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why you should not play with a secondary account...


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first off, let us remove these statements

  • this applies to making a second account and playing with it while not touching your first account
  • this has nothing to do with guests


i will sum up my crazy story

  • had a main account that went silver 500 days ago
  • created a secondary account to keep secret from family members
  • put XBL time and points towards account
  • DL'd first 3 map packs and played them
  • recently obtained gold that got account 1 back up and running
  • started progressing through the ranks again

it has been about 5 days since redeeming gold and have only played 3 MM games. the first game i was amazed with my team, we won by 130. 2 game was ok since i kept getting more assists than kills which tied me on the team leaderboard for the top spot, we won by 180.


third game was upsetting. it was my second big team match which was started from the beginning. when we started, we had a few more starting players than the enemy team but didnt make a difference when all those slots were filled. the match starts and only a couple of teammates see the vehicles and gets them. we play and play and after about 2-5 minutes, the enemies takes every vehicle asset that spawns and no other teammates knows how to take them down. after the match was halfway over and we were down 200. i said "screw it" and left because of the brainless team


i'll still play halo 4 since ive got a lot of ranking up to do. as of this post, account 1's rank is 12.


the lesson here: if you are going to play with a secondary profile and not going to touch your main while playing, except to find teammates who are basically braindead zombies to serve the purpose of "free kill", at least until you get the account going


been meaning to post this topic 2 days ago but couldnt.

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Wait, so what your saying is, that having a second account impacts the ability to rank up on the main account?


Or are you saying that if you play the second account and get it up to a high level, you would be matched with other players of your skill level, and then going back to the main account (which is still a low level because it was neglected) you are used to playing with level 50's but now your facing off against level 1-10 meatshields/bullet sponge ragdolls, and it takes away the challenge thus detracting from the fun, thrill and excitement?...


Or are you saying something else entirely?

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Wait, so what your saying is, that having a second account impacts the ability to rank up on the main account?


Or are you saying that if you play the second account and get it up to a high level, you would be matched with other players of your skill level, and then going back to the main account (which is still a low level because it was neglected) you are used to playing with level 50's but now your facing off against level 1-10 meatshields/bullet sponge ragdolls, and it takes away the challenge thus detracting from the fun, thrill and excitement?...


Or are you saying something else entirely?

i choose #3

the message here: if you make another account, your basically starting halo 4 all over again. expect to be playing with the "confused" players that cant tell left from right


if you could just reword the last sentence I'll try to figure out what you meant.

after the match was over, i was going to get on these forums and post this topic. it was either late or i was too tired to start up the computer so i would have to wait until the following day. the following day comes and plans appear out of nowhere that involved "no computer" for the whole day. as soon i got a chance, i got on and posted this topic. does that help?


Or are you saying that if you play the second account and get it up to a high level, you would be matched with other players of your skill level, and then going back to the main account (which is still a low level because it was neglected) you are used to playing with level 50's but now your facing off against level 1-10 meatshields/bullet sponge ragdolls, and it takes away the challenge thus detracting from the fun, thrill and excitement?...

  • the main account was "neglected" because it had a silver membership for 500 days and i had no way to renew it to gold. matchmaking does not allow silver's to play
  • the account you played the most is your "main". the one that is the closest to being new, or less played, is the "secondary". thought that explained itself
  • those players who knew what they were doing and gave awsome fights are gone while on the other profile until it ranks up, otherwise you get players who are an easy extermination
  • have not tried playing with both profiles at same time (not going to boost) so i have no idea if both profiles get to play with the no braines or if there is a mix of the no braines and the legends

let me put it another way, how does a new restraunt analogy sound?


  • Restraunt A has always been your favorite place. you love a good selection of what is offered and are always wanting to come back everyday
  • One day at A, you notice [or in this case, make another profile] Restraunt B. you have never heard of the place and neither has anyone else you asked
  • You decide to change things up today and go to B instead of A. you look over the menu and think to yourself "everything looks gross". you try something and you think "rather not come here again, ever"
  • After today, you want to stick with A until the end of time and you hope you never have to go back to B again

Restaurant A is all the good players you come across while on your main account

Restaurant B is all the brain dead players you do not want to meet while on your secondary


what is with quotes and bullet lists inserting an extra line btwn them?

Edited by Trifle10
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Ahh, Thanks for clearing that up. But my guess as to the reason why you were paired with players who seemed "Brain-dead" was that the Trueskill Matchmaking system that pairs players or the algorithm that finds match's for teams, is what was the cause. You are a far more skilled and experienced player than what your brand new accounts true skill was, so the game thought you were a noob who was just starting out, and matched you with other beginners, when in fact your a veteran.


In my case this is what it was for me, I got to my goal level, of 30 in Lonewolves in Halo 3, and I played until I reached Field Major rank. Then after thousands of matches as a Field Major, I created a new account (In hopes to get a fresh start, and go through the fun of ranking up again) but the game was too easy and boring as hell because I was playing with people who were way to inexperienced and under-skilled so it had no challenge to me... It was like this all the way until Level 25-28...


So I totally agree, making a second account is a waste of time, and not worth it.

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You are a far more skilled and experienced player than what your brand new accounts true skill was, so the game thought you were a noob who was just starting out, and matched you with other beginners, when in fact your a veteran.

aww shucks. thats the first time anyones said that without me having to list facts


I totally agree, making a second account is a waste of time, and not worth it.

the only reason you should absoutly make another account is if your main gets banned and cant be playable again or you moved to another location and forgot your profile, otherwise, dont do it

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after the match was over, i was going to get on these forums and post this topic. it was either late or i was too tired to start up the computer so i would have to wait until the following day. the following day comes and plans appear out of nowhere that involved "no computer" for the whole day. as soon i got a chance, i got on and posted this topic. does that help?


Nope I was talking about the "lesson" sentence. Anyway you cleared that up.


What you're saying is right, when you are an experienced player you shouldn't create a new account. It's like playing the campaign on Easy.

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the only truly reason you should make a new account is if its a last resort.


take, for instance, a tornado or a hurricane. they have destroyed your house. the place that you have put a ton of effort into. the place that may of held memories and moments that you will look back on one day.


unless you want to be on the losing team of tug of war or the 4v1 (you being the 1) who gets owned, do not make a secondary account, even if it is to boost in custom games

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