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Forge Fundamentals - Spawning


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I did not write this article. Forge Fundamentals is brought to you by a Chunk of Halo Evolved. I posted this here with Chunk's permission. 




"Forge Fundamentals will consist of numerous articles, and cover all aspects of forge. The first series of articles will systematically review the fundamentals of constructing good maps, beginning at the idea stage, ending at a finalized map, and discussing everything that should be considered in between those two stages. The core concepts that will be discussed are essential aspects of any solid forge map, and should always be fresh in our minds."
Forge Fundamentals is brought to you by a Chunk of Halo Evolved. Check them out here.
"At first glance, placing spawns seems like a simple endeavor. Just place spawn points around the map, right? If only it were that easy. Sometimes poor spawning alone can mean the demise of a map.
The goal of this article is to go over some of the fundamentals of creating an effective spawn system to maximize the potential of a competitive map."
Starting Spawns
"When it comes to placing initial spawns, there are no absolutes . There are, however, some good guidelines that can be followed which have proven to work well. When placing initial spawn points, both teams should be placed on equal ground whenever possible. 
Spawning one team closer to a power weapon or power position than the other team can end up being the difference in who wins the game. On symmetrical maps, initial spawns should be placed in identical positions on either side of the map.
On asymmetrical maps, starting spawn locations should be balanced, inasmuch as it's possible, taking into account things like power weapon placements, power position locations, and any other factors that may provide an advantage."
"The best location for a respawn point is in a relatively well protected area - placing them near or directly behind cover is always a good policy. A player should never spawn out in the open without the ability to reach a protected area before dieing.
Giving players a fighting chance should be a top priority. The positioning of respawn points is not the only factor to consider - the orientation of spawns (which direction they face) is equally important. A player that spawns facing a wall can find it very disorienting.
Anyone who has spawned looking at a wall, turned right and left in an attempt to ascertain their location, and then died before even having a chance to move should understand the importance of orienting respawn points correctly. Aiming spawn points so that players will spawn looking at main pathways or open areas of the map is of the utmost importance."
"There are many theories about how respawn points should be dispersed throughout a map. Those theories can range from using every respawn point available, to severely limiting the number of respawn points.
There are many factors which may go into deciding which strategy is best for a particular map."
This article was written by a Chunk of Halo Evolved. I posted this here with his permission. Read the entire article here.


Edited by Zandril
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