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Halo 4 Global Championship "Finals" iGotYourPistola vs Ace - $200K Kill


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The Halo 4 Global Championship "Finals" iGotYourPistola vs Ace - $200K Kill 

The Halo 4 Global Championship "Finals" iGotYourPistola vs Ace - $200K Kill 

The top eight Halo players in the world will battle it out during a live two-hour broadcast on Sunday, September 1st beginning at 7pm ET / 4pm PT for a chance to win a $200,000 first place prize. The tournament will be hosted by Xbox LIVE's Major Nelson, Blair Herter and Jessica Chobot. 

On top of competitive gameplay, the tournament will also feature play-by-play commentary and analysis by Andy "Bravo" Dudynsky and Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez, as well as post-match interviews and highlights. In between rounds, the broadcast will feature several Xbox One exclusives, Rooster Teeth shorts, musical acts and more.

Join the conversation on Twitter by tweeting the official tournament hashtag (#Halo4GC), vote for which trailers you want to see via the Xbox LIVE interactive experience, and enter our Twitter sweepstakes.

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