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LOVE IT! ^_^ :heart: I've gotten through Halo 1, 2 and 3 all on Legendary. Wasn't a walk in the park, but I did it. And The Flood always make the game so much more exhilarating. Covvies would grab cover, try to flank you but always maintain distance (unless otherwise specialized). The Flood have no such reservations, no fear for their own safety. They just throw themselves at you (often literally).


Sure, the Library on Legendary can get a little touch-and-go. But you're facing an enemy that is as predictable as it is numerous. They start swarming? You run. Maybe hit 'em with a pineapple as you go. Try to find somewhere to funnel them through; slow them down or thin them out for easier engagement. Don't be afraid to let straggling infection spores burst against your shields — it beats wasting ammo on something that can't hurt you by itself. Heck, I just melee the little suckers unless they're in a nice big cluster.


As for other Flood engagements in the other Halo games, it's largely the same deal. Except when facing the newer Flood forms that like to go up high and morph into stationary turrets. Makes things a bit more complicated, but not impossible. Fire works wonders. Try not to pop Carrier forms without some fire or a plasma grenade. The sudden influx of infection forms can be a pain when already swarmed by combat forms. I've only been killed once or twice by infection forms and both times left me feeling like a moron.


Anyway, sorry about my itty bitty lecture. The Flood aren't hard to beat, but finding that "sweet spot" in any given engagement where things become easier can be tricky.

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The Library on Legendary scarred me as a kid, so sorry no, I don't enjoy one bit playing against the Flood. Especially when its just Flood. Like that level on Halo 3 you went deep in to save Cortana. B*tch you better walk yourself out next time! But yeah, the Library was a big bother. Cause it was scary, and dark. Not compared to how bright the Halo games are these days. Even the Anniversary edition is brighter.

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Put it this way, Halo Reach campaign on Legendary, maybe a curse here and there as an elite roundhouses me. Halo 3 on Legendary during flood missions? Me screaming obscenities at my television while I am standing up running like a scared little girl on the game throwing grenades at random and praying for a decent shot threw the mission. -.-

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