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Fix the CSR rank?


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343 really needs to fix the CSR rank. Counless times over and over again i can 30 kills and 10 deaths and win the game but I lose my level, sometimes 2 levels. I don't understand what's going on with this, but i can't even get my snipes past 48 because of it, and i've had it to 50 before, but i lost it do to this very reason.


same goes with regicide I have one 8 games in a row, but the level still keeps on and on dropping, after it gets to 42 it will go back up to like 45 in a couple games then i when the next game and it drops 2 levels straight to 43.


This is very frustrating, why match me in a game when no matter what i do i can't get any experience? CSR is the only thing keeping me playing halo 4, but it doesn't even work right. Either that or they want us to be punished for going against lower levels.



Also why can't we have the CSR rank in game? It's frustrating to have to stay on the website to keep checking it.


EDIT: Does it factor in the fact that you joined a game in progress? I really hope so, it would be stupid to lose a level like that when the game is already half way over when you join.

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 why can't we have the CSR rank in game? It's frustrating to have to stay on the website to keep checking it.

as if there's not enough topics saying this already

the last topic is just talking about in coming to the game. the others above it are basically the same thing


This is very frustrating, why match me in a game when no matter what i do i can't get any experience

i for one, dont care about csr. just a pointless number. i think that for team games, at least half the team has to contribute instead of just 1 member. think about it, if 1 team member was to be the best of the team, the others could screw around and still rank up.


if that doesnt work, go to the waypoint forums and complain directly to 343 there

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i for one, dont care about csr. just a pointless number. i think that for team games, at least half the team has to contribute instead of just 1 member. think about it, if 1 team member was to be the best of the team, the others could screw around and still rank up.


And an awful lot of players do happen to care about it. Your personal ambivalence isn't adequate justification for the lack of a feature.


Frankly, I don't like the inclusion of CSR for two main reasons: firstly, because a great deal of players tend to use it to insult and bully others because of a perceived comparative lack of skill, and secondly because provided the matchmaking system is doing its job properly with regard to setting up games where all players are roughly evenly skilled, it doesn't make any difference whether you can see your rating or not. If you're playing against people at your level, you'll be contributing roughly the same amount to your team as you would if your rank was ten higher or lower. If you're not being matched against people of your own level, there are much bigger problems than not being able to see a number.


As for one person carrying a team... there isn't a single player out there so good that they could drag three bad teammates all the way to the top ranks and then keep them there consistently. Once you start to hit the 30s and 40s, if you're not pulling your own weight, you're not going to win games. Period. In an even match between two teams of 50s, a single player having a bad game is more than enough to ruin his team's chances of winning: three players all bleeding kills can't be remedied, no matter how good you are.


The best solution is just to go back to Ranked and Social playlists: the hardcore fans are happy, the casual fans are happy. Everyone wins. Blindly forcing a system on everyone, or not having any system at all, is guaranteed to alienate a big chunk of the fanbase, and it's really not difficult to set up on set of playlists without CSR and one with it.

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The best solution is just to go back to Ranked and Social playlists: the hardcore fans are happy, the casual fans are happy. Everyone wins. Blindly forcing a system on everyone, or not having any system at all, is guaranteed to alienate a big chunk of the fanbase, and it's really not difficult to set up on set of playlists without CSR and one with it.

ranked and social playlists should of already been established but they are not or they may not be coming. supposedly, since there isnt any more dlc coming out, except for a possbile SO: S2, 343 should use that time to convert the playlists into halo 3's style which i see as an imagination


As for one person carrying a team... there isn't a single player out there so good that they could drag three bad teammates all the way to the top ranks and then keep them there consistently. Once you start to hit the 30s and 40s, if you're not pulling your own weight, you're not going to win games. Period. In an even match between two teams of 50s, a single player having a bad game is more than enough to ruin his team's chances of winning: three players all bleeding kills can't be remedied, no matter how good you are.

the only way 1 team member can carry of team of 2 [multi team], 4 [infinity slayer, action sack], 6 [dominion], and 8 [big team] to victory is if all your enemies make mistakes which is 50-50. even if you don't pull your weight as a 1 and are a player who's afk every single match, your most likely not going to win and will remain 1. might get lucky and get to 2. they only way to have the exact same team is to stay with them. unless, they are all on your friends list and will party every day, your not going to see them the following time/day you play


Frankly, I don't like the inclusion of CSR for two main reasons: firstly, because a great deal of players tend to use it to insult and bully others because of a perceived comparative lack of skill, and secondly because provided the matchmaking system is doing its job properly with regard to setting up games where all players are roughly evenly skilled, it doesn't make any difference whether you can see your rating or not. If you're playing against people at your level, you'll be contributing roughly the same amount to your team as you would if your rank was ten higher or lower. If you're not being matched against people of your own level, there are much bigger problems than not being able to see a number.

csr is no different than objects in the world. people can still rub having more money than you in your face or that they have the better car. no one is evenly skilled, despite what csr says, until they prove it in the match. those on top of the team are generally more skilled. those who can hardly get a kill should probably seek some kind of training if they want to do better.


And an awful lot of players do happen to care about it. Your personal ambivalence isn't adequate justification for the lack of a feature.

did you start a poll or did a survey search? ... lack of a feature, more like a feature that should of never came until the ranked playlists were established. csr is just a number, just like age. do you hear the elderly actually achieveing youth? did you find a potion that can allow you to alter your age to both young and old as you please? no. you ask the nearby person there age, the say there a little older, and your like "uh-huh. sure" (like your saying whatever and just dont care). reply to this post when csr starts to affect your overall stats, not just the csr portion of waypoint


go ahead and make 1,000 more posts about "give us in game csr". newsflash....its not going to happen. its been 4 months since it was added. way past time for it to be added

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csr is no different than objects in the world. people can still rub having more money than you in your face or that they have the better car. no one is evenly skilled, despite what csr says, until they prove it in the match. those on top of the team are generally more skilled. those who can hardly get a kill should probably seek some kind of training if they want to do better.

It's entirely different because it's not a physical object - and while I agree that no two players have exactly the same skill level, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't at least try to match up players with others of roughly the same ability. A number system definitely isn't the best way to do that, but it's a lot better than just throwing players together randomly and hoping the teams are balanced.


did you start a poll or did a survey search? ... lack of a feature, more like a feature that should of never came until the ranked playlists were established. csr is just a number, just like age. do you hear the elderly actually achieveing youth? did you find a potion that can allow you to alter your age to both young and old as you please? no. you ask the nearby person there age, the say there a little older, and your like "uh-huh. sure" (like your saying whatever and just dont care). reply to this post when csr starts to affect your overall stats, not just the csr portion of waypoint

This is... do I seriously need to explain what's wrong with this? Are you genuinely trying to say there's no point having a ranking system because people get older? I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say here, because wile you're right in saying that people can't choose to age forward and backward at will, you are aware that in a ranking system your actions can actually have a direct effect on that number, right?


Okay, as for knowing what people want: I have never claimed to speak for everyone or even the majority. I do, however, spend a frankly embarrassing amount of my free time reading through Halo related forums and chatting with other Halo fans, and CSR is one of those requests that keeps cropping up. Maybe most Halo fans aren't interested in getting a CSR rank: but I can say with certainty that an awful lot of them are.


As for it not affecting my overall stats, what's the problem? If it really isn't going to have any effect, why aren't you arguing for it to come back, because you believe that it really won't affect you?


go ahead and make 1,000 more posts about "give us in game csr". newsflash....its not going to happen. its been 4 months since it was added. way past time for it to be added

Yeah, it isn't going to be added. But if we don't keep expressing our opinions for it now, how exactly are 343 supposed to know that a lot of fans would like to see it back?

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