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XGC Titans Iapetus/Crius Squad are recruiting

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Hello to all my fellow Halo 4 players, I am XGC Ghost Wolf and I am part of one of the largest gaming communities in the world. We have 70,000+ members and have various clans as part of our community. I am the Lieutenant of Iepatus Squad and I am looking for members that enjoy to play Halo 4 if you would like others to play halo with and are getting tired of always playing with randoms that either treat fellow players like they don't matter or just don't talk with you while they play then complain when the match is over that no one played like a team. We in Titans focus on three different shooter games (Halo 4, Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty:Black OPs 2) so if you Play halo but also play those then we have people within our clan that you can game with. We only have three requirements to join us in the Titans and those are; 1) Sorry to all that aren't but we are an 18+ clan, 2) you have to be a gold member on XBL 3) You need a working mic. So if you happen to qualify all three of those then send me a friend invite on XBL (gamer tag is the same as my post name). Thanks for reading and I wish you good gaming in the future.

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