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Silent Orbis

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Okay guys.. this may be a little awkward... I need your help. I used to game quite a bit. I had PS One (it wasn't exactly my OWN, more of my dad just playing now and then) , and I played rated C games when I was three! :awesome: Then, I got a PS2 when I was five, and I used to get all 'dem rated E games. I actually had that PS2 for %80 percent of the generation of Xbox 360 and PS3. Then, in 2010, we got a 360, just for Kinect, because we were "decieved" by MS. Anyway, the main point of that was casual/fmily gaming. But it did eventually evolve into me becoming a core gamer; straight-up. Then my dad saw that I was playing it too much and added restraints. I was... a bit mischievous. I found my way around tht time limit system on the Xbox 360. Regardless, my dad found out- of course. That cycle went on over and over, where he kept on setting a new password. Finally, he got rid of those time restrictions. And, he actually randomly decided to get me a 3 month Xbox Live gold membership. Then after it expired, he wouldn't renew it since I spent too much time on it. Then he eventually sold it, because I still did spend quite a bit time on it. It's been almost a year now since I haven't had a game console at all. No gaming. Nothing. Just been watching TV. Now the Xbox One is coming out, and my dad preordered it for me as a surprise, because I was spending my summer doing a very academic thing, which he was SO proud of. He was happy with me. Then he showed me the pre order receipt. Apparently, he started noticing me becoming unwise with time again. So he said that he cancelled it. Now, I'm not sure if that's true and he'll surprise me. There IS a chance. But I think he's being legit here. Any advice folks? Any advice on how I can convince him to get me one? I don't have an allowance, or anything, etc., and I can't JUST convince him. I've already tried. He already knows about all the smart glass, TV, etc. features and he doesn't care. I've also told him that maybe I could get some sort of reasonable schedule going, where if I don't obey I get the Xbox taken away or something. I don't know, but I know my self. I HAVE matured a lot, and I am willing to follow contraints, and a schedule, without any issue. But.., is it too late for my parent's to understand this?

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Okay guys.. this may be a little awkward... I need your help. I used to game quite a bit. I had PS One (it wasn't exactly my OWN, more of my dad just playing now and then) , and I played rated C games when I was three! :awesome: Then, I got a PS2 when I was five, and I used to get all 'dem rated E games. I actually had that PS2 for %80 percent of the generation of Xbox 360 and PS3. Then, in 2010, we got a 360, just for Kinect, because we were "decieved" by MS. Anyway, the main point of that was casual/fmily gaming. But it did eventually evolve into me becoming a core gamer; straight-up. Then my dad saw that I was playing it too much and added restraints. I was... a bit mischievous. I found my way around tht time limit system on the Xbox 360. Regardless, my dad found out- of course. That cycle went on over and over, where he kept on setting a new password. Finally, he got rid of those time restrictions. And, he actually randomly decided to get me a 3 month Xbox Live gold membership. Then after it expired, he wouldn't renew it since I spent too much time on it. Then he eventually sold it, because I still did spend quite a bit time on it. It's been almost a year now since I haven't had a game console at all. No gaming. Nothing. Just been watching TV. Now the Xbox One is coming out, and my dad preordered it for me as a surprise, because I was spending my summer doing a very academic thing, which he was SO proud of. He was happy with me. Then he showed me the pre order receipt. Apparently, he started noticing me becoming unwise with time again. So he said that he cancelled it. Now, I'm not sure if that's true and he'll surprise me. There IS a chance. But I think he's being legit here. Any advice folks? Any advice on how I can convince him to get me one? I don't have an allowance, or anything, etc., and I can't JUST convince him. I've already tried. He already knows about all the smart glass, TV, etc. features and he doesn't care. I've also told him that maybe I could get some sort of reasonable schedule going, where if I don't obey I get the Xbox taken away or something. I don't know, but I know my self. I HAVE matured a lot, and I am willing to follow contraints, and a schedule, without any issue. But.., is it too late for my parent's to understand this?


Hopefully he is tricking you to make you work harder this happened to my friend before and now he has got a ps3 that's my guess anyway. :thumbsup:

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I've been in your situation.


Maybe not to the same extremes, but somewhat similar. Anyway, gaming's the only real thing I can do. Also, I achieve fairly well in terms of academics, which always pleases the dads. I'd say you should work hard at school, try get good grades, then show him your results. The fact that I'm also apart of a large-ish YouTube channel, as well as staff on this forum, was also a good way for me to get my dad to loosen restraints.


I still have to get off by 6pm, but other than that I'm basically allowed online as much as I like. Right now though, I barely even touch the console, since I have so much editing to do and I've gotten bored of the games I currently own.


So I don't really have any tips for you, sorry. I just had to work it out for myself, so I guess you'll have to do the same. You could have a go at asking the dads of this forum though.


Good luck with your endeavours.

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well i have restraints on my wii and computer and last year i screwed up and wasn't allowed to play computer til the year ended. only way i pulled through that was this forum and you guys. any ways i wasn't allowed computer or wii for half a school year and i barely did anything bad. i just stayed up too late before a cross country meet. i guess what im trying to say is, is that its a parents way of teaching you and all of us a lesson about how we use our gaming systems. just talk to your dada bout restrictions and if you disobey them or other rules you lose it for however long they find it reasonable. so just keep doing what you were doing before and don't let the gaming get to you or distract you from what you are supposed to do. happened to me and i was punished for it. so just do what you did before.

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Just work as hard as you can at school and tell him you're willing to follow time constraints and no gaming till all the homework is done, etc. 
I wouldn't tell him this because he probably won't believe you, but gaming is known to improve problem solving skills, and make people happier which in turns grants more grades. I play games a lot, but I still get As and Bs. No Cs whatsoever. There needs to be a balance between work and play or else your life can be miserable, best of luck getting it back my best advice is to just keep working hard and make it seem like you're not even affected by him not getting you one so that means don't beg or complain to him about it because that is immature(I am pretty sure you dont do that but still)  Just ask nicely for it 

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I can't get a job.

Even if I bought my own, guess what? I live under my dad's rules; he'll find a way to get rid of it.

My grades are fair enough for my dad to be happy.

He just doesn't trust me with time, or a schedule anymore.

Plus, it's confirmed to be cancelled.

No surprises...

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Make sure you balance your time playing and your time doing Chores/schoolwork/other things.


If you don't give your dad a reason to want to take it, he won't. You just gotta roll with it.


You might not get to play as often as you'd like, but it's better than never playing at all.

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Make sure you balance your time playing and your time doing Chores/schoolwork/other things.


If you don't give your dad a reason to want to take it, he won't. You just gotta roll with it.


You might not get to play as often as you'd like, but it's better than never playing at all.

That's what I'm trying to tell him...

He's loosening up a little though.

I guess the best I can do, is just keep at it.

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Don't give up he or you will give in eventually but make sure it isn't you... he just wants what is best for you and his mind set is that gaming isn't all bad in moderation. If you can show him through other acts that you do showing you can manage time he will listen up. Just have a heart to heart conversation about it and maybe you both will walk out of the room with different points of view...trust me I went through the same thing and even if it is a little embarrassing to talk to him it will get better as the conversation goes on...

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That's what I'm trying to tell him...

He's loosening up a little though.

I guess the best I can do, is just keep at it.

exactly i cant play video games for a long time because of what happened to me last year. i just stopped in general and i am a little disappointed. because of it i dont play halo anywhere as much as i used to. so in a way it helped me and im thank ful but now im not use to the halo mouse sensitivity so i don't play it as much as i used to. also what Jam said


and not only that but it will make you guys closer than you are now

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