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Halo: Requiem(RP Thread)


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"I'll try not to let everyone down." She says, not looking at Eric but still talking to him. She needs to step up after everyone else has worked so hard. She knows she only caused problems and has to make up for it. Truth is, when she said a little training, she really mean only an hour of training but she figured stepping up and helping the best she could would be better then putting more strain on the others.

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Ike turned to Murphy, "I've handled weapons in my time, I just didnt train for heavy weaponry, Even though my previous choice of weapon was a grenade launcher back on Reach... I like to stick to stealth now, You shouldve seen the trouble I went through stalking the Elite to get this damn armor ability." Ike went invisible for a minute, "That split-face wouldnt stop moving, It was like he was trying to go somewhere.. Somewhere important... And I'd still like to find out where..." Ike sat down and let out a long sigh.

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"Ha, you need to get angry more! That's how I earned my Ace title you know."


He stopped the music.


"It near...Sword base I think...caught a waith unaware. BOOM!"


He said the last part much louder then he intended to.


He looked at the spartan.


"Were you on Reach?"

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Taylor quickly chimed in, "We were both on Reach... Zeta base 0800, covenant swarms... S*** got tough..." he said as he pulled out his Kurki, sharpening it. He put up his hand, to show his missing index finger, he said, "See that? F**king Spec Ops commander, cut a hole in me... Reach was hell... But, we survived. Up until now that is." he said, taking off his helmet to show the multiple burns on his face, he looked stern, like a veteran. 

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Ike looked at Taylors hand, "Well, I can think of a joke right now that I will totally not say! Its amazingly corny. But other than that, I have barely a scratch! Just a scar... On my face..." Ike looked down for a minute and looked back up.  "You know, Im going to wait to make that joke for if my index finger happens to get sliced off. But... Yeah, Jokes aside... I wanna get off this pelican already..."

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"Don't think I was near you."


He looked at the floor of the pelican.


"It was hell. I lost a lot in those past few days. We were trying to hold them back, but...they just kept coming. We were caught badly. The tank was running low, but she was intact. Then we came up against those bloody Zealots."


He stared at the floor still.


"Disabled us right by a group of rocks. My gunner caught one, in the chest. Hit her real bad. We phoned for evac, they had a falcon to come collect us. The turret gunner stayed behind...a bloody hero."


He placed his hand over his visor.


"She was hit badly, there was...blood everywhere. I waded through the freezing cold water to try and get to the evac. But she...didn't make it. I still went on and made it to the Falcon. Still holding the body."


He sighed heavily.


"It's one thing to have the guy in the next tank die, or the beside you. But to have your best friend sacrifice himself and have your...other best friend die in your arms? How do we go on after something like that?"


He looked up again at the spartan.


"I'm sorry sir, that's...the past I'm okay. At least I hope that tank did some good."


He looked at the wounded spartan.


"I'm more worried about you though, you alright?"

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Taylor responded to the man, placing his helmet in the seat next to him, "I'm never alright anymore." he said with a quiet sigh as he ran his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a picture of him and his wife, they seemed to be in London, in a cafe, as Taylor turned to picture to look at it, pixelated lines drew around it as he was whisked into another memory, Taylor was in civilian cloths, so was his wife, she smiled, as she giggled, taking pictures, Taylor cracking a smile at her, as he grabbed him by the hand, the memory turned into pixels as he was shot back into reality, looking at Murphy and Ike, and sticking the picture back in his pocket, and saying in a low, and silent voice, "Haven't been happy since..."

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"Well... Me? I never had a wife, Nor a girlfriend, Ive really been untouched. I have really nothing to worry about back home. So... I really dont have much to live for, Other than for my friends." Ike looked down at his feet for a little bit.

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"Huh, this kinda reminds me of training. Everyone with pictures of their girlfriends, wives, fiances and me with a picture of my dad and my dog. Love that damn dog."


He took out the picture and passed it to the spartan beside him.


"She's about eleven now, but still going strong."


He went to fix his collar, but found himself reaching into the dog tags. Two sets.

He looked down at the floor again.

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Taylor took the cigar out of his mouth, and raised it in the air, before putting it out, as he turned to Ashley, who had woken up, "Hey Ash... You never did tell me much about your family you know, why don't you give us a couple o' childhood stories?" as he smiled, looking back on Ike and Murphy.

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Ike asleep holding a cigar while asleep looked pretty funny, But no one could probably tell due to his helmet being on. Ike could hear them faintly, But he was still asleep. Trying to get sleep was good once in a while, Because he sure of hell needed it.

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