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(FUN) Halo-Ween Tournament (EDITED)


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Help From: Angel of Death, Spectral Jester, Vore,


Map: Halo-Ween. It's a small town with a bunch of houses, & ALOT of detail, like Tables, weapons (supposed to be like candy), a road, a small haunted house, scenery (stuff you seen if you go Down Town in a city, like a fountain & a drain to the sewer), & Halloween stuff like Killballls & grave stones. All sorted out & aranged for Slayer Variants! Also a giant Jack o Lantern in front of the city forged by Angel of Death. And even a creepy fence that looks tore up & messed up. REALLY Halloween-ified! :awesome:


Gametype: Halo-Ween. No AA's, standard FFA, start with Assault Rifle, Warthogs on map (No Rider or Gunner Seat), & pretty much just regular slayer, like how Halo 3 is. :laughing:


Competitors: Um....if you were here last time, you know it didn't turn out so good, so just show up & i'll start it! ;)


Rounds: :rolleyes: Please, No, 1 Round is good enough, but since this map is new to EVERYONE, i'll give a warm up round. :D


Questions: (You Ask in a PM, then i'll answer it). :mail:


Date: September 23rd, 2011. 6:15pm, Central Time. Next Halo-Ween Tournament will be on Halloween! (Details to that in October) :coffee:

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