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Halo: Origins (RP Thread)


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Two hours had passed. A large stack of firewood rested against the truck, and a moderately sized fire burned inside a circle of stones. The moon hung above the three guys high in the sky. They sat around the fire, basking in its glow and warmth.

"Hmm..." Walter scratched his chin. "How 'bout a creepy campfire story?"

"Ha! Nothing can creep me out!" Duke proclaimed. Frederik tapped Duke's other shoulder, the one farthest away from him. He yelped and twitched.

"Is that so?" Walter pulled out a cigarette from his shirt pocket, and proceeded to light it. He took a drag, then exhaled. "Back on Earth, long long ago, there were legends about forests... about forests just like this one..." he coughed. Duke gazed at the trees behind Walter. "People have been camping in the woods for thousands of years. First out of necessity, then because they wanted to. But throughout that time, they were rarely unarmed... we're no different." The three looked at the gun case in the back of the truck. "We don't know what's out there. Moa, Gúta, Squidfaces... there could be anything. Most of the time nothing will happen, but we never think that way..." he looked at the fire. "Even he might be out there waiting for us."

"Who?" Frederik asked.

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    Leanne looked at here phone for the time. 

    '7:12 PM.' She read mentally, sighing. 'Where is he?'

    It was already getting dark, the sun was passing the horizon, turning the sky to phase from a bright blue into layers of purple, pink, and a deteriorating shade orange. And with the sun's departure, the cold crept in, but Leanne knew the weather here, and brought a jacket.

    She checked again. 7:15 PM....  

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Ike and Buck arrived at a small base camp by one of the comm towers. "So, I'm guessing this is it? Ike asked, Buck answered "I think so, We are stopped, Arent we?" Ike thought about that for a moment and took it all in, The smell, The area, The weather... Everything. "Seems like a happy place to be, And there isn't even a war happening, Just nothing but dust." Buck turned his head and gave Ike a look. "Look man, I know you want some stories to go back with, Trust me. We'll get them somewhere. Either here, Or somewhere else." Ike nodded his head, Feeling a little confused. A fellow marine walked up, "Hello ODST's! How are you guys today?" Ike answered back, "I'm alright marine, You?" The marine smirked, "I'm a-okay sir. The commander wants us all over this way, I'll lead the way." Ike shrugged and followed the marine, Wondering what had happened.

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Walter tilted his head down towards the fire, giving his face a menacing appearance in the process. He paused. "I'm talking about... Slenderman."

"Slenderman?" Duke peeped.

"Slenderman?" Frederik asked. "Sounds like a superhero."

"Oh no, son," Walter replied grimly. "Slenderman is no hero..." He coughed, then continued speaking. "The legend goes that over five hundred years ago, back on Earth, a tall skinny figure started to appear in photos of children at play in parks in the ancient nations of Canada and the United States of America. He's said to be ten feet tall, with no face and tentacles stickin' out from his back!" Duke's eyes widened, and a frown grew on his face. Frederik appeared unfazed. "Things only got stranger from there..." Walter paused once again, looking around at the trees. "In the woods at night, much like this forest we're in, pages started to appear on random trees. Each one had words or pictures drawn in a panic. They would have 'no no no' written down, or show a tall creature in a suit without a face. If you tried to leave the forest, you'd get lost. The only way out was to grab all eight of the pages tacked up on trees."

"Grab pages to leave? Booooring!" Frederik blurted out.

"But when you grabbed one of the pages, you would start seeing Slenderman... and he would appear in random locations throughout the forest," he coughed, then continued. "You would see him sticking out from behind a tree, or by a river. You can never hear him move... he just appears out of thin air where you're never looking. You could look at a tree one second, turn around, and when you look at the same tree you were looking at before, he's there!" Walter said with a sudden jerk of his arms. Duke yelped. Frederik's eyes widened. "But you must never stare at him! If you do, he strikes... and you're never heard from again!" The two kids were gripped by terror. "If you can grab all eight pages, you are free to go from Slenderman's forest. But, the more pages you grab, the more often he appears!" He hesitated, and blinked a couple times. "No one ever made it out alive..." He waited again, then leaned back into his chair. "Oooor so the legend goes. No one ever knew what exactly started the legend..."

Walter got up, and stretched. "Well, I'm off to water a tree and then head off to bed." He wandered behind a few trees, beyond the reaches of the fire's glow. "Wait, what's that?" He waited. "IT'S HIM!" He let out a bloodcurdling scream, then fell to the ground.

The two kids shrieked, and fumbled into the tent. Walter laughed heartily as he returned to the camp. He unzipped the door to the tent, then crawled in. "You should've heard your screams!" He chuckled.

A yell in the distance echoed through the evergreens. Walter stopped laughing instantly. "What was that?! Slenderman?!" Frederik asked.

Walter put a finger up against his lips. Gunfire erupted. "Worse."

Edited by Maestro the Stampede
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  8:30.... PM..... Still no Taylor. Leanne began to get a bit worried. 'Why is he late?' She thought. 'He was always so serious, and never leaves or cancels anything without notice.'

  So in that case...He called her here, yet he did not show, call ahead, or mentioned absence. This inhabited her with a pinch of irritation.

  8:41... PM. Leanne breathed in, and sighed deeply. 

 "Damn it. Taylor" she said, getting up from the bench she was waiting on.

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After Ike had been on duty with Buck, He told him, "At least we got to do something man, We should hang out sometime." Buck responded. "Sure, If there isnt anything to deal with that is." Buck and Ike laughed a bit, And went separate ways for the time being. Ike had decided to go around and get to know the area. He was walking when he found a pier, He saw a sign. "Del...Angelo...Pier...? Never heard of that before.." He  decided to walk around in his ODST armor, Being he loved the suit so much... When he had noticed someone. He walked up and had said, "You okay ma'am? You look a bit troubled." Ike waited, Hoping he'd get a response. Maybe a new friend.

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"You guess? You look like you were either gonna break down or were just angry as you had just about left. But if you insist your alright, I should be on my way ma'am. Have a good night." Ike went to lean against a light pole that was close and couldn't exactly reach, Falling side ways onto the boardwalk. He got up and hit his helmet a few times. "Okay, Now I'll be leaving. Again, Have a good night."

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Waiting at the park for a few hours had irritated Joseph and so he began pacing around as if thinking.

"Dude, chill out, they'll be hear just calm down and have a drink....or two."  Jason called

"I can't help it you know how I am, and I am the designated driver I can't drink." he replied


"Hello?" he answered

There came the rapid breathing of Selen and explosions in the back ground.

"JOSEPH, You need to get back to the academy now."She demanded

"Selen slow down what is going on are you all right?" Joseph asked

"NO, you idiot the academy is under attack! Of course I am not all right!" Selen retorted

"What, bye who?!? When did this happen?!" Joseph asked fantically

"About an hour ago, I have been trying too reach you!" She told him

"Alright were on our way!"Joseph called to her

"Hurry!" she said and hung up

"Come on we need to do now!" Joseph ordered

"Whats going on?"William asked

"The academy is under attack that what is going on, now lets go!" He ordered again

As they began driving towards the academy the car begins break down

"WHAT! no no no NO!"Joseph cries

he gets out and checks what is wrong with the car

"F*ck me the car is out of gas!" Joseph yelled angrily

"Wow irony isn't it" Jason said jokingly

Joseph walks up to Jason and slams him up against the car


"Jeez sorry man, I was out of line." Jason apoligised

"No, I should be apologizing, its just that I can't do anything too help them thats all."Joseph told him

Turning too look out at the ocean to clear his mind and think he closes his eyes, he feels the cogs in his head turning trying to think of a way he can reach his friends.

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Ike turned around, "What's up?" He obviously was optimistic about almost everything, But sounded a little weird after he took a tip sideways. Ike asked, "Dont you work in the UNSC somewhere..?"

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"Occupation? Personally I don't prefer to die as an everyday hobby but... I have a friend there, Corporal Edward Buck. Nice guy, He has pretty much taught me everything I know when it comes to war. Even though I had just started not too long ago that is." Ike checked his VISR for the time, Not surprised about how time goes by so fast.

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   "Buck, huh?" Leanne said. "I was waiting for a friend of mine too. Haven't seen him in a long while."  

   She paused, looking at the ODST. He seemed to be looking at nothing in particular... most likely using the VISR for something. And knowing guys, it's nothing too interesting.

  "So... What was your name again?" She asked.

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"My name? Why, It's Ike! Ike Autumn, Rookie ODST. Surprisingly I haven't gotten killed yet. Whats yours?" Ike asked turning his VISR function off. He then checked his knife making sure it was sharp and checked his SMG.

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   'Ike... nice name.' She thought.

   "My name is Leanne." She answered, a bit mot shyly than originally intended. Then added; "Leanne Xandrovich."

   She watched him tinker with his weapons, a bit show-offingly, but again, guys are guys. The next couple minutes they spen walking in awkward silence, exchanging quiet looks at one another.

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Frederik, Duke, and Walter sat inside the large tent. Another gunshot rang out.

"Couldn't it be other people hunting?" Frederik asked.

"Could be," Walter whispered. "If they're hunting for trouble. Gúta come out at night, and usually make a ruckus past 25:00 until sunup... but it's only 22 o'clock right now."

"How close are they?" Duke squeaked.

Walter listened for any gunfire. "I'd say a few hundred metres away." The cacophony of noise erupted from an assault rifle for a second. "They can't see us," he said reassuringly. "Too many trees in the way."

An explosion rocked the distant woods. The three jumped. Duke hid in his sleeping bag. Walter stood up. "Get your stuff. We're leaving now."

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Ike had gotten news from Buck over Comms, He was needed. A wooded area sounded perfect to be fighting. "Sorry Leanne, Ma'am, Sir... I have to get to buck, Gun fire!" Ike turned around and full force sprinted toward his mongoose, Hopping on and going to the area. When he arrived, He noticed a few ODST's. He said hello and they said the hostiles were ahead. Ike, Being the Rookie decided to just go in, Knowing he can handle it. He noticed about five or six men, The only hostiles there. "Well damn, I thought this would've been more entertaining!" Ike ran into the pack of men, Wielding a combat knife and an SMG. Disabling all of them, He realized there were tents in the area, Not telling anyone else he had ran over to them, Making sure everyone was okay. He walked into the main tent, Three people. "Sorry to drop in here... I know, I love family quality time too, But is everyone here okay?" Ike probably looked as stupid as he thought, Not just to them but to Leanne. But he shook that feeling of stupidity off. Buck found Ike and said, "Nice strategy out there never se-..." Ike turned around "Yeah I know Buck, Pretty cool. I just found some campers, Good thing we cleared the area out." Buck laughed, "Campers? Are you sure that this is the best place to camp?" Ike looked down, Looking at his boots. He whispered. "Well.... F*ck...."

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Joseph and his friends had found a way to get to the academy, although riding in the back of a beat up truck...not very menacing. As they continued down the road at the truck top speed,surprisingly fast, he noticed that the there were gunfire in almost every corner of the wilderness.

"They must have some sort of Command nearby."Joseph wispered

The truck continued onward as they drew nearer the gunfire was getting thicker, Joseph could see troops firing at rebels in the trees.

"Damn we are no were near the academy either."

About thirty minutes later the truck stops.

"I can't take you any further, if I had my gun maybe. The fighting is getting too thick I don't want too risk losing my life. I have a family to get back to." The man told them

"Alright thanks for the ride, I couldn't ask you to go any further though either. I would be risking your life. Have a good day and get to to your family and protect them....do what I couldn't do with mine." Joseph whispered the last seven words

After that the man turned around and took off back down the road he came from. Heading in the opposite direction Joseph could see the academy approximately six miles away.

"Ehh not too far. Come on double-time ladies....We have lives to save." Joseph called to his friends

Sprinting down the road with his friends on his heels they reached the academy in no time. Pulling out his phone Joseph called Selen number.

"Kinda busy here, what is it." She said coldly

"I am here were are you?" he asked her

"Northeast side by the play grounds, Joseph hurry." She said desperatly

Now the 'playground' is really just were the NS1 go for training not a literal play ground, its called the play ground because if you have been there for more than two years it was like you playing on a play ground, not very tiring and fun.

As Joseph ran through the buildings to the barracks to change and grab supplies he sent William and Jason to Selen and Jack, and sent Sara to the medical center. Dressing in a fuss Joseph grabbed his DMR, magnum, and an SMG as a safety precaution. He ran to were Selen, Jason, William, and Jack were. They were the only ones holding the line all the other cadets have been shot, splattered, or incapacitated.

"Damn it, were is your back up?"Joseph said sliding into position to fire

"You were no else could be dispatched here, Joseph if they make it through the academy is finished." She said half heartedly

"Ahh, fu*ck, alright here is what we are going to do."Joseph called

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As the three guys frantically packed up their gear, Walter turned around to see an ODST standing at the door.

"Sorry to drop in here... I know, I love family quality time too, but is everyone here okay?" the armoured man asked.

"Nice strategy out there never se-..." another ODST walked in. Walter focused on the other soldier.

"Yeah I know Buck, Pretty cool. I just found some campers, good thing we cleared the area out," the first one replied. Frederik and Duke gazed at the soldiers.

The other one laughed, "Campers? Are you sure that this is the best place to camp?"

One of them looked down, looking at his boots. He whispered, "Well.... f*ck...."

Walter sighed. "You two done yammerin' yet?" he cleared his throat. "I'm Walter Kaiser. Boys, introduce yourselves to these fine gentlemen."

"I'm Frederik Kaiser," Frederik said.

"D-D-Duke van D-D-Duke," Duke peeped.

"We were resting up to go hunting tomorrow, when we heard gunfire a little while ago." He glanced at each one. "I guess you took care of it, didn't you...?" He looked at Buck's helmet. He could barely make out the man's face. "Buck?"

A sniper shot rang throughout the woods, followed by a plethora of other guns firing. "Let's get going, boys!"

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Ike looked at the man, "We have a pelican here to get you guys home safely, Your vehicle will be delivered home sir. Please, Take care." Ike moved out of the doorway, Revealing a pelican, Hot and ready to leave. Ike and Buck walked off and went back into the battle, Giving the family enough time to leave. "Damn it I hate rebels!!" Ike shouted, Picking up a shotgun with a few shots left. He charged in shooting at them, Knowing that rebels cant get back up, They arent wearing the best armor.

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