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Batman Begins

Mad Mike

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Now I know that I don't have a actual picture of my map, but please, just hear me out! There are good reasons to why I had to use a random picture from halo 3 instead!

Reason 1:
The map is build in the underwater part of Forge Island with a few special effects put out, so it is impossible to take a screenshot of anything other than a very small part of the map (you can see just fine in-game though)

Reason 2:
I no longer have a gold membership so I can't upload pictures to my file share -.- I even tried using a 48 hour trial but it still wouldn't let me upload it...


Now that we have cleared that out I'll get on to my actual submission, I hope you can make a exception about not having a picture and give me a fair chance :)

Gamertag: Acrisius91

Map: Falcone's Shipment

Gametype: Batman Begins

Recomended Player Count: 2-12 players

Ok, so the gametype is a mod that works almost exactly like infection in halo reach. There is one zombie (Batman) that will try to kill the humans, and everyone has one life! So when either Batman or all the humans are dead the round ends.
The map is made to look like that scene in Batman Begins where he takes down falcone. Batman will drop down from the containers around the map and take out his targets one by one. Using stealth is essential for Batman because he has little health!

He can jump very high (think of it as his grappling hook) to quickly escape danger. He also has a jetpack which allows him to glide and drop down on his targets more smoothly (the gliding looks exaclty like how Batman glides, because of the high gravity:)


Now as I said, the map is build underwater, so it creates a dark and foggy feel that makes it hard to see at long range.
The humans also start out scatterd, without radar and without any waypoints showing the locations of their teammates. So it's very hard to find eachother. This further adds to the athmosphere of the map and makes it more scary/creppy.

I know I didn't have a picture but please check it out anyway, it's worth it! I've tested it with a few people myself and we had a blast :)

PS: Something that might be confusing is how the Batman spawns. There is a system that will force him to depleat his

energy sword, because it makes him to visible. And also because Batman doesn't kill people :P



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How do you expect people to download your map if you can't access your file share

What are you talkin about??? The download links are right up there!





Just click the link and then press the thing that says "send to x-box". If that doesn't work then I don't know what's going on...:S It should work


I still have acces to my fileshare! I just can't upload anything to it since I don't have Gold.

But fortunately, I had already uploaded the map and the gametype before my membership expired!


So everything that was already on on my fileshare works as normal and everyone can dowload it, but I just can't upload anything new.


I still have acces to my fileshare! I just can't upload anything to it since I don't have Gold.

But fortunately, I had already uploaded the map and the gametype before my membership expired!


So everything that was already on on my fileshare works as normal and everyone can dowload it, but I just can't upload anything new.


So everything that was already on my fileshare works as normal and everyone can download it, but I just can't upload anything new.




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