and the base gametype isn't very fun. The fact of the matter is, 343i screwed up majorly on gametypes. They left out assault, headhunter,  stockpile, and one sided objective games (one flag, invasion, even firefight). For voting in matchmaking, wait a while for others to vote, if it is clear the game type you want won't get picked, you can still back out if you haven't voted.


Campaign and Spartan Ops:

Campaign was fun the first time, but doesn't have the same replayability factor that the other Halos have. It felt like Halo though, so it was fine. Spartan OPs was meant to replace firefight, and does a good job of it. I would want both next time around, but I won't complain if we don't have one or the other. In Spartan Ops, you always played as Crimson, and it was meant to be like "oh, my friends and I are Crimson." It was meant to be a transitional period between the Halo games. However, they stopped production for a second season of it, which sucks, because another season, even if it didn't progress they storyline would have opened up the Halo universe to a much larger scale (think about it, flood cleanup on a Halo Ring, Attacking Storm Covenant ships or bases, even fighting insurectionists). 


DLC and Updates:

There are three DLC map packs currently out for a total of 9 maps, 6 medium/large and three small. Then add in a better forge map (forge island) and now two new medium sized maps coming out next week in addition to a new gametype plus two new armor abilities and more weapon and armor skins plus new armor in the Champions bundle for the equivalent of 800 MS points. The new maps are decent, and add some diversity to games. The updates happen every other week or so and are posted on Halowaypoint. Some are minor tweaks to maps and gametype, but others are much larger. Whenever a new gametype in matchmaking comes out, they release all of the schematics for the gametype in those updates as well. 



So, do I think 343i could have done a better job? Yes, but they are starting to pick up the slack the last three months and are doing a good job of it. The next Halo game will be much better. As it happens, they were working on Spartan Assault earlier this year to release, so they were very busy in the past, but they can do a good job once they aren't preoccupied in three games (Halo 4, 5, and SA).

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Most people believe that Halo 3 was the apex of the series; and after much reminiscing, I think I've worked out why. The one thing that was in Halo 3's matchmaking, but has been absent ever since... Social Playlists.


 In Halo 4, the matchmaking totally revolves around rank progression and unlocks, and Waypoint enhances this recording K/D ratios and comparing them to other players. Wouldn't it be nice if there were playlists that didn't affect your stats? Where it doesn't matter if you win or lose and just want a relaxing chilled game? That was what social game types brought to the table.


 Nowadays it's all, "No! I keep dying! This sucks!". 343 have got hard core gaming nailed down tight, now they need to focus on friendly, "no big deal" playlists, where k/d's and percentage wins aren't recorded (no CSR ranks either). This would stop a lot rage quitting and create a more inviting experience for casual gamers. Players may be encouraged to talk more and perhaps say "Care to join me for some custom games?". Ah, the good ol' days.


 I hope 343 can take something away from this post; Because frankly, if they don't, the future of a much beloved game series is at risk.

 P.S. What happened to the fun easter eggs in previous campaigns? (e.g. Monkey people, Reach Racer)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy crap that's one big paragraph. 

Halo 3 SWAT used the BR. It's the original way.

The BR is not as accurate as the DMR. The two guns are for different circumstances. DMR for big, open maps, and BR for close-quarters. I don't think it takes any damage on the game mode.


Edit: Just read a bit more and now you're saying the DMR is bad. You're talking in circles. First you say that not enough people use the DMR, then you say the DMR is too powerful. Make up your mind.

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