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Halo Reach Matchmaking Multiplayer Strategies

The Director

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Alright, this is the official topic to discuss various Matchmaking strategies that work for you.

1. My favorite is the "go a different way" strategy. This works excellent in SWAT, most of the time. It's also rather simple. Just go a way your teammates are not. This will do one of two things. It will either lead you to a pretty decent kill or two because it will surprise the enemy, or it will keep the enemy from getting an overkill extermination if he is waiting for your team. For Slayer though never go out alone. Always come in a battle with a Partner or 2 or 3 or 4.


2. Get out of the spawns. It doesn't matter if you think you can get the guy camping your spawn, you are screwing your team by hanging around a spotted spawn point. You need to get to another area, and fast, to prevent your team from becoming a pile of bodies. This is where sprint works wonders.


3. Get to the enemies side of the map. This may sound brain dead, but that is the goal of war you know. You have to take the enemies area. If you are against spawn killing, then don't spawn kill. But if you are on their side of the map, they have to chase you around their side rather than just pushing into your spawn. And I guarantee that your enemies don't have such reservations against spawn killing.


4. Have fun with your kills. Do whatever it takes to make the killing more fun for you, so you do not get bored.


5. When you run out of ammo for you AR, switch to the pistol and unload it into your enemy. Going for the pummel usually leads to death for both of you.


6. If you are not good with a power weapon such as the sniper rifle, that doesn't mean you shouldn't grab it to keep the other team from having it.


7. It's always a good idea to take a look behind you every once in a while.


8. If you are dying a lot, and not getting many kills, then you should camp and let your teammates boost the score up. We all have off games, but that doesn't mean we have to be bricks in a backpack smile.gif


9. With the AR, Spraying and Praying is usually only effective when you are either just out of melee range, or your opponents shields are popped. It doesn't actually take all that many bullets from an AR to kill something. Remember, burst breathe burst. This keeps your bloom down and allows you to pop shields faster and with less ammo. Once that shield is gone though, unleash hell in the form of a wall of lead biggrin.gif


10. If you are a social gamer, and have a mike plugged in, give callouts. These can be as simple as "On my X" which means "on my dead body which you can see where it is because of the giant red X above it where my Tag used to be", or complex like "Three in blue shotgun". It makes quite the difference when you know where an enemy is, rather than just running in blindly.


11. Pay attention to your teammates waypoints. Red is dead, yellow is firing, orange is taking damage. If they aren't in a completely open area, and are orange, then you should get to them because that means at least one enemy is there.


12. Don't throw random grenades near your teammates. The grenades in Reach usually go off rather quickly, so it's hard to warn your teammate that you just threw one near him in time for him to move away from it. And getting booted because of a few accidents is never fun.


13. Try not to teabag. I know, it's hard for some of you, but there are people who play for fun who suddenly turn MLG once they are teabagged. If you want to win a game, or even maintain a positive k/d ratio without being embarrassed, keep your sac to yourself.


14. If you are better at being a lone wolf, then by all means be one. That shouldn't stop you from giving call-outs on enemies that you can see but can't currently kill, to help your teammates out a bit. :)


15. Don't quit out of games just because you aren't doing well. That will get you a quit ban.


16. The name of the area you are in on the map appears at the lower left of your screen, underneath and to the right of your motion tracker. It doesn't hurt to memorize the names of key locations.


And now here is a map by map strategy guide :D

(note, more maps will be included later)


Maps on Disc:


1. Countdown: Depending on your playlist, your first priority should be the sword and the shotgun. Have one teammate sprint from spawn up the grav lift to the sword, and one down the triple lift to the shotgun. Once they have those, have them maintain position on the top floor. Your other teammates should grab DMRs and try to maintain the middle level. Don't forget about the concussion rifle though. After you grab your DMR you should trade out your AR for the concussion rifle and proceed to dominate.


2. Sword Base: Arguably the two most important areas to control on this map is the break room and the top of red lift leading to high bridge. Have one of your teammates immediately go for the shotgun (underneath the stairs leading to high bridge) and another one camp yellow lift until the shotgun is grabbed. If you are blue team, the go for the sword instead. It should be to the right of your spawn. Once the sword or shotgun is grabbed, have that teammate make their way to yellow lift. The easiest ways to get kills with those two weapons is yellow lift. Yellow lift is also a "turning point" part of the map. If yellow lift is controlled, it will make the opposing teams life miserable for the game. There is a grenade launcher on the bottom of the map, in between red lift and yellow lift back stairs. It should be between two pillars holding lower ramp. There is also a sniper located at the top of red lift. If you have a teammate with the shotgun and another with the sword, then one should be in yellow lift and the other in the area at the top of red lift.


3. Pinnacle: The first thing that should be done if you are blue team is to jump down to landing pad and go through the teleporter and collect the shotgun that's up the ramp. The rest of your team should head to sniper tower, and collect the sniper from the landing below. Walk down the ramp, do NOT jump from that landing unless you know what you are doing. The first thing you should go for on red team is the rockets. These will help against the shotgun, because it's in an enclosed area. There are a lot of hot points on this map, but the most active are the two towers and center (where the rockets spawn). If you can properly defend these areas, then you should have no problem with winning the game.


4. Boardwalk: In Boardwalk, blue team has the advantage as far as the closeness of the sniper and shotgun goes, however red team spawns with the high ground. Don't trade your pistol for the shotgun, because usually the beginning of the game is mid to long range combat. It quickly becomes CQC when the spawns start switching up, however, so the shotgun is a decent weapon to grab on this map. The most common hot-zones are the visitors center and the sky-bridge. There are a lot of little hiding spots on this map, so keep an eye on the areas with trees. The easiest places to die are the stairs to the visitors center and the stairs next to red spawn to the sky-bridge, so unless you have a one shot weapon, don't hang around these areas. Both the rocket launcher and a plasma launcher spawn in the service tunnels, the rockets underneath sky-bridge and the plasma launcher underneath the hole in the middle of the map.


5. Powerhouse: This map is characterized by it's CQC. It has quite a few rooms and hallways in which CQC comes into play. There is, however, a decent amount of mid to long range combat as well. The only weapons considered long range are the Focus Rifle (shoop-da-whoop) and the rocket launcher. The rocket launcher is located in the spillway, which is the area of the map where the water is pouring out of a grated pipe. There are two bridges leading into the power house. The rockets are under those bridges. The gravity hammer is located in the building known as the shed. It has a little window and a med pack, and is fairly close to blue spawn. The hot spots on this map are usually inside the powerhouse and the dirt path outside of the green residence. The shotgun is located next to the massive gate on blue team's side of the map. The best place to be is either in the green residence or the powerhouse with a CQC weapon. There are DMRs spread out all over the map, so picking up one is wise as well.


6. Reflection: The blue team has the advantage at the beginning of the game because they spawn just a few feet from the sword, and can usually get to the sniper (top floor of the metal lift) faster than the red team. The red team's saving grace is their proximity to the rockets, which are located in the Zen Garden, leaning against a little waterfall. The shotgun is located on the grass ramp, next to two sets of binoculars. The obvious hotzones here are the upper and lower hallways. Be careful when holding a CQC weapon and wandering into these areas, because you may come under fire rather quickly. The jetpack is really effective on this map, because it allows you to traverse all of the levels without having to walk through certain choke-points.


Alright, that's all I got. If you have more strategies, post em. If not, then comment on how well the ones you've used worked so that those who post them can adjust them biggrin.gif And remember, Adapt or Die.

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4. If you see a chance to assassinate an enemy that is surrounded by their teammates, do it. You may even get a double kill or a triple, and it demoralizes your enemies. Also, even if they showstop you, you have distracted them. This could allow your team to take advantage of that


i disagree with this one. its a much better idea to punch in the back quickly and instead of trying to be stylish with the assassination. you could kill at least two guys before anyone notices whats going on.

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Yeah I'm with Plow on the assassination thing. I hate it when I go into animation by mistake and people start shooting at me.


My general rule, take control of the map, get a good set up and keep it. Whatever you're playing, it works. I'm not saying to crouch behind corners and lifts, play your positions. Only way you can win fast and clean.

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Well the reason I posted it was because I use it to pretty good effect ;) lol I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a double or triple after an assassination, but I can tell you that I've gotten quite a few. And if I didn't say it in the actual post, I meant that strategy is to be used in SWAT, where it's basically one shot per kill. Although I've done it in Slayer too, it's easier in SWAT.

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Assassinations in SWAT?! Never, thats something you never do in SWAT or Snipers. Like you said its a one headshot kill game, so why keep your head still and give time and opportunity to the other team to take you out?

Look up my stats. Then see how much SWAT I play. Then look how many assassinations I have. It's actually easier on SWAT thanks to reticle bloom and lack of a motion tracker. All you have to do is surprise someone, and they start spamming. Then you rotate your camera in their general direction and once the cinematic is finished just aim a little bit more and pull the trigger for the double. If there are more then one, maybe you will get a triple. I've only been showstopped two or three times (that I remember) in all of the games I've played, and it was NEVER from a headshot, because during the assassination cinematic your head moves erratically and is harder to hit than if you were sprinting.

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I always get the guy that goes for the assassination. Not getting the showstopper, but getting him for sure. I never said its not easy to do assassinations on SWAT, I just think its pointless and risky. Ask around and you'll get the same answer. Trust a more experienced player than you.

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lol, assassination in SWAT! Are you crazy! You say when your assassinating someone, you can aim your camera at the guy so when you have finished, you can just shoot him instantly. But if you didn't the assassination then you could have turned around and shot him straight away instead of waiting. Your logic is aweful.


I play heaps of SWAT, and I have to say, I get around 25 - 30 kills most games, and I never assassinate. Just pop one into their head and you can quickly turn around and pop one into his team mates head. Much easier, quicker and cleaner, and personaly, looks a lot better.

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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while since I last saw this topic, so hopefully let's get some new strategies in here. There should be some with the TU and there should be more of a call for this with people having just got this game for the holidays. I will add them to the OP, so go ahead and post them.

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