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Create a classic mode in Halo 5 for multiplayer


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If you guys insist on going down the path of perks and armor abilities and call ins, can you at least put in a mode in multiplayer called classic? Have the weapons spawn in static locations, everyone starts with the same two weapons. No extra abilities ect. Basically halo 3's rules but on the new maps.


I like halo 3's time to kill, and I spent more time in that fps than any other one I ever played. Sure I sucked at first but I kept playing and got better and better. Halo 4 seemed really fast time to kill, like as fast as call of duty. I want to be able to react and dive behind something, and possibly pull out a kill. Not whoever sees who first wins.

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If you guys insist on going down the path of perks and armor abilities and call ins, can you at least put in a mode in multiplayer called classic? Have the weapons spawn in static locations, everyone starts with the same two weapons. No extra abilities ect. Basically halo 3's rules but on the new maps.


I like halo 3's time to kill, and I spent more time in that fps than any other one I ever played. Sure I sucked at first but I kept playing and got better and better. Halo 4 seemed really fast time to kill, like as fast as call of duty. I want to be able to react and dive behind something, and possibly pull out a kill. Not whoever sees who first wins.

Halo 4s time to kill is literally identicals to Halo 3. Just better hitscan(in Halo 4)

If you're going to compare the time to kill to Call Of Dutys then I have strong reason to believe you're playing swat. 

Anyways there is this playlist called "Throwdown" it is all the way at the bottom and it follows competitive Halo 4 settings, that means static weapons, same starting weapons, No AAs unless through personal Ordinance(which is actually really balanced) There is also "legendary" game variants in some playlist. I don't know which playlist but something like legendary slayer follows a very classic Halo 3 feel.

Team Throwdown is not for the easy so be prepared to bring your top game, have fun! 

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Must be the better hitscan then, Maybe they could turn hitscan into a bullet calculation since the new boxes will have more power, or since they will have dedicated servers have the server calculate it. 


I did not know about those modes in halo 4 I only get to play it at my brothers house because I haven't had a 360 for a few years, but I am getting the xbox one, two more weeks... 


I hope they keep that in the playlist then, or if they beta test halo 5 have one playlist of each and see which gets the most play and put more time into that mode of multiplayer. In my eyes no load outs and all that extra stuff will make this more of a skill game, and it will be different from the crowd too. Make yourself different by making up new things to do and new modes of play in multiplayer not by taking stuff from other games.


Who knows maybe I am just an old fart set in my ways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like a classic match though keep sprinting but besides that no armor abilities. Also no loadouts because while its nice to always have your favorite gun it was always great to have to adapr to the weapons around you. Don't get me wrong I like the new direction just keep some of the old style too.

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If you guys insist on going down the path of perks and armor abilities and call ins, can you at least put in a mode in multiplayer called classic? Have the weapons spawn in static locations, everyone starts with the same two weapons. No extra abilities ect. Basically halo 3's rules but on the new maps.


I like halo 3's time to kill, and I spent more time in that fps than any other one I ever played. Sure I sucked at first but I kept playing and got better and better. Halo 4 seemed really fast time to kill, like as fast as call of duty. I want to be able to react and dive behind something, and possibly pull out a kill. Not whoever sees who first wins.


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