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Mass Effect RP (Roleplaying Thread)


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So this is the thread for my Mass Effect RP, if you haven't signed up and I haven't approved you, go here before you post: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/30990-mass-effect-rp-sign-up-thread/


So this RP follows the lives of everyone's characters during the time period between ME1-ME3, or, about 4 Years. All locations that are not toxic are open to the players, either it be the Citadel or Eden Prime. Of course you will need a ship, so, set that up after you have really settled in. Anyway, let us start below.


Garreck rolled over, blinking his eyes, as his seemingly colorblind vision came to color, still slightly blurry, he pushed himself up off the bed with his right hand, looking from left to right as he let out a dry cough, wiping his mouth with his hand, as he picked himself up off the bed, walking forward to his apartment's porch, as he opened the glass door, and stepped on to the pristine white balcony, looking out unto the lakes and bridges ahead, it was packed with little activity, as Garreck turned around stepping back in to the room, and shutting the door with a quiet groan. He walked over to his soft armchair, as he picked up a remote, turning on his large television, it showed two finely dressed people sitting at a desk with a blue background, as the human girl's voice rung out, "Welcome to Citadel News, the time is 6:32 AM." Garreck picked up the remote again and lowered the volume slightly, as he picked himself up off the chair and steadily walked into what looked like a small, white kitchen, he opened a large, curved machine, which let out a cyan/white puff of smoke, he pulled out a Dextro drink, opening the cap, and chugging down half of the bottle, the fridge still putting the chill on him, as he gently set the bottle down and shut the fridge, he walked back to the television standing in front of it, as a brown, colonial setting was shown, and a Male salarian, seemed to be interviewing someone, Garreck sat down again on the couch lazily, and raised the volume, as the Male salarian asked, "Sources say that Eden Prime could be a probable spot for a terrorist attack, and that your defenses aren't high enough, what do you say to that Mr. Gordon?" as the camera turned to a bearded human man, as he remained stern and talked into the microphone the Salarian was holding, his voice getting louder with each word, "Eden Prime will never be hit, there is no way it will ever happen, all of you are just conspiracy theorists, what, are you going to tell me the Reapers exist next?" as Garreck snorted and shook his head, turning off the television.

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C-Sec Errand boy...


That's what Mannus "Mac" Mackeris thought his job title should be. His badge said he was a Sergeant, but he didn't feel like he even had a rank.


Marching up to the apartment door, Mac checked his Omni-tool to make sure he had the right address. not that he didn't know it, but he was on hour 20 of a non-stop shift, so his sense of direction was a bit lacking.


Knocking on the door, Mac cleared his throat and called out.


"Garreck! Up and at 'em."

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John sat down at the cliff edge, overlooking the colony. The sun was finally coming up over the horizon, casting a dim orange glow on the vast farmland below. It was a good view and enjoyed by most. He slung his Typhoon over his shoulders and stood up, still gazing at the sunrise. He slowly began to move off until the silence was broken by comms chatter. 


"This is Lance actual to all personal, SSV Normandy is inbound to retrieve the package. Have it prepped for transport. Be advised, there's a Spectre on board, so I want nothing wrong. Actual out."


John stopped and swung his Typhoon to his waist.


"Spectre? ******* council dogs, that's the last thing we need."


He began to walk slowly back to the site, but he barely made it a few feet before he heard it. Like...a scratching. In his head. It turned to a pain. It was intense. John resisted it the best he could. He then heard a deep...buzzing sound almost and the pain had gone. It was followed by a tremendous crashing noise. The sky had darkened and there were several flashes of light.

He looked out and was amazed at what he saw. It was like a giant metal squid. Standing tall over anything in the colony. He looked out at the fire's that had started and the gun fire the could now be seen. He knew they were under attack and why they were here, but who the hell were they? A low sound became louder...closer. It would give him his answer.


A large grey ship passed overhead, then another one behind it. Gun fire could now be heard near him. John hit the dirt while the ship passed overhead. As it passed, a massive crashing sound was heard just a few meters from John. He looked at it. The crouched figure slowly stood up, growing taller. It grew to a height of over twelve feet and was covered in blood red armour. It's head pointed towards John, showing a bright cyan light. It was directly looking at him now. John stood up and readied his weapon.


"Come on you lamp *******!"

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Garreck heard the knocking at his door, and tried pushed himself up from the chair, he just sighed, giving up as he opened it with his omni-tool, he could see the orange light grow green as the door let out a whir and it opened, it was a C-SEC agent, he sighed, and turned his head back to the TV, yelling, "So... I am assuming they caught on to my drug smuggling ring?" he said sarcastically, as he turned on his TV again, picking up what looked like a futuristic video game controller, he started up a strange white looking machine, it looked like it was old and used old tech, like it had to be rewired to be used, he said to the man in a calm tone, "Wanna play some classics with me, Mac?" as he started up the controller by pressing a small spherical button, and looking back at the man, "I got some of your favorites..." he said in a sing-songy tone, picking up a small case and pulling out a disc.

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"Wish I could. But the L.T. needs you over at Chora's Den. Some poor shmuck of a Salarian wound up with his Guts plastered all over the outside wall. All the Homicide guys are still busy jerking each other off about their last collar." Mac lit up a Cigarette. It was the source of a lot of Jokes at C-Sec, but it was a behavior he picked up from the humans in the Lower wards, despite the difficulty of holding one in his hand.


"They think this guy was skimming from the daily take. Fist had to make an example of him. but they want a Pro to take a look."

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John let a full burst from his Typhoon rip into the thing. It flinched, but as soon as the bulletstorm had ceased it assumed it's battle ready stance. John rolled and found what cover he could from the return fire. He had only ever seen an angry Krogan survive a burst from the Typhoon. He knew he was in for a tough fight. He waited for his weapon to cool down, letting loose another burst. It did damage, but the thing should be dead by now. It only took a few shots from that things weapon to take his shields down. It was a slow battle, John was doing what he could to wear it down. It was tough, but it wasn't immune. Slowly but surely it was dying. Seeing his chance , he took an aimed burst at it's weapon, disabling it. He focused it down, until the light went out. It was dead. He would have investigated the body if it didn't detonate shortly after. Still, he knew he had an enemy to kill and they could be beaten.


He looked around slowly, before jogging off to the sounds of fighting.

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Mac opened his Omni-tool and transferred a few files to Garreck.


"From his I.D. we know he's small time, definitely one of Fist's thugs, but the Shadow Broker sent one of his agents to let us know he didn't condone the killing. Seems to me like Fist is trying to move up the ladder, and he wants to show he won't tolerate anyone who slows his climb."


It was his observational skills that got Mac to Sergeant so quickly, but it was the same that kept him from moving past it. The Higher ups wanted the opinions of their Highly paid Detectives, not a lowly Beat-walker like Mac, and they made sure to keep him locked in the Bureaucracy of Paper work and menial assignments.


Of course, Mac also wondered if there was something else at work keeping him there. He'd dealt with more than a few armed suspects within the past few days, all on his usual beat.


"I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but this feels like a setup. Fist knows you've been snooping around, and I've been turning up the pressure on my end. It only seems normal he'd want us out of the picture."

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Garreck continued mashing the buttons on his controller, his mind seemed to be split, one part was focusing on the game, the other, Mac, he said to him in a distracted voice, "Is that so?" and continued mashing the buttons, as a male announcer spoke over the screen, "Game Over." he said as the score came up, and Garreck turned most of his body to Mal, he pulled a case out of a bag laying on the armrest, it was another game, he said in the same nonchalant voice as usual, "C'mon man, we can afford to take a five minute break, I got a game that humans call..." he became stumped as he remained silent and turned the case around, examining it for a few seconds and resuming like his pause never happened, "Grand... Theft... Uh, Auto!" he said with what seemed like a smile, and then snickered, shaking his head, and rummaging in his bag for his SMG, as he pulled it out, loading a few shots into it, and keeping it hidden, as he got up from his chair and said to him, "We'll take your car." with a similar smile on his face, as he once again let out a raspy cough.

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"That was the plan, yeah." Mac nodded, Tossing his half smoked Cigarette into a small steels case, saving it for later. "Come on."


Leading Garreck outside, Mac walked briskly over to his Patrol car, and climbed in.


"They actually let me use it today, so I figure I'm gonna run up some mileage on this baby. Feel like taking the scenic route?"

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Garreck nodded, and looked at him, saying in his usual calm tone, "Why not?" with a smile, as he opened up his Omni-tool, jumping inside the right side of the car, sitting in the passenger seat, he brought up on the windshield what seemed like a map, as he turned to Mac, saying, "Just in-case if you don't know the way." Snickering and letting out a hard chuckle.

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"Oh please. I know this damn station better than my- well, let's just say I know it pretty damn well." Mac chuckled.


Easing the shuttle up and away from the apartment complex, he looked around. Traffic was surprisingly light today.


"Ok..." He said with a smile. "Let's make this fun. I get there in under 3 minutes, drinks are on you tonight, over 3 minutes, and I'll buy. Sound good?"

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Garreck cracked up at Mac's response, as he said in a high tone, "Ha, you? You'll end up getting us fined or in a crash, that's what you'll do! You drive like a Salarian hopped up on Red sand." he said as he swapped the channel on the Omni-tool, to what looked like an alien version of Pong, he laughed and said, "Now this is the stuff... Humans call it Pong, it was really advanced back in the day." he continued playing, as he shut off his Omni-tool, opening the window, and putting his arm out.

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"You really get a kick out of the old Human games, eh?" Mac said, driving normally as his challenge had been so humorously rejected. "I'm partial to chess myself."


Weaving through the wards on his way to Chora's den, he passed Jehuty Ward, where he'd grown up. Casting a quick glance, it was as disgusting and corrupting as when he'd left 3 years prior. It was still a haven for fugitives, and a general vacuum of common decency.

"I joined C-Sec to try and fix that mess. If anything, it's gotten worse." He groaned. "But at least I make sure the idiotic, rich masses can drink in peace."

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Garreck chuckled at his remark, and gestured for a cigarette, as he pulled out a human lighter, which he had used to kill flies on his porch from night to night, or to destroy spiderwebs just for fun. As they approached the Den, a bouncer stood near the door, a large, a head larger then Garreck, Krogan, dressed in military grade armor, the guard gestured his Assault rifle at Garreck as he pulled out about 20 credits from his pocket, he poured them into a raggy brown pouch as he tossed it into the guard's hands, and they entered the gentleman's club. Garreck said to Mac, "I owed his boss a couple of creds." as he smiled.

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Mac was reluctantly waved through after Garreck. He was known around Chora's Den, and not in a good way either. He was the Senior Officer for this ward, and he refused to be bought. It made the local Crime bosses more than a bit uneasy.


"You owed Fist money? What for?"

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Garreck's face went blank for a minute as he smiled and chuckled, "I uh... I hit on his girlfriend... Never gonna do that again." he smiled, as he stayed right behind Mac, as he put his hand to his Comm, he said in a quiet voice, "Yeah... Uh-hu... Yep... Alright then... Alright..." as he sighed, and said to Mac, "We may wanna try to stay hidden, word is the local gangs don't like me a lot around here." followed by a slight laugh.

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"Not exactly the reply I was expecting." Mac chuckled.


Looking over the crowded bar, his eyes locked onto a few suspicious patrons for a few seconds each, before moving on.


"The crime scene's over this way." Mac said, leading them through the crowd and out the side door.


The scene was blocked off, with several officers working crowd control. The Coroner was busy snapping pictures with his omni-tool.


The Salarian's Corpse was laying in a messy pile of entrails, spilling from the gaping wound in his stomach. Green-ish blood covered the wall directly opposite him, and the several marks in the wall told it all; Shotgun, Pointblank. this wasn't a random murder, it was a message.


"Victim's name is Torlin Hoven." Mac said, lighting another Cigarette. "Balistics said it was an Ariake Shotgun, most likely an M-23 Katana. He's been dead 4 hours or so. That Human over there found him." Mac said, pointing to a pale looking man, sitting on a stack of crates. "Do your thing, buddy. I'll be here."

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Garreck nodded and walked over to the seemingly shaken human victim, sitting on a crate, as Garreck crouched down and talked to him in a calm voice, "Mister..." as he answered quickly in a young voice, "Davis." he said as the Turian continued, "Mister Davis... You found this man here, correct?" as the human only nodded, Garreck questioned him more, "Did you know Mr. Hoven over there?" as the man nodded, saying in a still calm voice, "Business rival, we had a lot of arguments, but I never wanted him dead, I just wanted my company to succeed. Now he's..." Garreck watched the man as he lifted his head up, he could see a dangerous fire in the boy's eyes, something that indicated something, like a bell rung off in Garreck's head, something was up, he picked himself up and walked over to a corner, as he opened up his Omni-tool, searching up both men's names and companies, as he found out that the boy's company was losing to Mr. Hoven's in sales. Also that both of them specialized in the making of the prototype Thermal clips, this surprised Garreck, as he walked back over to the boy, quite speedily and grabbed him by his shirt, pounding his body against the wall and saying in a quick voice,


"You and your company were falling behind Mr. Hoven's and you wanted him out of the way didn't you? You wanted him out so that you could rule the Thermal Clip industry, and look what the f***ing gun you used to kill him had, I think you are hiding something and if you don't tell I will slit your throat you cheap *******!"


as the boy started crying, "Don't hurt me, please! I killed him but the whole thing was coordinated by the Grove Ward Gang!" he said as the turian dropped him to the floor and yelled to the two C-SEC officers on the scene, "Grove Ward coordinated it, he fired."

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(Do I see a GTA San Andreas reference!?)


Mac rushed over as Garreck started to rough up the human, but arrived in time to hear his confession.


"You work quickly, don't you?" He chuckled. "Of course... any lawyer could get that confession tossed out of evidence... you need to watch your temper..."


Mac placed a finger on his headset.


"This is Sergeant Mackeris. I need an APB on any member of the Grove Ward Gang. We've got a confession that links them to the murder."


He turned to Garreck.


"GWG's are known enforcers for Fist. So this sure as hell doesn't rule him out. for now, I'd say we go talk to the man himself, see if we can't squeeze a few names out of him."

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(Yes, you do, :D I had quite a few GTA references in this, because of V of course, anyway, moving on)


Garreck followed Mac's lead into Fist's office, which was guarded by two Turians, they both held vindicators in there hands, as Garreck stopped at the door, and turned to Mac, saying calmly, "Well... Do your magic, or I can convince them, or course." cracking his knuckles and twisting his neck.

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"Ease up." Mac said, holding out his hand. "You do realize I have to do the paperwork for everybody you put in the hospital, right?"


Mac turned and held up his omni-tool, showing his badge.


"Need to talk to the Boss-man, boys." He said.


"He's not here." One of them snarled.


Mac chuckled.


"Oh really? Cause I can see him in that little window there." He said as he pushed his way past. "Obstruction of Justice isn't a good idea, buddy. keep that in mind."


Fist was sitting at his desk, talking to his omni-tool.


"Yeah..... A Little Quarian Chick, said she knew something about some Spectre or something. Yeah, I'll handle it." He said, before closing it and turning to them. "Officer Mackeris..."


"Fisty!" Mac said, with a smirk. "How you doin'? Murder doesn't seem to slow down your business at all, eh?"


Mac Turned to Garreck.


"I mean, that house was packed, right?"

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Garreck smirked and nodded, turning to Fist and yelling, "So... How's business, Mr. Fist? Oh, how's Angela doin'? Haven't seen her since out last encounter, he snickered, as Fist prepared to lunge at him, being stopped when Garreck put his hand forward and snickered, causing the man to pause and mumor something innapropriate under his breath. As Garreck yelled out to him, "So, any... Business transactions lately with the Grove Ward Gang? You know, just the all Krogan group, that has been accused of over 40 murders, 30 of which you were suspected of having a hand in?"

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"Seems you and them are pretty chummy, nowadays." Mac said, taking a seat on Fist's desk.


Fist leaned back and scoffed.


"I ain't got nothin' to say. You need a warrant, and you sure as hell can't get one."


Mac sighed. He knew what Fist meant. Everyone knew he was an agent for the Shadow Broker, and he paid in his dues to C-Sec's "Charity Fund" making him practically untouchable.


"I guess that's it then." Mac said, hopping off of the desk. "Just remember, once one of the Grove hoods gives you up, that little security net is going to collapse. Corrupt or not, you can't bribe your way out of Murder, buddy."

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Garreck's eyes opened wide as he opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself, groaning as he opened the door out of Fist's office, walking out and toward the car, as he opened the driver's door for Mac, opening his own and jumping inside, sighing, as he opened up his Omni-tool again, projecting an image of the two reporters from earlier, they were apparently doing something on the Spectres, as he heightened the volume, and the voice rung through the car, "Spectres, our shields from the forces of evil, or, the snakes who will bring us evil, Reports show that a Spectre named Sar-" as her voice cut off, and the screen went to black, something was wrong, he had his Omni-tool upgraded to stop ordinary intrusions and pick up rogue signals, this was a rogue symbol, it was just letters in Alien and Human being flayed across the walls like code, moving incredibly fast, Garreck marveled at it, as he didn't know what to do but examine it, he said to Mac, still focused on the symbols, "This is some old stuff right here, looks like Ancient Quarian Encoding... It... It's Geth! I don't know how this is being picked up, we are nowhere near the Geth... I think something's going on here..."

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