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Hello Bruce, it's awesome that you have a clan and it's even better that you're trying to grow it, but I'm not really sure I understand what the clan is about.


Maybe you could help me (along with other curious members) understand your clan a little better.


Perhaps you could tell us what games your clan plays, if you're a competitive clan or more of a casual clan, or why your clan's name is "Republican Clan."


All of those would be really helpful for myself other members to better understand you and your clan.


Good Luck Recruiting! :)

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well beckon thx for asking, this clan is about disablement training and war   

the rules for this clan are

1. disobey an commanders order u will be killed

2. kill an team mate or commander with out being told to kill them u will be demoted or kicked

more rules coming soon maby 

and also in this clan u will be tested on your killing, driving, sniping, flying and assassination skills to see if your the best. if u fail i dont care just dont die in war 

the games this clan will be in are halo 4 and reach 

there will be meetings too for members and commanders, to see who we will be going into war with

new rules

3. you will always call me sir Bruce

4.you will call the commanders sir too

5.when in battle always say " FOR NARNIA!!!!!" because were like that 

and that is basically it, if u have eny more questions PM me, or email me at [email protected]  

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