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United States of the Forum Presidential Election 5!!!! (nomination thread)


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To counter this threat of this duel presidents for all my current supporters and supporters to come here is why you should vote for Caboose the Ace for president.  


1 If you vote you get some sort of position at my side


2 I work for the good of the site a vote for me is a vote for the community


3 I have a case of awesomeness


4 a zebra cannot be trusted


5 A caboose can be trusted


6 I will cure cancer


7 free milk for all


8 free cookies for all


that position at my side is anything you want :thumbsup:

Soon after the creating the post above I though about this forum president thing about who my opponents were and I have come to a decision I will be not be running for the next forum president but I am in favour of another better candidate  Total mayh3m for many reasons.lets-go.jpg


may3m for president. :thumbsup:

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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To counter this threat of this duel presidents for all my current supporters and supporters to come here is why you should vote for Caboose the Ace for president.  


1 If you vote you get some sort of position at my side


2 I work for the good of the site a vote for me is a vote for the community


3 I have a case of awesomeness


4 a zebra cannot be trusted


5 A caboose can be trusted


6 I will cure cancer


7 free milk for all


8 free cookies for all


that position at my side is anything you want :thumbsup:


Soon after the creating the post above I though about this forum president thing about who my opponents were and I have come to a decision I will be not be running for the next forum president but I am in favour of another better candidate  Total mayh3m for many reasons.


may3m for president. :thumbsup:



Don't give up! And it is Zebra and Mayh3m. :)


It is just good campaign fun lol.

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untrue I will cure cancer and give free milk and cookies for all I work for the good of the site. :thumbsup:

OF COURSE you will (sarcasm) I know your secrets. i took history last year on the world and thats what Joseph stalin did and Hitler and look what happened. you are doing the exact same to trick us, and then you will start a cookie holocaust where we eat all of the cookies!!!!!!


Dual presidents?


Power sharing is the worst form of power.

you are right. thats what happened in Rome. Pompey and Julius thought they were invading each other so they invaded each other by misunderstanding. so it isnt a good idea

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Well to be honest, I don't really care much about being president. Sure, It's a cool offer, And I know for certain I wouldn't treat it like I should go nuts and boss around everyone, I would just be me, I mean, If someone were being rude, Sure I'd tell them to cool it, But... Yeah! Have fun guys. And good luck.

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Well to be honest, I don't really care much about being president. Sure, It's a cool offer, And I know for certain I wouldn't treat it like I should go nuts and boss around everyone, I would just be me, I mean, If someone were being rude, Sure I'd tell them to cool it, But... Yeah! Have fun guys. And good luck.


That's totally a nomination for BZ1+Mayh3m. :whistle:

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Beckoningzebra1 and Total Mayh3m have confirmed that they are running together for president!


Help us make history on the forum by voting for the first EVER DUAL Presidency!




Help us make History and we will make this forum a better place!




Correction, it will not be the first Dual Presidents. V plus 2 and I hold that title.   :)


Only because we share the exact same birthdays. And the way the competition ran, people were voting for us at the exact same times. By the time the voting ended, we had equal votes, a tie. 


But your more than welcome to be the 2nd Dual Presidents. :D



Edited by Zelda
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Correction, it will not be the first Dual Presidents. V plus 2 and I hold that title.   :)


Only because we share the exact same birthdays. And the way the competition ran, people were voting for us at the exact same times. By the time the voting ended, we had equal votes, a tie. 


But your more than welcome to be the 2nd Dual Presidents. :D




First time it's been decided to be run as a pair though. 

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Seriously? I have my vote, And I don't like getting mad, Please don't convince me otherwise.

lol im joking


Then there is only one thing left to do, have the first tri-presidential term. I'm sure there is someone out there willing to agree to a spilt  of power.

and no way. that is a horrable idea. it is one of the things that almost destroyed Rome three times before they had bad messed up leaders like nero. eventually it ends up where someone gets rid of the other two and then becomes dictator for life

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Alright since there is no regulation on nominations or moderating of the contents of this topic: after reading the almost fights, the campaigning, everything. I would just like to update everyone on the status of the candidates and some other general things. Please take this the right way because I mean it the right way:


1. This is a nomination thread not a voting thread for anyone who did not get that from the topic or the OP

2. Every member needs two nominations to get into the running and no more so although you can nominate anyone as many times as you want, it would make for a much better turnout if everyone got 2 nominations and the rest nominated others who want to run but don't have enough nominations. With that said here's who's in the running:


  • Total and BZ
  • Caboose
  • Maestro
  • Boss
  • Azaxx
  • Lil Dog
  • Bob
  • Drizzy_Dan (Not running)

Members who could use an extra nomination:

  • The Dumb Marine

3. This goes on for a week before elections so there's no need to rush into campaigning.

4. I'm gonna have to ask that the cure for cancer will be given if elected because some people could find that offensive.

5. Lastly, everyone is doing a great job and there is serious competition going on and I love it. Thank you everyone for being a good sport and supporting Spyro's idea of the United States of the Forum idea and continue to enjoy yourselves.

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I'll be honest...

I want you to vote for me. All of you.

Really, I do.


I know none will.


I know that I can't do anything guys.

And I'm admitting it. 


I will probably just come back to you all...

Asking for romantic advice.


With that...

The only thing I can promise you is honesty...

The thing that matters most to me...

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