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What was your favorite feature of Spartan Ops?


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For me it was the fact that we got new content that added to the story and it gave me something else to do besides multiplayer. The missons weren't the best but I loved getting new lore related content added weekly with those amazing CGI episodes. *Insert how I miss firefight here which I really do miss it :cccc*

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I loved actually progressing through missions against AI rather than just holding a single position. Those 'moving' missions where you go from place to place to place for each firefight was actually pretty sweet. Spartans are for kicking in doors and blowing up bases, not baby sitting wrecked AA guns or empty civilian structures.

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Personally, my favorite feature was the ability to use your own Spartan in a campaign-like environment.. T'was my favorite aspect of reach, too. I like being my own character from time to time. It'd be awesome to play a Separate campaign-like mission set where you could play as your own character alongside Master Chief.

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Even though this is an oldish thread, I'll comment. I really just played it too watch the end cinematic. It was sorta fun to play, though a lot of the missions were rinse and repeat, with some little differences here and there (Obviously there were some new missions but as I said 'Rinse and Repeat'). I liked the fact I could use my own character I guess, which is sad that I can't say that about the Campaign. But, overall I just wanted to play it with friends and enjoy the Spartan Ops storyline.

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I think spartan ops was fun, I liked firefight better, but in either case trolling people was still really fun and easy!  Besides the trolling, my favoarte feature was the fact that you could use your own speciallized class and not just the weapons provided to you, and I did enjoy very much that thier was a story line.  It would have been really great if they came out with other seasons, I was looking foward to new missions, but they never did.  I give firefight 5 out of 5 stars and spartan ops 4 out of 5 stars!!!

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What I liked about Spartan Ops was that I didn't know what to expect in a level in terms of which enemies I would be up against. It's obvious when you hear that the Covenant has invaded the Infinity, but then Prometheans started to appear! I thought "grumble grumble grumble" at first, since Prometheans are a pain in the derriere. Upon retrospect, it was cool that 343 did that.

Another feature I liked was not an intentional feature, but a glitch: in the desert level (I forget what it's called, Quarry or Foundry), go to the hill with the ring road that loops around it. Climbing up the intended hill that goes to the top, go to the rock jutting out to the right. Facing the rock, hop off the left side at the base. Crouch, and then walk into the rock jutting out. If there are enemies on the hill, they can see you and will shoot at you, but will hit the rock instead of you. If you're playing with others, you can rack up Distraction medals while your friends go and fight the aliens. :D

There's another area like that where you can phase into the geometry. Try jumping above one of the doors in the structure in the upper left corner of Complex.

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