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Mass Effect RP (Roleplaying Thread)


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(Alright, I'll slow it down a bit.)


Garreck fiddled with the controls, shutting the Omni-Tool off, as he sat forward a bit, he said calmly, "Ever heard of the Mourning War? Geth were a race of machines built by the Quarians, they were like, cast out, according to my sources, so they rebelled." As he fiddled with his hands, trying to concentrate, he laid himself back on the seat, as he pulled out another bag a credits, sifting through it and pulling out 20 credits, as he turned to Mac, saying, still calm, but a tad bit fidgety, "We are going to the Grove Ward's HQ, but we can't take this car, it's too obvious, drop it off at my place, and we'll take a Taxi, we will stop by Grove Ward's Tequila Se'ly Bar, so they don't see us coming... I know, we don't have the papers to take down Fist... But, we can beat the evidence out of these punks to get him locked up, but money can get you everywhere, Mac, so we have to make sure when they lock that little weasel up, he stays there." as the car pulled in to Garreck's apartment's parking lot.

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Mac looked down at himself.


"I should probably ditch the uniform too, huh? Good thing I've got a change of clothes in the trunk..."


Pulling the shuttle out of traffic, and setting down outside Garreck's apartment, he turned to the Investigator.


"We're keeping this off the record, right? I could get into a lot of trouble with the Higher-ups. Like, losing my job trouble."

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Garreck nodded, nonchalantly saying, "Yeah, sure." with a reassuring tone as he as well opened the door, walking to the trunk and pulling out an M-7 Lancer, tucking it away in a medium leather bag as he walked over at a well pace to his own silver car, pulling out the keys and pressing a button as the two doors swung open with a hiss. Garreck turned to Mac, still walking, and said, "You drive." with a small smile.

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Mac had already changed into a plain black casual suit, his M3 Predator tucked inside the jacket.


"Sweet..." He said with a smirk, hopping into the sleek craft.


Once they were in the air, Mac started thinking over this case.


"So... what's the plan? I mean, they won't just tell us who did it and why... things could get pretty hairy."


Peeking out over the various wards of the Citadel, he found himself un-nerved about how easily someone could get lost, whether they wanted to or not.


"For all we know, our guy could be half-way to Omega right now, laughing all the friggin' way."

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"Yep... He could be... But I can crack one of his buddies... I know Krogan better then ever Tuchunka does..." he said with a smile as he peeked out the window, watching the lower areas, it seemed like a spectacle was going on by the Citadel tower, but that was usual, a lot of people had gripes with the council, they flock there everyday from all corners just to get shut out by advisers, it really wasn't a pretty sight, some wouldn't take no for an answer, there had been successful terrorist attempts there, the most recent was by a group of Humans, plighting for a Human Spectre, they bombed the citadel tower after they were shut out, they killed about 7 C-SEC agents. It was bad. Garreck just shook his head though, he didn't want those thoughts plaguing him, right now he had business to deal with. The shuttle descended on Grove Ward, as it landed, Garreck pushed up the door, opening it and stepping out unto the stained silver floor, Grove Ward was a poor Ward on the citadel, also the ward with the most Krogan, they Approached the to the Tequila Se'ly bar, as Garreck opened it and walked in, quickly traversing to the back door, which lead quickly and quietly into Grove Ward Territory, a Turian stood by the door, arms crossed, as he looked around the bar with a stern face, as Garreck approached him, the guard saw him and smiled, walking slightly closed, as Garreck shook hands with the Turian, yelling out, "CJ! My man!" the Turian only nodding and smiling as he asked in a gruff voice, "What do you need, Garreck?" as Garreck gestured at Mac and said in a lower tone, "I need access." as the Turian nodded and stepped aside, letting Garreck open the door and step out, this place looked a lot more like Omega then the Citadel, it was dirty and filled with criminal scum, C-SEC kept a stern eye on them, most of the time. Garreck nodded at Mac as they continued forward to a door, it looked like it was to a warehouse, but a large Krogan, wearing yellow stood outside, armed with a Revenant on his back. He looked at the Turians and asked, "What do you want?" in a loud, accusing voice. Garreck said to him, "We wanna talk to your boss." as the Krogan scoffed and laughed saying, "Why would I let a bunch of random quad-less birds like you get in?" as Garreck gestured to Mac and pulled out his Pistol, aiming it at the Krogan's head, as he chuckled and pulled out from his side a large serrated blade, already stained with blue blood, as The Krogan charged at Garreck, he pulled out his Omni-Blade, pushing to the side of the surprised charging brute and clipping his eyes, which made the Krogan angrier, but it was caught in a rage, so it couldn't care, as it continued slashing, the fire did little to it, Garreck stood still as the charging Krogan went in for the kill, he put up a Hex shield, and the Krogan slammed right into it, knocking him out, he was bleeding from his eye though, so he would die soon. Garreck shook it off, and pulled back the Hex shield walking up the steps to the dirty old door, he stood on the right and said to Mac, "Pull out your gun, and get on the left side, Imma count to 5, when I hit five, we burst in there, Guns a' Blazing, doesn't matter where you aim, the big mountains can take a lot before dying, just try to leave a few alive, remember, they will shoot back, on the count of five... One... Two... Three... Four... Five."

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(You need to slow down a bit. that's way too much in one post when you're working with another RPer.)


Mac was almost on auto-pilot for a few minutes, standing nearly motionless as Garreck tangled with an angry Krogan. (Wonder why? :P)


When Garreck counted to five, Mac had already burst through the door. He had to consciously remember not to shout that they were under arrest.


There were three Krogan strewn about the room, all turning to see the new arrival, and looking none too happy about who it was. Leveling his Pistol, he fired a barrage of shots before ducking to his left to get into cover as they returned fire.

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