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By Squally DaBeanz


Players: 4-8 Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KotH, Ricochet

Inheritor is a medium sized symmetrical map with a two base design. The map was designed with symmetrical objective gametypes in mind (especially Ricochet), and takes subtle design elements from Midship, The Pit, and Gemini.

The map is divided into five main areas: The two bases (Red and Blue), the upper platform (Gold), the middle atrium, and the outer balcony (Green). There are also various jumps throughout the map for quicker movement between areas. A majority of the jumps have been optimized for easy use.

Each base has a bridge leading into the middle atrium, a tunnel housing the sniper with a lift at the end, and two large ramps leading up to the lift exit. The upper area of each base leads into gold, while the doorway on the other end connects to the outer balcony. The outer balcony curves around the outside of the map, connecting the two bases and the middle atrium and houses a teleporter leading to gold. Gold is a large platform with a ramped structure dividing sightlines between each base landing, and has sightlines over the middle atrium. The middle atrium has two ramps leading to a floating middle platform, and two small balconies connecting to each base looking down on the platform.

A sword spawns on the middle platform and a rocket launcher spawns out on green, by the teleporter entrance. Each team gets a sniper off of spawn, with quick access to Gold via the lifts.
















Video Walkthrough:

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