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Battle Rifle is over powered.


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There should be no difference between these two guns yet 343i has done that yet again first the DMR was overpowered, and now the Battle Rifle is more of a noob weapon than it should be. The BR has a burst shot the simple fact you die from three shots with it verses the DMR's five makes no sense at all plus it's faster on the firing part as well.

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  On 9/21/2013 at 5:20 PM, Winterfeuer91 said:

There should be no difference between these two guns yet 343i has done that yet again first the DMR was overpowered, and now the Battle Rifle is more of a noob weapon than it should be. The BR has a burst shot the simple fact you die from three shots with it verses the DMR's five makes no sense at all plus it's faster on the firing part as well.


If both weapon's are the same what is the point of both of them?


The dmr is meant for mid to long range and the br is meant for short to medium fire battles. :thumbsup:   

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The DMR is a specialized long-range gun, and performs that job quite well. It is exceptional at long-range, yet somewhat fails at close-range, as long-range weapons should. Take the Binary Rifle for example. It is extremely powerful, yet is balanced by a laser which gives away its position when scoped in and is horribly inaccurate when fired from the hip.

The Battle Rifle is more of an all-purpose weapon, a jack of all trades useful at most ranges. At long-range it starts to peter out, though is more useful at mid-range and can hold its ground at close-range. So while it can be dangerous at closer ranges, all weapons get dangerous at that range except for snipers since it's easier to hit targets that are in close proximity. But, while it may be a jack of all trades, it is a master of none.


And keep in mind that every weapon can be overpowered in the hands of a skilled user.

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  On 9/21/2013 at 7:08 PM, Caboose the Ace said:

If both weapon's are the same what is the point of both of them?

Exactly. It would be like having three assault rifles that all look, sound, and feel different, but they do everything the same. Same gun different model design.

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The BR is not over powered. The DMR is still far superior in most competitive players eyes. The DMR has amazing range and can kill in less shots (pulls of the trigger) than a BR. The BR has been beefed up and those that are good with it are able to smoke DMR players but mostly at a mid range. I have multiple classes set up to prevent this. When I play on big map like Complex I use the DMR but when I am on a map like Haven, where it is very close quarters, I have a BR primary and an Assault Rifle Secondary. So I think that maybe you are just having an issue with which maps to use different weapons on.

And the BR is not a 3 shot it is a 4 shot. And the accuracy is terrible compared to the DMR.


I'm not saying that the experiences you've had are invalid though. I appreciate your opinion, but I think that it may have just been in certain cases and you got heated up about it. Maybe... :question:

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  On 9/22/2013 at 12:55 AM, The Stig said:

Exactly. It would be like having three assault rifles that all look, sound, and feel different, but they do everything the same. Same gun different model design.


An even better example of how pointless it would be to make all ranged weapons be the same, would be if 343 put in all four variations of the Battle Rifle into Halo 5 multiplayer... Think about having four versions of the same weapon on a map like snowbound! The Halo 2 Demo BR (One shot burst, but still 4SK), The Halo 2 BR, the Halo 3 BR, and Halo 4's BR...


What purpose would that serve? Nothing. That's what. 

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  On 9/23/2013 at 4:53 PM, Ledgend1221 said:

Bullet for Bullet, the DMR does more damage then the BR even though both fire 7.62mm AP.



It's a game it doesn't have to make sense. There are tons of real life of examples of this occurrence as well. 

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  On 9/23/2013 at 4:53 PM, Ledgend1221 said:

Bullet for Bullet, the DMR does more damage then the BR even though both fire 7.62mm AP.




The DMR may send its rounds out faster than the BR. Higher speeds equals higher damage. That's why a car crash at 60mph is highly fatal whereas a 15mph crash is considered a fender bender.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I dunno. I can see the complaint of the BR being overpowered if you only play small team stuff. It seems like most of the newer dlc and forgy maps for small player counts really lend towards the BR's and Carbine's strengths.


I'm told it's important to be good with multiple weapons, but I love my DMR and I ain't even mad though. Find yourself a some high ground somewhere on a map with large sight-lines like Complex, Ragnarok (Valhalla), Ravine, or Harvest. Reap the souls of your enemies! Remember that weapons are made for specific engagements, not maps, and certainly not entire games. Some maps seem cater towards specific weapons, but be clever and make those engagements on your terms.

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  On 10/23/2013 at 7:14 PM, UNSC Spartan-II said:

All guns have their strengths and weaknesses. I don't see any gun as "overpowered".

When people complain about a gun being "overpowered" is because they always die by it. Same goes with the bolshot(after nerf)

I use the Carbine a lot and I dominate BR players if I don't do anything stupid like miss my shots, etc. 

The BR has been the go-to weapon since Halo 2 if you complain about it being OP then Halo 4 must have been the only Halo game you have played

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  On 10/23/2013 at 7:41 PM, Buns said:

When people complain about a gun being "overpowered" is because they always die by it. Same goes with the bolshot(after nerf)

I use the Carbine a lot and I dominate BR players if I don't do anything stupid like miss my shots, etc. 

The BR has been the go-to weapon since Halo 2 if you complain about it being OP then Halo 4 must have been the only Halo game you have played

Exactly. :)

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  On 9/23/2013 at 4:53 PM, Ledgend1221 said:

Bullet for Bullet, the DMR does more damage then the BR even though both fire 7.62mm AP.






The power can dictate the damage of a weapon, not just the Caliber. The fact that bullets pierce MJOLNIR armour at all is ludicrous in it's own right.

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  On 10/25/2013 at 8:38 PM, Minutes To Midnight said:

The power can dictate the damage of a weapon, not just the Caliber. The fact that bullets pierce MJOLNIR armour at all is ludicrous in it's own right.

Exactly most people think they know how to apply "logic" to these kind of situations


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  • 4 months later...
  On 9/21/2013 at 5:20 PM, Winterfeuer91 said:
There should be no difference between these two guns yet 343i has done that yet again first the DMR was overpowered, and now the Battle Rifle is more of a noob weapon than it should be. The BR has a burst shot the simple fact you die from three shots with it verses the DMR's five makes no sense at all plus it's faster on the firing part as well.


There'd be no point for having two weapons that be exactly the same. The BR's not overpowered. Sure it has a much faster kill time but that doesn't mean it isn't overpowered. Other traits counterbalance the BR's 4sk, including its poor accuracy, noticeable recoil, and how it has much greater flinch when shot. When scoped in, the BR can be one nasty dog to handle. It's hard to land multiple consecutive hits on an enemy from anything beyond close-medium range. I'm a BR lover, but even I can't use it all the time. Much of the time it's smart for me to substitute the BR with something else. For instance, if the team needs a support sniper to watch over them during a full frontal assault, it's probably best that I just use the LR instead because it has pinpoint accuracy and has an excellent killtime when scoped, but at close range it does poor due to its lack of consistency and its slow kill time when unscoped.


Two weapons with the same exact kill time wouldn't be balanced, because one of the two rifles could still have superior range to the other. An overpowered weapon should almost (if not) always be used over the others, because it happens to be superior no matter what situation you use it in. The Rocket Launcher, for instance, is highly overpowered to many other weapons like the BR (though it isn't much of a problem in Halo 4, because of its rarity, however I do still feel that the rocket launcher needs a small, flashing, yellow warning light to make the wielder a somewhat bigger target). Another more common example is how the DMR had a slightly longer kill time on top of much greater accuracy when compared to the BR. If all weapons are balanced, they should each be used in their own situation or niche.


Ever played Quake 3 Arena? That's how it is weapon-wise (excluding the BFG 10k, but that almost never appears in an online match except for a select few arenas).

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