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Playstation 4 or Xbox one ?

Caboose The Ace

Xbox one or Playstation 4  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. I Support the ....

    • Xbox one
    • Playstation 4

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This is a topic that I have thought about doing for a long time but I think the time is right to make this.

I want to see what is more popular on this site although this being a site built around halo so I would guess the Xbone would win but who knows maybe it is close ? so remember to vote and if you want to post why you support the Xbone or ps4.


My Reasons to get a PS4 :
( Something I never thought I would do )


1 PSN is cheaper than Xbox live

2 PSN is giving out free games right now the start

3 The psvita can connect to the PS4 and so you can get a triple A experience in a handheld

4 The PS4 seems more focused on the games

5 The duelshock 4 has a toutchpad and a cool light on the top

6 No Kinect bundled with it the PS camera is separate

7 The PS4 is 100 pounds / dollars cheaper than the Xbone

8 The PS4 has tons of awesome games out for it or coming out including infamous second son and killzone shadow fall

9 It is the most powerful console out there ( apart from the ouya that thing is next level  :troll: ) 

10 I know this is a minor thing but the ps4 looks spacey and awesome while the Xbone looks like the same huge brick the Xbox 360 was but cleaned up a tad and the xbone still comes with the HUGE !!! power brick

11 Lots of excusive content for games such as assassins creed and watch dogs and destiny  

12 You don't need a PSN membership to stream games or play free to play games like planet side 2



Edited by Caboose the Ace
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I could counter lots of these points. I personally prefer the Xbox One. I think it has better exclusive games. There is also lots of exclusive content on Xbox. The main reason is because of Halo. :) I prefer the Xbox controller over the PS controller. My vote is for the Xbox One. ;) You seemed really bias, usually the original post wouldn't be biased because other people would feel more comfortable sharing their opinion if it isn't. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.

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I could counter lots of these points. I personally prefer the Xbox One. I think it has better exclusive games. There is also lots of exclusive content on Xbox. The main reason is because of Halo. :) I prefer the Xbox controller over the PS controller. My vote is for the Xbox One. ;) You seemed really bias, usually the original post wouldn't be biased because other people would feel more comfortable sharing their opinion if it isn't. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.


Don't worry I have looked at both sides at if I am honest was close to getting a Xbone but in the end it did what was best for me it is all down to option really. :)

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Don't worry I have looked at both sides at if I am honest was close to getting a Xbone but in the end it did what was best for me it is all down to option really. :)


Sounds fair. :) I have no option really because I will never leave Halo 4. ;) Even if that means paying more money. The Xbox One is actually pretty good. It got a lot of criticism during E3 but it's actually a really good console itself. :)

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Its nice that no one is starting a flame war here because arguing would just be pointless as no console is superior then the other. it's all a matter of opinion.
As for me. I am getting both, the only reason you should ever get a console is for the exclusives. If you really want to game for power and you could care less about exclusives then PC is no doubt the way to go. 
I like the PS4 and Xbox One both are good and both offer different unqiue experiences. Although I am VERY conflicted on which console to get first. Probably PS4 since exclusive Destiny beta access, but I recently got the chance to play Killzone Shadow Fall only to find out it was an extremely generic but visually gorgeous and atmospheric shooter. It was good but nothing amazing  which is not a sole reason worth getting a PS4 in my opinion. Knack was also meh I liked the art direction but gameplay could have been better. If you really want a good 3D platformer just go get a Wii U and 3DS. 

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Here are the reasons why I like the Xbox One:

The exclusives look better in my opinion. Titanfall, Ryse, Halo, Dead Rising 3.

Kinect - While most will disagree, the Kinect does look pretty useful as you can use it to Skype, redeem codes and we never know, they might even put some good games out for it :)

More features - "Xbox One is no longer a games console, but now an entertainment system" - Most PS4 fans. Me: "Since when is more features a bad thing? I don't know about you, but I like convenience."

Xbox Live - I prefer Xbox Live over PSN. While it is more expensive, I just prefer the service. Also, there hasn't been any major XBL hacks, unlike that infamous PSN hack which lasted a few months (correct me if I'm wrong) and personal details were stolen. There's no way I'm trusting this network.

Company - People bash Microsoft for trying to include DRM policies for Xbox One, yet Sony planned to do the same thing, but they saw the negative feedback of Microsoft's reveal and decided to cover up. Sony are just taking advantage of every drawback of the Xbox One, they're becoming the new Apple.

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May I?


Oh I shouldn't...





This is a topic that I have thought about doing for a long time but I think the time is right to make this.

I want to see what is more popular on this site although this being a site built around halo so I would guess the Xbone would win but who knows maybe it is close ? so remember to vote and if you want to post why you support the Xbone or ps4.


My Reasons to get a PS4 :
( Something I never thought I would do )


1 PSN is cheaper than Xbox live

And is less reliable  and not as secure as Xbox Live is, and the fee is not that much. $60/12 = $5 so $5 Dollars a month... We can go ever further with this too! For the month of February, (least amount of Days) you have $5/28(days) = 0.178  so lets round up. 0.18 cents per day. Lets go just a little bit further shall we? For every hour in a day you are paying 3/4 of a penny to own Xbox Live.... To me... that is worth having decent security on my online account.


2 PSN is giving out free games right now the start

And the key words are "Right now the start". Just because they are giving away free games now, does not mean they will also keep doing so as time progresses. I bet that they will do the same thing Microsoft did with some of it's best selling games for the Xbox 360. They do it for a period of time and then stop.


3 The psvita can connect to the PS4 and so you can get a triple A experience in a handheld

And virtually any smartphone and tablet can connect to Xbox Live via Smartglass and give you added content to what you are watching, listening to, and playing. With PSN you are limited to one device.... and a Sony Ericsson phone.


4 The PS4 seems more focused on the games

And the Xbox is not? I believe at E3 they displayed multiple games (exclusives) that would be released with Xbox that look incredible! Xbox one not only focused on games, they took it a step further and integrated movies, internet, Television, music, and so much more so that you could do both things without having to give one up. imagine your favorite TV show comes on while you are in the middle of racing around your favorite track, or playing on your favorite campaign level in Destiny and you don't want to stop... with Xbox One, you don't have to... you can do both at the same time!


5 The duelshock 4 has a toutchpad and a cool light on the top

And how long will it be before developers get tired of making use of that touch pad? Touch pads in gaming have not worked out that well except on mobile devices like the Nintendo DS. The Wii U flopped with trying to integrate a touch screen controller. 


I'll give the cool light to ya...


6 No Kinect bundled with it the PS camera is separate

And that will limit the features your console can do. If you want some of those added features they advertised at Gamescon and E3 then you need that camera which is a direct copycat of the old version of Kinect. Microsoft includes the Kinect so that you don't have to wonder where all your features are and why you can't do certain things... they don't leave you hanging dry. They add a feature to the console that will help improve it. They also said that you don't have to use it at all. But you have it for later use anyways.


7 The PS4 is 100 pounds / dollars cheaper than the Xbone

Look at my response to #6. Kinect for the Xbox 360 was priced right around $120-$150 US pricing. The highest price Xbox System was right at $400. Technically speaking, the Xbox One is less than the Xbox 360 + Kinect combined! That extra $100 essentially pays for a cheaper version of Kinect. 

If you were to add on the PS4 camera (described in comment #6) you would be adding $60-$80+ to your overall price.


8 The PS4 has tons of awesome games out for it or coming out including infamous second son and killzone shadow fall

And so does the Xbox One, Titanfall, Ryse, HALO, Dead Rising 3,  Forza Motorsports 5, Quantum Break, Project spark and so much more!  


9 It is the most powerful console out there ( apart from the ouya that think is next level  :troll: ) 
And technically speaking the Xbox One is just as powerful, just because the game resolution is limited now, it does not mean that MS can not patch it with an update. Microsoft has made HUGE strides to ensure you enjoy their console, and I am sure they will keep improving on what they are doing.


10 I know this is a minor thing but the ps4 looks spacey and awesome while the Xbone looks like the same huge brick the Xbox 360 was but cleaned up a tad and the xbone still comes with the HUGE !!! power brick. 

And that just means this console requires more power thus it could mean it is the most powerful... or it has the potential to be even more powerful than the PS4. Think about that. 


11 Lots of excusive content for games such as assassins creed and watch dogs and destiny  

And Xbox One will also end up getting that same content. Just like Xbox One is getting first dibs on all COD: Ghost content before PS4, Destiny and AC: IV will feature the same content sooner or later. 


12 You don't need a PSN membership to stream games or play free to play games like planet side 2

And I believe(not 100% sure) Twitch TV is already built into the Xbox One so you can stream in HD with potentially no problems (if not, it is still easy to steam your gaming either way). Then a good question for PS4 is this: How many people will be playing the F2P games when most of the online base will be playing games like Destiny, DOC, AC, and other similar games that are not F2P?







There. All done! :)


My responses are in Yellow. ;)

And these are all simply a matter of my opinion. 

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*I do not have a right to force my opinion on anyone, nor do I want, or intend to.*

I always thought Xbox One was better because of the exclusives. The exclusives are great in quantity, and fairly enough; quality. But one thing that really ticked me off was graphics, and the eery feeling of being watched by Kinect. I know, I'm not doing anything wrong, but I can't get over it. Regardless, when you read information about something, you treat it differently. Sure, Xbox One has exclusives. I have a PS4, and guess what - I don't feel left out. In fact, I'm not going to be a loner on PSN anymore, because I've made an impact on my friends. They now open their eyes to realize that Xbox isn't the only option. Back to my point, exclusives aren't as important as they seem. I have SO much fun, even without exclusives. Third party titles are so fun, even without exclusivity. Other than that, entertainment is something the PS4 doesn't really lack, even compared to Xbox One. And, you may not know it, PS4 is family oriented as the Xbox One is. PS4 manages to fill in the gap between between hardcore gamers versus the family. Do what you think is right. Personally, I'd recommend the PS4 after being a proud owner that is not disappointed. Hey, I'll add you if you buy one. ;)

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*I do not have a right to force my opinion on anyone, nor do I want, or intend to.*

I always thought Xbox One was better because of the exclusives. The exclusives are great in quantity, and fairly enough; quality. But one thing that really ticked me off was graphics, and the eery feeling of being watched by Kinect. I know, I'm not doing anything wrong, but I can't get over it. Regardless, when you read information about something, you treat it differently. Sure, Xbox One has exclusives. I have a PS4, and guess what - I don't feel left out. In fact, I'm not going to be a loner on PSN anymore, because I've made an impact on my friends. They now open their eyes to realize that Xbox isn't the only option. Back to my point, exclusives aren't as important as they seem. I have SO much fun, even without exclusives. Third party titles are so fun, even without exclusivity. Other than that, entertainment is something the PS4 doesn't really lack, even compared to Xbox One. And, you may not know it, PS4 is family oriented as the Xbox One is. PS4 manages to fill in the gap between between hardcore gamers versus the family. Do what you think is right. Personally, I'd recommend the PS4 after being a proud owner that is not disappointed. Hey, I'll add you if you buy one. ;)

After reading this. This doesnt even seem like an opinion you just sound really happy to have a PS4. Which is always good! 

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May I?


Oh I shouldn't...






There. All done! :)


My responses are in Yellow. ;)

And these are all simply a matter of my opinion. 




Very interesting I admit It got me thinking


1 That may be true but who knows what Sony has in store maybe PSN if finally up to par with Xbox live


2 That I can say they did not do or if they did they did less of it I remember seeing a AD saying join PSN and get assassins creed 3 for free

3 The psvita is the most advanced handheld out there right now


4 Good point but I would say still sony do support games more for example when on the xbone start screen all these options come up such as Skype TV store etc Sony gets you right into the games and if you want to go watch TV on you're PS4 you can do that ( my point is non games stuff is not in you're face all the time


5 The touchpad is a interesting idea as for example in killzone shadow fall you have a drone with you called owl and you can command owl using the touchpad and so it frees up the dpad for another use and the light bar can display you're health if you are wounded for example or you're ammo is low by going a different colour


6 Now this is a big one for me .... Yes but think about it would you rather have the Kinect or not would you rather have 100 dollars in you're pocket or not my point is that some people don't want the Kinect but are forced to pay for it because the xbone comes with it the PS4 gives you choice the PS camera is not forced on you can if you get the killzone shadow bundle the includes a PS4 a copy of killzone shadow fall 2 controllers and a PS camera for the xbone is what great value


7 I kind of covered that one


8 PlayStation had some awesome games as well such as ( if you are no a pc gamer planeside 2 ) knack drive club infamous second son killzone shadow fall the order 1886 and uncharted ( that's all I can think of at the moment ) technically Titian fall is on pc


9 Maybe you are right on this one maybe you are not we just have to wait and find out


10 This point was about the design and the thing the always makes me laugh is that the xbone still comes with a huge power brick it hilarious I think 


11 Nope that is not true all this watch dogs / Assassins creed / destiny content has been confirmed to be only on PlayStation


12 Planetside 2 is a good game and also some people cannot afford PSN so if they want online gaming there you go 



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You can not record the x-box or Ps4 as easily as you could with the ps3 and x-box 360, I dont even think you can, the only way is by recording your tv (adds bad quality)


Streaming services are built into the Xbox one and PS4 and it is super easy and still looks great. :)

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