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Returning Home To Reach

Ian Lyon

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Hello everyone my name is Ian Lyon. And as you can see by the title I have returned home. No not my house but my Reach home. I returned to REACH because I didn't see the potential in HALO 4. I was just as excited as some of you guys when we all got HALO 4. But it only took me a few weeks to realize something about this game. The first thing I hated was the Matchmaking and the Forge and then the new Forge Island. P.S. Seriously you didn't even bother to put Effects option on Forge Island! And also the forge editing is terrible! Don't get me started about the Matchmaking! It only took me a shortage amount of time to reach rank 130. Even though I had to suffer from people screaming in their headsets, kids talking trash in the lobby(Duely noted I am 13 and turning 14 sometime maybe next week.) and a whole bunch of campers and try hards! And in the lobby it keeps saying that the DMR is my favorite weapon, no it's not. My only favorite weapon is the classic BR. I still have more to say but I need to catch the transport ship to REACH. See you guys later on in the topics. P.S.S. 343I I love you guys but please don't screw up HALO 5/HALO on the Xbox One. P.S.S.S. Seriously they call it the Xbox One! Jeez and I thought Call of Duty was bad enough.

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