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Message from Onsokumaru and Ninjas


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Hello everyone! Onsokumaru here with a message to the community! Lately the Ninjas and I have been discussing our plans for our seasonal event, and we are inviting you! The 343i Community to join us in our seasonal event! On behalf of the Ninja Organization  we happy to announce our seasonal event....


                                                     Ninjas VS 343i Forums




Now you may be wondering what this is? Well this is a small Tournament we out together every season and lucky for you this is our Fall - Winter Event! Now you must be wondering how this works, well its going to be me and 3 of my elite Ninjas against you the community forum in a HALO 4 match! Well to finish off time to announce the date! This is still to be announced but the Ninjas have brought up a point on scheduling it on the somewhere between November 24-30, remember the date is to be announced so we will try to keep you updated! Well thanks for reading and we hope to see you there! If your interested or have any questions leave a comment below! :D

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What's the specifics to the tournament style?

Ah I am glad you asked friend! Well in detail we have decided to do 3 to 5 games on the MAJOR MAPS. Each 2 rounds each with 1 point per kill. And the game variants may very as we are mostly focusing on Team Slayer and or Infinity Slayer, but we may also do Team Snipers (if time). But this is still a to be announced event full details will be announced as soon as possible! :D  

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Seems interesting. :) When do you think we will receive a date and time for this event? Tomorrow it's the 24th. Will we receive any information any time soon?

Glad you asked Friend! :D tomorrow there is a chance info might be up latest info will me maybe Monday or Tuesday! Depending if and information comes up :P  

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