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Vetranarian's day

Snipe MD

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Hey Hey, im back! SNIP3m101 here with this weeks...you know what? Im just not going to even call it that anymore. so...so what do I do, just read the last line...yea I just... OK...





Hey Hey,  im back! SNIP3m101 here with another totally epic awesome post...yea I think that sounds better.  For those of you who don't know already (although you should), this upcoming Monday, we celebrate Vetranarian's day! During that day, we force  vetranarians to work twice as long for half the pay...wait, what...thats not the right day?...then what day is it?... veteran's day?! oh, for the love of g...



TAKE THREE! (sigh)



This upcoming Monday, we celebrate veteran's day, and what better way to do that than by spending all day on a first-party forum typing out messages, right?...not really.


But in all seriousness, have a safe and happy veteran's day, and i hope to see you on the forums, but until next time, have a totally epic awesome day (Iv'e got to think of a new praise)


​Typing a pre-recorded message,


SNIP3m101 - (OK, seriously! there doesn't need to be a cheap joke here! Im not telling you guys were i'm @, Im sick of this, Im going home! I WON'T BE PART OF THE MACHINE!


SNIP3m101 will return in "For your forum's only"     

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