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Do you think Halo 5 will have MLG?

Ghost Recon

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  On 12/20/2013 at 7:23 AM, Ranger447 said:

Bnus you know I read you're post I have read everyone's post on here


Yes you make a point but the reason why the halo population was so low was because no MLG and lets face it Halo really was a failure I wish It did better but no CSR no MLG support sprint as default etc really did kill the game for many.


( in my option ) <  I am learning :D

Halo 4 was not a failure but it was a failure it terms of competitive support. The overall game however was very succesful and still has an active community regardless if it is smaller than Halo 3. 

You also forgot to include how lack of descoping upsetted many people as well. Probably just as much as sprint. 

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Bnus those were the ones that popped into my head at the moment but my point is Halo 4 was a failure in many ways but It is good that people give negative feedback because It will help 343i make Halo 5 into what Halo 4 should have been. :)



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  On 12/20/2013 at 2:19 PM, Ranger447 said:

Bnus those were the ones that popped into my head at the moment but my point is Halo 4 was a failure in many ways but It is good that people give negative feedback because It will help 343i make Halo 5 into what Halo 4 should have been. :)



Now that isn't an opinion that is a fact. Halo 5 will be better because of the outlash of Halo 4 but thank you saying it anyways.  :thumbsup:

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  On 12/20/2013 at 4:01 PM, Buns said:

Now that isn't an opinion that is a fact. Halo 5 will be better because of the outlash of Halo 4 but thank you saying it anyways.  :thumbsup:


I agree with you on that. Even with, or without MLG, it is likely that Halo Xbox One's population will be far higher than Halo 4's one. This is the game that people know will not disappoint them. Many are waiting.

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Bnus I agree because lets face it if 343i did make Halo 5 non completive terrible DLC support default sprint etc the Halo franchise would be done AND THAT IS A FACT ! with destiny titanfall all these new FPS would tear Halo a new one if this Halo 5 was the mess Halo 4 was the franchise would die and that would be than I don't think fans would put up with it again 343i need to get it right this time the franchise is at stake ! :)

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  On 12/20/2013 at 9:09 PM, Ranger447 said:

Bnus I agree because lets face it if 343i did make Halo 5 non completive terrible DLC support default sprint etc the Halo franchise would be done AND THAT IS A FACT ! with destiny titanfall all these new FPS would tear Halo a new one if this Halo 5 was the mess Halo 4 was the franchise would die and that would be than I don't think fans would put up with it again 343i need to get it right this time the franchise is at stake ! :)


Not sure about the franchise being at stake, I mean Halo 4 was pretty good, aside from some issues here or there. They know what their doing but if 343i do decide to dumb it down with competitive multiplayer, 343i might just be digging their grave. BUT, saying that 343i had, I guess you could say got in some professional MLG players to help out with weapon balancing and whatever else they did to make online the best of both worlds. Halo has always been about competitive gaming, well as time went on anyway, getting bigger and bigger. But, I agree, they really have to pull it all out of the bag with Halo 5.

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UNSC Spartan II what I mean is well 343i hyped up Halo 4 to oblivion so when it came out it was one big huge rushed mess it was a half done game and the whole thing felt like a Beta and some of the biggest things people asked for where not there and they did stupid stuff that messed with Halos formula along with weapons going to fast etc I could go on forever how bad Halo 4 was at launch granted some of that was fixed but these fixes came when 90 percent of the people who brought it if not more had lost interest and gone to play over games ......


So with that 343i kinda dug there grave with Halo 4 .....


So Halo 5 is coming out but what if it is a mess what if it is another half done mess well Halo is done AND THAT IS FACT ! :) 

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  On 12/21/2013 at 2:00 PM, Ranger447 said:

UNSC Spartan II what I mean is well 343i hyped up Halo 4 to oblivion so when it came out it was one big huge rushed mess it was a half done game and the whole thing felt like a Beta and some of the biggest things people asked for where not there and they did stupid stuff that messed with Halos formula along with weapons going to fast etc I could go on forever how bad Halo 4 was at launch granted some of that was fixed but these fixes came when 90 percent of the people who brought it if not more had lost interest and gone to play over games ......


So with that 343i kinda dug there grave with Halo 4 .....


So Halo 5 is coming out but what if it is a mess what if it is another half done mess well Halo is done AND THAT IS FACT ! :)

Ok while most of this is true 90 percent is so incorrect, I believe the population drop was 60 - 70 percent.

343i just dug their grave and they have one more shot to to cover it up.


Also even if Halo 5 is a mess a lot of people will like it and want another one so I don't think it will be done yet. People like weird games man. People are weird. 

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Just to add, I think MLG should have it's own playlist, so you can choose what type of MLG gametypes you'd want to play or/and can decide on which gametype you'd want to improve on. It would make it so much easier, I'm not all that big with the voting system, I understand why it's there, but I'd rather choose which type I want to play. Or maybe even adding both and making it work.

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  On 12/22/2013 at 9:38 PM, UNSC Spartan-II said:

My main point is that Halo does not at all need MLG to have a strong population. I would prefer Halo 5 to not have MLG just to see how it will get along but to be honest, we don't need them.

You say that but the numbers don't lie. MLG helps out tremendously and you cannot deny that because the overwhelming proof will consume you.

If anything Halo 5 should have MLG you know how amazing that would be for the competitive community? A bit selfish to not want in my opinion. 

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I'm not saying MLG doesn't help, I clearly stated that Halo doesn't need MLG to continue. I did not say I don't want MLG, I said that I would like to see how the next Halo game will get on without it. Halo 4 is not at all "done". Many people still play it and many love the game. Not everyone has Gold membership or Xbox Live to play online with other people though. Halo 4 is still alive without MLG. I know that MLG increases population and I never said they didn't, I would like to see how Halo gets along without them. They are not what makes Halo what it was, what it is, and what it's going to be. They only affect the population and not the game.

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Halo 4 is a dead game Halo 4 failed because it didn't support MLG go check Halo charts half the population went down in a very short time so yes we did see how Halo does without MLG and without MLG halo fails horribly. MLG is the backbone of Halo without it well that Halo game dosent do to well does it now. :) 

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  On 12/23/2013 at 4:21 PM, Ranger447 said:

Halo 4 is a dead game Halo 4 failed because it didn't support MLG go check Halo charts half the population went down in a very short time so yes we did see how Halo does without MLG and without MLG halo fails horribly. MLG is the backbone of Halo without it well that Halo game dosent do to well does it now. :)


I disagree with most things you said there. As I stated above, the population dies affect the actual game its self. You can't say Halo is not doing well if its population is low. Halo 4 is not a "dead" game, it has not failed. It is actually a very successful game. I already have seen the charts and have already said that I know that MLG make an impact on Halo's population. My main point is that MLG are not necessary to make Halo a good game.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 4:21 PM, Ranger447 said:

Halo 4 is a dead game Halo 4 failed because it didn't support MLG go check Halo charts half the population went down in a very short time so yes we did see how Halo does without MLG and without MLG halo fails horribly. MLG is the backbone of Halo without it well that Halo game dosent do to well does it now. :)

You do the reason people left Halo 4 was because how unbalanced it was at the beginning right? Halo 4 didn't fail because of lack of MLG it failed because lack of polish. 

Also the game isn't even dead you're not playing Halo 4 so you have no right whatsoever to say that. 


Also MLG doesn't bring polish. Look at how unbalanced CoD is and that is the main game for MLG. 

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Bnus / UNSC Spartan II ....


Go over to Halo charts and check the Halo 4 numbers almost Half if not Half went within the first week ( I could be wrong but that is what I remember ) But Halo 4 was a failed yes 343i patched it but I was to late most had left because of polish or no MLG support I do think 343i can learn and make Halo 5 what Halo 4 should have been. :)

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  On 12/24/2013 at 6:38 AM, Ranger447 said:

Bnus / UNSC Spartan II ....


Go over to Halo charts and check the Halo 4 numbers almost Half if not Half went within the first week ( I could be wrong but that is what I remember ) But Halo 4 was a failed yes 343i patched it but I was to late most had left because of polish or no MLG support I do think 343i can learn and make Halo 5 what Halo 4 should have been. :)

Ok what you just said made little sense.


But thank you for proving my point anyways. Halo 4 didn't fail because of lack of MLG support, but here is the thing. Halo 4 didn't fail.


You need to know what it means for a game to "fail" when a game fails it means there won't be another one like it and no support for said game. 

Halo 4 had support and there is going to another Halo. So no Halo 4 did NOT fail. Halo 4 just had a terrible launch and couldn't support the population like previous Halo's. That is NOT failing. 

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Bnus halo 4 did not do as well as 343i had expected but really I don't think it was there fault to begin no Halo dev would want to launch a game that un polished no 1 to 50 so my guess is the scumbags at Microsoft wanted the max profit so they rushed the game out the door and scarred the Halo franchise. :(


BTW instead of fail then I say Halo 4 didn't preform as 343i expected it to < not like it was there fault but I do wish they pumped out the updates faster. :)

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  On 12/24/2013 at 9:34 AM, Ranger447 said:

Bnus halo 4 did not do as well as 343i had expected but really I don't think it was there fault to begin no Halo dev would want to launch a game that un polished no 1 to 50 so my guess is the scumbags at Microsoft wanted the max profit so they rushed the game out the door and scarred the Halo franchise. :(


BTW instead of fail then I say Halo 4 didn't preform as 343i expected it to < not like it was there fault but I do wish they pumped out the updates faster. :)

Now that is correct but Halo 4 was the best selling Halo game. Microsoft did rush them which is sad so Halo 4 wasn't as well recieved as expected. 

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  On 12/24/2013 at 6:14 PM, Buns said:

Now that is correct but Halo 4 was the best selling Halo game. Microsoft did rush them which is sad so Halo 4 wasn't as well recieved as expected. 


True. They have given them a set date for Halo Xbox One and that is 2014.  If 343i want to, they could make Halo 2 Anniversary in 2014 and make Halo Xbox One in 2015. Unfortunately that is not up to them, it's up to Microsoft.

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